standard 2

Communicating effectively

Standard 2: Communicating Effectively


Families and staff engage in regular, two-way, meaningful communication about student learning. Communication is timely and reciprocal, authentic inquiries are made of families, and staff members are responsive. Multiple methods of communication ensure access and equity. Communication is ongoing.

Family, School, Community Partnership Dynamics to consider:

  • What type of information is my school communicating home?
  • How does my school communicate with linguistically diverse families?
  • Do all our families use email? Or do some have trouble accessing electronic information?
  • How does my school communicate home about what students learn at school?

PSD Family Engagement Promising Practices Examples:

    1. Olander Elementary School- Let's Celebrate Success
    2. Webber Middle School-Elementary to Middle School Transition Informational Meeting
    3. Poudre High School- Visiting our Families
