Standard 5

Sharing Power

Standard 5: Sharing Power


Families and staff are partners in decisions that affect children and families and together inform, influence, and create policies, practices, and programs. Family voice and family leadership are evident. Shared responsibility is exhibited in problem solving processes.

Family, School, Community Partnership Dynamics to consider:

  • Are all families full partners in making decisions that affect their children at school and in the community?
  • How does my school include linguistically diverse families in decision making?
  • Do families have a strong, broad-based organization that offers regular opportunities to develop relationships and raise concerns with school leaders, public officials, and business and community leaders?
  • How does my school work with parents to resolve ongoing concerns for student safety?

PSD Family Engagement Promising Practices Examples:

    1. Olander Elementary- Beating the Summer Slide
    2. Poudre High School- Visiting our Families
    3. Language, Culture & Equity Parent Academy
