World Languages
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Architecture & Construction
Arts, Audio-Video Technology & Communications
Business Management & Administration
Education & Training
Government & Public Administration
Health Science
Hospitality & Tourism
Human Services
Information Technology
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
Marketing, Sales & Service
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM)
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Advanced Placement Program (AP). Open to juniors and seniors.
AP French
Central Connecticut State University Dual Enrollment Partnership Program. Open to juniors and seniors who have earned a 3.0 GPA. Eligible students can take up to 2 courses per semester. Classes are taken on CCSU’s campus or remotely.
Any World Language course that does not have a prerequisite. Follow this link for course availability.
University of Connecticut Early College Experience (ECE). Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in taking the classes below.
ECE Spanish
ECE Italian
CT State Community College Dual Enrollment Partnership Program. Open to juniors and seniors who have earned a 3.0 GPA. Eligible students can take up to 2 courses per semester. Classes are taken on Tunxis' campus or remotely.
Any World Language course that does not have a prerequisite.
Experiential Learning Opportunities
To learn about job shadows or fieldwork experiences please visit the Career Center.
AP French Language and Culture - Level 1 * College Credit Opportunity HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 11 , 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: French 4
The AP French Language and Culture course is a college level course, equivalent to a third-year college course. This course will therefore immerse students in French and be conducted entirely in French in order to achieve a high level of proficiency. Students will practice using the target language consistently throughout the course with their peers. This course will prepare students to communicate proficiently through three modes (interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational) as described in the ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 learners. This course reflects the five domains of learning found in the Connecticut Common Core State Standards: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Communities, and Comparisons. Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and the development of cultural awareness will consistently be assessed and improved throughout this course. This course incorporates the six global themes: Les Défis Mondiaux/Global Challenges, La Science et La Technologie/Science and Technology, La Vie Contemporaine/Contemporary Life, La Quete de Soi/Personal and Public Identities, La Famille et La Communauté/Families and Communities, L’Esthétique/Beauty and Aesthetics. Only authentic materials and resources from francophone websites and publications will be used in this course. These materials come from a variety of sources, which include authentic literary works, websites, interviews, and videos/clips.
Homework will consist of reading preparation, online activities, exercises and vocabulary study, as well as writing. Writing assignments will become progressively harder throughout the year, starting with essays about simple topics and becoming in class timed essays on AP style subjects.
*An AP exam will be ordered for all students who are in an AP class on Nov. 15th. A $40 unused exam fee will be applied to anyone who drops the AP courses after Nov. 15th.
French 1 - Level 2 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None
This is an academic level course for students with some or no previous language experience. French 1 introduces novice students to the oral and written skills of the French language. Learning targets will encompass French pronunciation, vocabulary building, grammar and writing practice as well as speaking, listening and reading comprehension. Students will use the language to communicate basic information in a variety of modalities. Furthermore, students study the culture and geography of the French-speaking world.
French 2 - Level 1 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: French 1
French 2 at the honors level builds upon the already acquired language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Learning targets will include an in depth study of grammatical structures and vocabulary. A strong emphasis will be placed on the development of conversational skills in order to expand students’ fluency in the French language. Students will develop a stronger awareness of the culture and geography of the French-speaking world.
French 2 - Level 2 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: French 1
This is an academic course building upon the already acquired language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Learning targets will include an in depth study of grammatical structures and vocabulary. A strong emphasis will be placed on the development of conversational skills in order to expand students’ fluency in the French language. Students will develop a stronger awareness of the culture and geography of the French-speaking world.
French 3 - Level 1 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: French 2
French 3 at the honors level offers students the opportunity to practice skills and concepts at a quicker pace. The rigor of this course will be consistent with preparing students to move to year 4, AP, and ECE courses. Students will build upon the already acquired language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Learning targets will include an in depth study of grammatical structures and vocabulary. A strong emphasis will be placed on the development of conversational skills in order to expand students’ fluency in the French language. Students will develop a stronger awareness of the culture and geography of the French-speaking world.
French 3 - Level 2 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: French 2
This is an academic level course building upon the already acquired language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Learning targets will include an in depth study of grammatical structures and vocabulary. A strong emphasis will be placed on the development of conversational skills in order to expand students’ fluency in the French language. Students will develop a stronger awareness of the culture and geography of the French-speaking world.
French 4 - Level 1 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: French 3
This honor level course is a continuation of French 3 and is designed for highly motivated students. The main objective of this course is to develop more advanced reading, writing and speaking skills. Students are encouraged to communicate in conversational exchanges with the teacher and their fellow classmates. Grammar skills are expanded, and students are exposed to authentic French literature, French language films and media. This course is in preparation for AP French Language and Culture.
