Music and Theater Arts

"The Fine Arts are an essential part of a well-rounded education and a powerful contributor to the quality of life. The Performing and Visual arts develop creativity, mindfulness, problem-solving and innovation while promoting an aesthetic response to the music and art that encompass daily life."




College Credit Opportunities

Experiential Learning Opportunities

To learn about job shadows or  fieldwork experiences please visit the Career Center.



BAND: Concert Band - Level 2

Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12  /  Credit: 1

Prerequisite:   Previous Band experience or instrumental music experience.

Band is an active class which performs at least two school concerts, all home football games, in area parades and other civic and school events.  A wide variety of music - marching band, popular and classical - will be rehearsed and performed.  While the emphasis will be on performance preparation, care will be taken by the instructor to provide music with a level of difficulty appropriate for the ability level of the group and challenging enough to foster individual musical growth.  Band generally does not conflict with JV or Varsity sports participation.  (Conflicts, which do occur, are resolved on an individual basis.)

BAND:  Jazz Band - Level 1          

Grade Level:  9, 10, 11, 12    /  Credit:  1                                                  


Open to students by audition only.  The class meets one evening per week.

CHOIR:  Concert Choir - Level 2

Grade Level:  9, 10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite:  None

Concert Choir is open to all students who enjoy singing.  Through performing, students learn the fundamentals of vocal technique, music literacy, and self expression.  Through responding students evaluate performances and collaboratively engage in reflection to improve their personal performance.  Students create a performance that blends their personal experiences with that of ensemble peers.  A wide variety of music styles are performed including classical, jazz, pop and Broadway.  Attendance is required at the performances and dress rehearsals.

CHOIR:  Chamber Choir - Level 1

Grade Level:  9, 10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  1


1. Audition

2. Participation in Concert Choir or permission of the instructor

Chamber Choir is an advanced singing ensemble for students with prior choir experience. Students apply choral skills at a more advanced level with more challenging repertoire in Chamber Choir. This ensemble meets one evening per week for 2 hours. In addition, students are required to learn music and parts from home - a minimum of 30 minute - each week. In addition to regular school concerts, students are required to attend additional performances as scheduled throughout the school year. 

Music & Media Tech 1 (Sound & Music) - Level 2

Grade Level:  9, 10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite:  None

Music & Media Tech 1 introduces students to the world of sound and technology. Students will create beats, drum tracks, short songs, and a piece of their choice while learning the basics of technology and composition. Students then work on podcasts, sampling, FX, and storytelling with sound. Students apply these skills to assist with a variety of projects - for example creating the music for the morning announcement into and the audio tracks for our monthly mindfulness presentations.  Additional skills include basic gear management, copyright, and busic business topics.  Students complete a final project of their choice using techniques and skills aquired in the class. 

Music & Media Tech 2 (Production, Engineering, & Business/Industry) - Level 1

Grade Level:   9, 10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite: Music Tech. 1 or permission of the instructor

Music & Media Tech 2 allows students the opportunity to work independently on topics and projects related to the digital music industry.  Students will work to learn about music production - from creating tracks to album production.  Students will work with audio engineering exploring mics, live sound, recording, multitracking, stems, FX, and acoustics.  Students will explore the business and industry of music collaborating with local businesses to produce commercials, podcasts, etc.  This advanced class will also introduce coding in music and  emphasizes independent work and project based learning to apply skills learned from readings, you-tube summaries, listening assignments, and more.

Music & Media Tech -Vodcasting - Level 2

Grade Level:   9, 10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite: None

Music & Media Tech - Vodcast is a course that links the creation of audio and video. This course will focus on producing a daily morning announcement broadcast for PHS. In this class students will develop and apply skills in leadership, communication, collaboration, advanced podcasting, media creation, and media production. It is receommended (not requires) that students have participated in MSPN OR Music and Media Tech 1. Students will build on skills taught in these courses to collaborate with teachers, students, and the community to gather news information that is shared daily via a video podcast on a student managed youtube channel. Students will direct, host, and produce all aspects of the daily broadcast. 

ECE Popular Music and Diversity in American Society - Level 1

Grade Level:  10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  1

Prerequisite:  None 

 Offered in school years starting in EVEN years (2024-2025)

This course examines American popular music within its historical and social context, primarily throughout the 20th and 21st century. It will encourage you to think critically and creatively about popular music in relation to topics of diversity. We will study significant styles of American popular music, with a focus on select artists and songs that exemplify their respective genres, and explore several recurring themes throughout the course:

• the role of popular music as a symbol of identity (race, ethnicity, gender, social class, generation, etc.)

• the interaction of European American, African American, and Latin American traditions

• the influence of mass media and technology (printing, recording, radio, video, internet)

THEATER:  Acting 1 - Level 2

Grade Level:  9, 10, 11, 12   /   Credit: .5

Prerequisite:  None

This class is a basic introductory course to acting.  Through monologues, scenes, and student created pieces, students will apply an improvisational approach to acting, learn to create plausible situations, make choices, justify them, and learn to analyze scenes.  You must obtain a grade of B or higher in Acting 1 or permission of the instructor to take Acting 2.  This class may be repeated.

THEATER:  Advanced Acting - Level 2  

Grade Level:  10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite:  Acting 1 

 Offered in school years starting in even years. 2024-2025 school year.

This class focuses on the elements of acting required for the television and media performance and basic directing skills required to create a performance.  Students learn how to perform naturally in front of the camera individually and as part of an ensemble. Students develop on-camera techniques in scene study using scripts from TV series, sitcoms, and films. The directing part of the class allows students to gain practical experience in analyzing a scene creating a mood and the direction of a scene. This class may be repeated. 

Independent Study/Fieldwork/Internship - Level 1

In the following areas:

Grade Level: 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite:   1) Recommendation from Instructor & Approval by Career Center.  2) Independent Study is only available to students who have successfully completed ALL of the courses offered at Plainville High School in a particular subject area, as outlined in the program of studies.

Juniors and seniors who have a specific career path in mind, have a unique opportunity to earn high school credit and participate in a career focused internship through the Plainville High School Fieldwork Experience Program.  An internship provides invaluable real-world experience, grows knowledge in a professional setting, develops crucial soft skills, and builds a network that can significantly enhance future career opportunities.

Students will partner with a local business, organization or professional in a capacity that aligns with their future goals. Student participants will complete 60 hours (approximately 5 hours per week) of internship related work requirements over the course of a high school semester.  The students will be responsible for transportation to and from the internship site.

The success of the internship program relies on a collaborative partnership involving the student, the school, and community professionals. The active involvement of student interns significantly influences these relationships.  Therefore, elevated expectations are in place to foster the enhancement of the partnerships. The program requires students to show initiative, follow through, and a high level of professional behavior.  

Review the expectations for an internship.  If you feel you are a good candidate for this course, meet with Mrs. Bradley in the Career Center to discuss the possibilities.