financial considerations

managing program funds and expenses

Financial policies and budget expenses for embedded programs are managed by each academic unit; therefore, financial offices within the unit should be consulted about specific policies and best practices for your program.

Program funds, whether paid via student fees, University funds, or a combination of the two, should be utilized to support the academic activities and essential logistics of the education abroad program.  In the most general terms, program funds:

financial payments

We strongly recommend that program leaders discuss payment processes with relevant financial staff within their department, campus or college.  Please be aware that some financial policies may have changed with regard to travel bookings, use of personal cards for professional travel arrangements, and other safeguards to protect against potential losses based on program cancellation. 

Purchasing Card

Penn State Global recommends the use of Penn State issued Purchasing Cards (p-cards) for program expenses whenever possible. PCard users are required to complete Penn State's Purchasing Card online tutorial for both "Travel" and "Goods and Services" and electronically sign the purchasing card agreement. You as the cardholder will be responsible for appropriate use as outlined in the agreement.

Consult with your finance office to seek approval before confirming bookings or paying deposits.  Making payments without authorization from your financial staff may result in failure to be reimbursed for expenses. Faculty should keep complete and accurate financial records of all P-Card transactions, including itemized receipts for all expenditures made.


If you received a program cash advance, consult with your finance office to ensure you are aware of any guidelines. Like PCard documentation requirements per CONCUR, program leaders should also keep complete and accurate financial records of all program cash spent, including the itemized receipts for all expenditures made.

use of funds & receipts

Program cash advances and PCard funds must be used for academic activities and cultural experiences as approved by your finance office and must be distributed equally among students. 

In situations where a receipt is not available (e.g. taxi in a developing country), then a signature must be obtained from the receiving party with the amount paid and the date the payment was made.

Expense Reconciliation

Upon your return from the program, work with your finance office regarding the receipt and expense reconciliation process in CONCUR. Penn State funds used abroad must be properly documented with receipts.  

general financial guidelines

group meals & meetings

alcohol policy

A program leader is not permitted to purchase alcoholic beverages for themselves or any member of their program group with program funds.  Furthermore, although Penn State does not have an articulated policy on employee alcohol consumption with students, Penn State Global takes a strong and firm stance against doing so for the following reasons:

Overlooking a river on a bridge, either sunset/dusk

Amsterdam, Netherlands