Italian 1- Level 2 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None
This is an academic level course that introduces students to Italian vocabulary and grammar. This course helps the novice student develop Italian oral and written skills. Learning targets will encompass Italian pronunciation, vocabulary building, grammar and writing practice as well as speaking, listening and reading comprehension. Furthermore, students study the culture and geography of Italy.
Italian 2- Level 1 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Italian 1
Italian 2 at the honors level builds upon the already acquired language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Learning targets will include an in depth study of grammatical structures and vocabulary. A strong emphasis will be placed on the development of conversational skills in order to expand students’ fluency in the Italian language. Students will develop a stronger awareness of the culture and geography of Italy.
Italian 2- Level 2 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Italian 1
This is an academic course building upon the already acquired language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Learning targets will include an in depth study of grammatical structures and vocabulary. A strong emphasis will be placed on the development of conversational skills in order to expand students’ fluency in the Italian language. Students will develop a stronger awareness of the culture and geography of Italy.
Italian 3- Level 1 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Italian 2
Italian 3 at the honors level offers students the opportunity to practice skills and concepts at an advanced level. Students will build upon the already acquired language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The rigor of this course will be consistent with preparing students to move to year 4, AP, and ECE courses. Learning targets will include an in depth study of grammatical structures and vocabulary. A strong emphasis will be placed on the development of conversational skills in order to expand students’ fluency in the Italian language. Students will develop a stronger awareness of the culture and geography of Italy.
Italian 3- Level 2 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Italian 2
This is an academic level course building upon already acquired language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will build upon the already acquired language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Learning targets will include an in depth study of grammatical structures and vocabulary. A strong emphasis will be placed on the development of conversational skills in order to expand students’ fluency in the Italian language. Students will develop a stronger awareness of the culture and geography of Italy.
Italian 4- Level 1 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Italian 3
This honor level course is a continuation of Italian 3 and is designed for highly motivated students. The main objective of this course is to develop more advanced reading, writing and speaking skills. Students are encouraged to communicate in conversational exchanges with their teacher and their fellow classmates. Grammar skills are expanded, and students are exposed to authentic Italian literature, Italian language films and media.
ECE Italian Level 1 * College Credit Opportunity HUMANITIES
Grade Level:11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Italian 4
This course focuses on 5 topics and themes (with respective sub-topics) which include a variety of activities to develop and expand conversation and writing skills (composition) in the Italian language. The primary scope of this course is to stimulate the interest in and discussion of the proposed topics, encouraging comparisons and contrasts between and among cultures (the Italian, the American and potential others) by acknowledging their similarities but also the inevitable differences.
The course suggests an exploration of the suggested areas and topics which include written and oral productions which may be the starting point of further discussions and explorations. During the course, one of the main objectives is to create connections in the proposed sequence of topics, exploring through new readings and materials (audio, visual, musical) which lead to and encourage a dialogical discussion between source and target cultures and perspectives.
Considering the 5 Cs ACTFL, and especially the three modes of communication (3 modalità di comunicazione), the primary use of the Italian language will allow students to immerse themselves in the topics allowing them to read, write, think, understand and communicate with greater spontaneity in the Target Language.
Alongside the respective readings and variety of material, a collection of useful links and online resources is provided for further research to stimulate a personalization of language and cultural discovery.
This course affords the student the opportunity to register for the University of Connecticut’s ILCS 3239: Composition & Conversation I course through our Early College Experience program and earn up to six college credits.
Only students who are registered in the UCONN/ECE Program for this course will receive UCONN credit. These credits are transferable to other colleges. Note: Credit transfer policies vary from college to college, hence students must check with their colleges of interest. Typically grades below a C do not transfer, and grades of a C or higher transfer as a “T” which carries no GPA or grade.
ECE Spanish - Level 1 * College Credit Opportunity HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Spanish 4
This honors level course is taught in Spanish and is designed for highly motivated students who wish to develop more advanced reading, speaking, and writing skills. Students who take this course have the opportunity to register for the University of Connecticut’s Spanish 3178-3179 through our Early College Experience program. Students are also welcome to take the course without applying for the college credit.
Course Description for UConn SPAN 3178 (ECE SPANISH Semester 1 ):
The main focus of SPAN 3178 is placed on a thorough review of grammar and methodical practice in composition. However, you will also be expected to read and speak in the language on a daily basis. This course will expose you to authentic Spanish literature, Spanish language films and media. You will be expected to communicate with your peers as well as your instructor both by speaking and writing during each class.
