September 2022

Drop off and pick up

We have settled into our new year and I want to thank families for following our traffic procedures here at school during drop off and pick up. Students and their families are safer and the traffic moves smoother when we all:

The far back gate at the grass will be closing at the bell, 8:20 am to ensure a secure campus. If you are running late, please plan for your student to enter campus at the front of school. 

Neighbors are reporting that driveways are being blocked as we cue in line for drop off or pick up - particularly on Kottinger. Please be mindful of driveways and keep them clear.  

We are responsible for student safety until they are picked up by you. Students waiting in the grassy knoll by the staff parking lot are not able to be properly supervised. After initial meet ups with the adult in the first few minutes, student who are still waiting, will be asked to move to the front of school where they can be kept safe.

Lost and Items

Lost and found is already growing! Many items end up being unclaimed but could be returned if they were labeled. Please be sure to check that your child's new materials, lunch boxes, water bottles, jackets etc. are labeled with their names. 

Drop Off Items

Please note the items dropped for students will be delivered in a timely manner that reflects classroom schedules and activities. Lunches and water bottles should be placed at the cart by the gate at the front of school and will be picked up by your student during their lunch or recess times. ALL items should be well labeled.

Our amazing PTA provides incredible opportunities here at Vintage Hills. is were you can learn all about our PTA. Currently they are offering the School Smarts Program which began on 8/30 and will continue for the next several weeks. This PTA program will help you learn all about California Public schools how they are funded and operate. If you are interested in participating in School Smarts please contact PTA at

Upcoming on September 23rd is our Fun Run. Fun Run is an annual fund raising event that students look forward to every year. Please be on the look out for information about this event.

Vintage Hills School Site Council

Vintage Hill’s School Site Council has two parent/guardian seats available and is up for election this year.  In total two parents/guardians serve on the committee with alternating terms and each term lasts 2 years. Please take a moment to complete this form if you are interested in being nominated to participate on our School Site Council or would like to nominate someone you think would be ideal to serve.