proposal development Checklist


Ideally, the planning for your embedded course will begin at least a year in advance.  In order to finalize your syllabus, plan an accurate and efficient budget, coordinate site visits, invite guest lecturers, secure housing arrangements, and recruit students, program leaders will need to invest significant time and energy into the planning process.  Please review the suggested program development timeline and the proposal submission deadlines.

Some of our processes and timelines have changed to help better manage embedded programs and support student recruitment. Please note our deadlines are earlier this academic year to better match the Penn State registration calendar and provide travelers more time in their pre-departure requirements. The information will be updated regularly based on current conditions and you will be responsible for reviewing the details and understanding the implications for your program and making the necessary changes. 

To begin your embedded program proposal, please visit our Education Abroad website and select ‘Start Proposal’. You will need to login to your Penn State access account and select the appropriate term for your program travel. 

The Customized Programs team remains available to address questions, hold individual meetings, and will facilitate information sessions/roundtable discussions throughout the program planning process. Please reach out for more information whenever necessary. Penn State Global Customized Programs team:

18-10 months before departure:

10-6 months before departure:

6-3 months before departure:

3-2 months before departure:

2-1 month(s) before departure:

1-4 weeks before departure:

after program:

picture of clear skies and blue ocean water near the sydney opera house

Sydney, Australia