Embedded Leader Guidelines

Updated June 2023


The information will be updated regularly based on current conditions and you will be responsible for reviewing the details and understanding the implications for your program and making the necessary changes. The information detailed throughout this website will outline the new and existing requirements and set the expectation for new procedures. All Penn State travelers should be familiar with the requirements of the University's International Travel Policies (TR01, TR02, FN20)

This page has been guided by the Forum Guidelines for Conducting Education Abroad during COVID-19 and The Forums Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad; any questions or concerns will be the responsibility of the leader to reach out to Penn State Global or Education Abroad team for support in understanding and adhering to these requirements and guidelines. 

The Customized Programs team remains available to address questions, hold individual meetings, and does plan to host information sessions/roundtable discussions throughout the program planning process. Please reach out for more information whenever necessary. Penn State Global Customized Programs team: embeddedprograms@psu.edu.

expectations of program leaders

Leader responsibilities and expectations seem to be growing each year, especially in light of global health guidelines and best practices in Education Abroad. Each program leader, from faculty to staff to a graduate assistant, need to understand their responsbilities for the program and Penn State students. We have listed here all main responsibilities of Penn State program leaders. Some are the same as always, and some are new or newly detailed, but these expectations, policies, and guidelines are compiled from Penn State policies (TR01, TR02, and FN20), recommendations from the Education Abroad Advisory Council, the Standards of Good Practice set by The Forum on Education Abroad, and other resources. 

vaccine requirements

For the most recent updates regarding the student and employee vaccination requirements (January 2023), please visit the Penn State Virus Info Website.

Program leaders should determine if there are any host country-specific vaccination entry requirements regarding COVID-19 and/or other infectious diseases.

leader compensation

For embedded courses, program leader compensation is determined at the level of the academic unit or department.  Please consult with relevant administrators about how compensation would be affected if the travel component had to be cancelled at any point. While we understand the commitment leaders are taking to academically and logistically create and plan these programs, Penn State Global cannot compensate program leaders in the event of a program cancellation. 

budget & financial considerations


Many of the guidelines laid out in this document may have implications for program budgets. Beginning academic year 2023-2024, every embedded program proposal will require an approval from the academic unit's financial office. For embedded courses, the planning budget, student fee collection, and payment of expenses are ultimately the responsibility of the program leader and sponsoring academic unit. Please reach out if we can assist you with any related issues. 

Refer to the Budgets & Financial Consideration section of this website for more information.

Financial Payments

We strongly recommend that program leaders discuss payment processes with relevant financial staff within their department, campus or college.  Please be aware that some financial policies may have changed with regard to travel bookings, use of personal cards for professional travel arrangements, and other safeguards to protect against potential losses based on program cancellation. Penn State Global recommends the use of Penn State issued Purchasing Cards (p-cards) for program expenses whenever possible. Seek approval before confirming bookings or paying deposits.  Making payments without authorization from your financial staff may result in failure to be reimbursed for expenses. 

Financial Risk of Planning Programs

It is wholly the academic unit’s responsibility to shoulder any financial risk for Embedded courses. As the unit preparing the academic course, receiving the tuition, setting and collecting the student fees, all financial liability is assumed. For questions regarding budget planning, program contingency, best practices in Education Abroad, and/or recommended remuneration, please contact EmbeddedPrograms@psu.edu

Restricted travel approval process

For program destinations on the University's Restricted Travel list, there will be an additional approval process through the Global Safety Office, International Restricted Travel Committee (IRTC), the Vice Provost for Penn State Global and the Provost. Please note that program planning can continue without the official restricted travel approval; which typically happens within 2-3 months of the program departure. 

The Customized Program Team will consult directly with program proposers to determine the pathway and timeline for approval. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact EmbeddedPrograms@psu.edu

travel logistics & requirements

International Flights

Penn State will not require students and leaders to participate in a group flight. However, faculty coordination of a group flight may minimize the number and scope of travel disruptions and delays in arriving on site. Generally, students should make their own flight arrangements according to their own credit/debit cards and with their own travel needs in mind. Please note that at each layover location, there may be specific entry or pre-flight requirements for travelers. 

Program leaders should not purchase their international flights until your program has been approved through the restricted travel process. Faculty must coordinate their travel arrangements through Anthony Travel, Penn State’s preferred travel agency, unless it is not possible to do so. Personal cards should not be used to pay program airfare. However, if the faculty member chooses a flight more expensive than the comparison flight or needs to buy additional flights for approved guest(s) traveling with them, leaders should be prepared to use their personal credit card to pay the balance not covered by Penn State Global.

Ground Transportation / Group Transportation

Any ground transportation that takes place during the education abroad program should be carefully considered for its necessity and safety.

Day Trips and Overnight Excursions

Many of our faculty-led programs typically include day trips and overnight excursions outside of the main host city. Other programs travel constantly because of the nature of the academic discipline being studied. Penn State Global will work with faculty leaders to realize the balance between academic needs for excursions with health and safety considerations and risks that are inherent with group movement and various methods of transportation.

Basic guidelines for an acceptable amount of excursions are included here, but we welcome individualized conversations with program leaders as needed:

housing and accommodations

Housing arrangements should be reviewed in light of the following guidance:

Program Leader Accommodations


Meals can be an important part of the academic and cultural experience abroad. However, large group meals can also present risks to participants. The following guidance should be followed whenever possible:

technology and internet

Program leaders should consider which, if any, elements of their academic program will be delivered online as a regular practice as well as how they would “switch” to virtual learning experiences if the on-the-ground situation suddenly warranted. Baseline questions to consider are included, but depending on the nature and location of the program, additional questions may be necessary for program leaders to evaluate:

student independent travel (weekends)

Students often want to travel outside of the main host city on weekends. Under the current COVID-19 circumstances, independent travel by students should be discouraged due to the uncertainty of public transportation, sudden route cancellations, possible border closures, and sudden quarantine restrictions. The following guidelines should be observed:

quarantine and isolation

To proactively prepare for the possibility of quarantine or isolation during the program:

If any member(s) of the education abroad program must participate in quarantine at any point during the program, the following guidance would take effect:

medical care and hospitalization on site

Program leaders should be aware that routine medical care may have differing availability or protocol due to the pandemic. Please review the following considerations:



A blue cloudy sky with buildings in the distance, with a lake and a bridge also in view

Prague, Czech Republic