tethered summer courses


Program leaders/academic units who offer a Spring residential course (typically 2 - 4 credits) plus an additional course during the summer that contains a travel component for that course, can consider offering a .25 credit tethered summer embedded travel course for a flat $200 course fee to make it more cost effective for students.

Please note: The $200 course fee is only applicable to .25 credit tethered courses. If an academic unit offers a Maymester travel course greater than .25 credits, tuition will be charged according to the Penn State tuition schedule based on the number of credits associated with the summer travel course.

background information

In an effort to limit the financial burden for students participating in summer embedded travel tied to a Spring residential course, a task force was assembled in 2022 comprised of representatives from Penn State Global, Registrar, Bursar, academic units, and faculty.

The task force launched a pilot program with select summer 2022 embedded programs to determine the feasibility of 1) designating .25 credits to the summer travel course and 2) assessing a flat rate of $200 for the .25 credits, in lieu of charging the regular summer tuition rate. The pilot program was a success and as a result, University leadership in Penn State Global, Registrar, and Bursar have approved the continuation of tethered credits for Summer 2023 embedded programs and beyond.

tethering considerations and academic unit expectations

Program leaders/academic units interested in offering a tethered Summer embedded travel component must follow the considerations, process, and deadlines approved by university leadership outlined below:

course credits / course setup

budget considerations and course bursar fees


next steps for academic units

A cloudy sky with a statue overlooking the rest of the city

Barcelona, Spain