Course Description for UConn SPAN 3179 (ECE Spanish Semester 2 ):
In this course we will study and discuss various current events, issues, and topics of our time. We will compare and contrast the way these things are viewed in the United States and the way they are viewed in Spanish Speaking countries. Occasionally, we may study and compare our time with earlier days. This class will have a double objective:
1.) to increase your knowledge and understanding in the areas of study while
2.) simultaneously increasing your speaking abilities in Spanish. The course will offer you the opportunity to increase your vocabulary; and improve your pronunciation, grammar and syntax in the language. In order to meet these objectives we will consistently engage in class discussion. You will be expected to SPEAK in class on a daily basis. You will be graded on your daily oral participation, and should always seek opportunities to participate in an active and positive manner. Oral presentations will also be included in your final grade.
These courses afford the students the opportunity to register for the University of Connecticut' SPAN 3178: Intermediate Spanish Composition course and SPAN 3179: Spanish Conversation: Cultural Topics course course through our Early College Experience program and earn up to 6 college credits.
Only students who are registered in the UCONN/ECE Program for these courses will receive UCONN credits. These credits are transferable to other colleges. Note: Credit transfer policies vary from college to college, hence students must check with their colleges of interest. Typically grades below a C do not transfer, and grades of a C or higher transfer as a “T” which carries no GPA or grade.
Spanish 1 - Level 2 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None
This is an academic level course for students with some or no previous language experience. Spanish 1 introduces novice students to the oral and written skills of the Spanish language. Learning targets will encompass Spanish pronunciation, vocabulary building, grammar and writing practice as well as speaking, listening and reading comprehension. Students will use the language to communicate basic information in a variety of modalities. Furthermore, students study the culture and geography of the Spanish-speaking world.
Spanish 2 - Level 1 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Spanish 1
Spanish 2 at the honors level builds upon the already acquired language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Learning targets will include an in depth study of grammatical structures and vocabulary. A strong emphasis will be placed on the development of conversational skills in order to expand students’ fluency in the Spanish language. Students will develop a stronger awareness of the culture and geography of the Spanish-speaking world.
Spanish 2 - Level 2 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Spanish 1
This is an academic course building upon the already acquired language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Learning targets will include an in depth study of grammatical structures and vocabulary. A strong emphasis will be placed on the development of conversational skills in order to expand students’ fluency in the Spanish language. Students will develop a stronger awareness of the culture and geography of the Spanish-speaking world.
Spanish 3 - Level 1 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Spanish 2
Spanish 3 at the honors level offers students the opportunity to practice skills and concepts at a quicker pace. The rigor of this course will be consistent with preparing students to move to year 4, AP, and ECE courses. Students will build upon the already acquired language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Learning targets will include an in depth study of grammatical structures and vocabulary. A strong emphasis will be placed on the development of conversational skills in order to expand students’ fluency in the Spanish language. Students will develop a stronger awareness of the culture and geography of the Spanish-speaking world.
Spanish 3 - Level 2 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Spanish 2
This is an academic level course building upon the already acquired language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Learning targets will include an in depth study of grammatical structures and vocabulary. A strong emphasis will be placed on the development of conversational skills in order to expand students’ fluency in the Spanish language. Students will develop a stronger awareness of the culture and geography of the Spanish-speaking world.
Spanish 4 - Level 1 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 11, 12 / Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Spanish 3
This honors level course is a continuation of Spanish 3 and is designed for highly motivated students. The main objective of this course is to develop more advanced reading, writing and speaking skills. Students are encouraged to communicate in conversational exchanges with the teacher and their fellow classmates. Grammar skills are expanded, and students are exposed to authentic Spanish literature, Spanish language films and media. This course is in preparation for ECE Spanish.
Study in Adv. World Language - Level 1 HUMANITIES
Grade Level: 12 / Credit: .5
Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor
The Plainville High Study in Advanced World Language program is open to all students in grades 11 and 12 who have successfully completed ALL of the courses offered at Plainville High School in a particular subject area, as outlined in the program of studies. Independent study gives students the opportunity to be in charge of his or her learning, allowing the student to select and study a topic in order to strengthen a college application, prepare for a future job, or pursue a personal interest. The Independent study course responds to the students’ interests, aptitudes, and abilities and allows the student to learn at an individual pace. Independent study is not a viable option for all students because the course may be more challenging than a traditional course due to the self-motivation and self-direction required by the student. The Independent study teacher serves as a facilitator to ensure that the student meets the goals of the mutually agreed upon course of study. Any interested students should first obtain the Independent Study Program application from his or her School Counselor.