10th Grade

Personal Project Info

Extracarricular Opportunities

Graduation Requirements

Grade Level Leader - Victoria Huber

Welcome to 10th grade! Our advisory includes activities and support around academic counseling, social-emotional learning, community building, and the Personal Project.

Sophomores participate in the annual Personal Project. This is an individual passion project completed throughout the year. Our advisory curriculum will provide guidance and structure for the project, but it is up to the student to independently complete. This project will prepare students for the IB program, develop long-term planning skills, encourage students to pursue their interests, and be a fundamental experience to build a resume.

The Personal Project is a large endeavor and will be spaced out over the school year. During Quarter 1, students will learn about the Global Contexts that serve as the basis for the Personal Project. During Quarter 2 & 3, students will pick and develop their topic. At the end of Quarter 3, the project goal will be reached allowing Quarter 4 to be used to reflect and present.

For any questions about 10th Grade, please contact Ms. Huber, the 10th Grade Head (vhuber@prospectschools.org)

For any Personal Project specific questions, please contact Ms. Homol, the Personal Project Coordinator (chomol@prospectschools.org)

Personal Project Countdown timer / timeline

10th Grade FAQs

What is the Personal Project?

The Personal Project is a 10th grade experience where students create and execute a project throughout the school year. Students are supported by the Advisor and get guidance during their Advisory course. While they will get organized and approved in Advisory class, students are expected to execute the project independently.

What are the parts of the Personal Project?

The Personal Project has 3 main components- 1) the project, 2) the report 3) the Expo presentation.

What are the parts of the Personal Project?

The Personal Project has 3 main components- 1) the project, 2) the report 3) the Expo presentation.

The project is what the students do. They will come up with a topic and a product that they will complete by January- February. This is the first part of the project and will be completed before the next two steps occur. Students will learn tools in Advisory to do an independent project and will work independently to do this work.

The report is written after students complete the project. The report will be worked on in Advisory from Mid February-March. The report is a formal reflection of their experience creating their project. Advisors will provide guidance and structure for this assignment.

The expo is the formal presentation of all the student's work. Late April, all 10th graders will present their project to the BPHS community and families "science fair style". They will create a presentation board in Advisory and be prepared to present to visitors what they did this year.

What kinds of things can be a Personal Project?

Students have the opportunity to learn about themselves, their interests, and the world. Their Advisor will help them consider a topic they'd like to work with as well as an appropriate topic. It is expected students will spend around 30 hours on this project, therefore their topic and product must be rigorous.

Examples of past projects:

  • Interview people on their experiences immigrating to the US. Using those stories, paint a pair of Converse shoes reflecting their experiences.

  • Composing and producing an original album of music based on a specific theme.

  • Researching climate change and writing a series of short stories of characters facing climate change challenges.

  • Design and building a water purifier from found materials.

How can I help my student with this project?

Talk to them! Check in on their progress and be that sounding board to discuss their ideas. Remember, it is the student's project! Please let them do the labor and come up with a topic that serves their interests.

Who can I contact with questions about my student's transcripts and overall academic progress at BPHS?

Any questions can be sent to your Advisor (list below) who can help find answers. The Academic counselors for 10th grade are _____ and ______.

Who can I contact if my student needs emotional counseling?

Any questions can be sent to your Advisor who will help you fill out the Counseling Request form to get a meeting with your student and one of our school social workers. The Social Worker assigned to 10th grade is _____________________.

Still have questions? Reach out to your advisor or advisory team!

10th Grade Head
Ms. Victoria Huber -

Ms. Jen Chapin - jchapin@prospectschools.org

Mr. Rodney Frazier - rfrazier@prospectschools.org

Ms. Rachel Griffin - rgriffin@prospectschools.org

Ms. Fahmee Hemani - fhemani@prospectschools.org

Mr. Ayesu Lartey - alartey@prospectschools.org

Mr. Jean-Yves Lafond - jlafond@prospectschools.org

Mr. Samuel Rivera - samuelrivera@prospectschools.org

Ms. Taylor Ratliff - tratliff@prospectschools.org

Mx. Allie Shyer - ashyer@prospectschools.org

Mr. Matt Grossane-Diez - mgrossane-diez@prospectschools.org
Mr. Gant Innes - ginnes@prospectschools.org

Ms. Aisha Siddiqui <on leave> - asiddiqui@prospectschools.org
Ms. Bharthi Kurtz <on leave> -