travel logistics & requirements

Updated June 2023

international travel requirements and policies

Penn State’s International Travel Requirements compile several travel-related policies into a unified reference for employees and students to review before completing international travel. As a leader or coordinator of an approved education abroad program, many aspects of the international travel policies may affect your travel. A few of the most noteworthy points are outlined here, but you are encouraged to review the policies in their entirety at the guru policy guide for International Travel Requirements. Through the program proposal (and renewal process for repeat programs) you will be required to review information related to the International Travel Requirements including Penn State’s Export Control Policy

minimum number of program leaders

In keeping with best practices in the field of education abroad and as required by the Penn State International Travel Policy (TR01) all Penn State faculty-led programs must have a minimum of two (2) current Penn State employees leading a group of give (5) or more participating undergraduate students. Ideally, this would be two faculty members or one faculty member plus a graduate TA. The requirement for dual-employee accompaniment is not applicable for travel involving exclusively graduate students, medical students or law school students. 

Given the number of uncertainties with group travel under the best of circumstances, a group may face unique challenges that may require splitting up into smaller groups for some events, staying behind with an ill/injured student, traveling separately between sites, and dealing with unanticipated logistical issues. Having two trusted and trained Penn State leaders will allow the students an added level of support and leadership throughout the program.

Exceptions may be made for programs utilizing reputable providers or partners in their international host destinations. Please consult the Customized Programs Team and complete the Single Program Leader Petition

approved education abroad program participants and guests

Faculty and staff leaders, along with the Penn State student participants, are approved to travel on education abroad programs. Spouses, children, and other guests of faculty/staff leaders, as well as community members, are rarely permitted to accompany such travel, and approval must be granted by the Vice Provost for Penn State Global. All program leaders must request approval for a family member to travel with the group, at least 3 months prior to program departure and should contact for additional information.

housing and accommodations

Housing arrangements should be reviewed in light of the following guidance:

Program Leader Accommodations

alcohol policy

A program leader is not permitted to purchase alcoholic beverages for themselves, any member of their program group, or any guests with program funds. Furthermore, although Penn State does not have an articulated policy on employee alcohol consumption with students, Penn State Global takes a strong and firm stance against doing so for the following reasons:


Program leaders spend a tremendous amount of time with students abroad - both inside and outside of the classroom. This constant contact may blur the lines between leader and participant in the eyes of a student. Refraining from drinking with your students, even minimally, can help to delineate this distinction.


Many program leaders ask EA whether it is wise to implement a strict “no alcohol” policy for all participants for the duration of the program. Ultimately, it is at the discretion of the faculty leader to decide whether that is appropriate within the local context and culture and whether it is enforceable. In most cases, it is not realistic to implement such a policy, but the EA staff can help you decide what is appropriate for your particular program. Any policies related to alcohol consumption and student behavior should be clearly articulated in your program materials and can even be included in the course syllabi.

travel logistics

Pre-Travel | COVID-19 Testing

Prior to program departure, students may be required to obtain a negative COVID-19 test result or an acceptable equivalent. Students should be aware of their airline requirements, the timing of tests, PCR vs. Antigen, any connection flight policies, and host destination protocols or quarantines. 

Additionally, program leaders should allocate ample time and guidance to complete return testing, as required by the United States, in advance of their return flight. Please note, the international traveler insurance, United Healthcare Global, will not cover COVID-19 testing required for travel. Students should be expected to arrange and pay for their own travel testing. For travel guidance for US Citizens, please refer to Department of State website and CDC requirement for Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test for all air passengers arriving in the United States.

International Flights

Penn State will not require students and leaders to participate in a group flight. However, faculty coordination of a group flight may minimize the number and scope of travel disruptions and delays in arriving on site. Generally, students should make their own flight arrangements according to their own credit/debit cards and with their own travel needs in mind. Please note that at each layover location, there may be COVID-19 symptom checks or pre-flight requirements. 

Program leaders should not purchase their international flights until your program has been approved through the restricted travel process. Please note that most travel insurance programs do not cover cancellation reimbursement due to COVID-19-related reasons. Faculty must coordinate their travel arrangements through Anthony Travel, Penn State’s preferred travel agency, unless it is not possible to do so. Personal cards should not be used to pay program airfare. However, if the program leader member chooses a flight more expensive than the comparison flight or needs to buy additional flights for approved guest(s) traveling with them, leaders should be prepared to use their personal credit card to pay the balance not covered by Penn State Global.

Ground Transportation / Group Transportation

Any ground transportation that takes place during the education abroad program should be carefully considered for its necessity and safety.

Day Trips and Overnight Excursions

Many of our faculty-led programs typically include day trips and overnight excursions outside of the main host city. Other programs travel constantly because of the nature of the academic discipline being studied. Penn State Global will work with faculty leaders to realize the balance between academic needs for excursions with health and safety considerations and risks that are inherent with group movement and various methods of transportation.

Basic guidelines for an acceptable amount of excursions are included here, but we welcome individualized conversations with program leaders as needed:


Meals can be an important part of the academic and cultural experience abroad. However, large group meals can also present risks to participants. The following guidance should be followed whenever possible:

student independent travel (weekends)

Students often want to travel outside of the main host city on weekends. Under the current COVID-19 circumstances, independent travel by students should be discouraged due to the uncertainty of public transportation, sudden route cancellations, possible border closures, and sudden quarantine restrictions. The following guidelines should be observed:

quarantine and isolation

Program leaders should be aware that routine medical care may have differing availability or protocol due to the pandemic. Please review the following considerations:



A blue cloudy sky with buildings in the distance, with a lake and a bridge also in view

Prague, Czech Republic