Business and Finance



Introduction to Accounting- Level 1

Grade Level:  10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite: None

This first-year accounting course will give students a thorough background in the basic accounting procedures used to operate a business.  The accounting procedures presented will also serve as a sound background for employment in office careers and preparation for studying business courses at the college level.  This course is essential for any student planning a business career. 

Sequencing to Advanced Accounting will afford students three college credits through the Tunxis Community College College Career Pathways (CCP) Program.

Advanced Accounting- Level 1      

Grade Level: 10, 11, 12    /   Credit:  .5                                                        

Prerequisite:  Introduction to Accounting

 Three College Career Pathways Credits through Tunxis Community College will be earned at the successful completion of this course.

Advanced Accounting is offered as the sequential course for those who successfully completed Introduction to Accounting.  This course covers topics such as payrolls, department accounting, taxes, uncollectible accounts, depreciation, notes, interest and accounting control systems.  Strongly recommended for the accounting student who wishes to further his/her knowledge, and for those who plan future employment or study in Accounting, Business Administration, or Management.  All students will have the opportunity to complete a computer project that uses today’s accounting programs.  No previous computer knowledge is required. 

Business Applications  - Level 2

Grade Level:  9 (Spring only and completion of Principles of Info Tech. in the Fall) 10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite: Principles of Info Tech

Business Applications is a half-year course designed to provide students with hands-on experiences with various computer applications to complete business related projects. These software packages will provide the tools necessary to create word-processed documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and databases that communicate ideas clearly and effectively.  Individual and group projects will require students to utilize online and traditional software to prepare a variety of business documents, produce in-house publications and create business applications.

Business Fundamentals - Level 1

Grade Level:  9, 10  /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite:  None

This introductory course is designed to expose students to the challenging world of business, serving as a background for other business courses offered at Plainville High School, as well as students considering a major in business at the college level. Topics covered include: business law, management, economics, accounting, marketing, communications, and finance. Students will examine basic concepts of business disciplines and how they are related in a consumer driven economy. Students will have the opportunity to participate in many group and computer-based activities and projects, develop presentation skills, and examine ethical questions and current events in an ever- changing business world.

Cooperative Work Experience - Level 3

Grade Level:  10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  up to 1 credit based on documented work hours

Prerequisite:   Employment

Cooperative Work Experience is a combined school and community effort. It offers the student a School-to-Career program that relates academic courses to various work experiences found in the community. The course is designed to assist the students in developing a positive attitude towards self, occupational goals, work habits and employability skills needed to be successful and productive in the world of work. All students need to be at least 16 years old, maintain good academic standing with at least a C average, have satisfactory attendance and have legitimate employment. Students are required to complete 100 hours in the workplace each enrolled semester in order to earn .25 credits or 200 hours in the workplace each semester in order to earn .5 credits. Employers and teachers will evaluate the performance of duties, attendance, appearance, attitude toward co-workers / customers, and overall communication skills. 

Entrepreneurship - Level 2

Grade Level:  11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite:   None

Three College Career Pathways Credits through Tunxis Community College will be earned at the successful completion of this course. Entrepreneurship is a half-year course designed for juniors and seniors to explore the step-by-step journey through the entire process of owning your own business.  Students will develop an awareness of the opportunities for small business ownership and develop the planning skills needed to open and operate a small business.  Students will also explore the traits and characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.  Entrepreneurship is designed for students enrolled in marketing, business, and/or other courses who have an interest in developing skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary for successful entrepreneurs.

Financial Literacy - Level 2

Grade Level:   10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite:  None

This one-semester course is designed to increase financial literacy and prepare students to successfully manage financial resources.  This course explains the basics of financial literacy, including life skills in money management, career planning, banking and financial services, savings, investing, credit management, understanding taxes, risk management, and retirement planning.  Using real-world simulations, this course will give students the knowledge and general understanding of all key aspects of personal finances necessary to effectively manage their money in order to be successful now and throughout their adult lives.

Financial Literacy CCP - Level 1

Grade Level:   10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite:  None

Three College Career Pathways Credits through Tunxis Community College will be earned at the successful completion of this course.

Provides an overview of the financial planning and investing process. It examines personal incomes and budgets, home and consumer financing, insurance of personal assets, personal investing and retirement planning. Topics covered will include the time value of money,

investments, loans and credit, cash management, taxes, life and health insurance, and estate planning.

Introduction to Law - Level 2

Grade Level:  10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  1.00

Prerequisite:  None

Introduction to Law presents the legal system through an examination of several important areas that will be of interest to both business and non-business students.  Students will receive a practical understanding of the law and the legal system that will be of use in their everyday lives.  This course will cover constitutional law, contracts, torts, product liability, and criminal law, as well as the structure of the American legal system.  The course also aims to instill in students an awareness of current issues and controversies relating to law and the legal system.  Social Studies credit is given towards graduation.

Marketing Education 1 - Level 2

Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite:  None

Marketing Education is a business elective program that prepares students for careers in marketing, merchandising, and management. Students in Marketing Education will learn related coursework in marketing, job skills and the employment process, sales, advertising, consumerism, management, visual merchandising & display, retail store operations, human relations/communication, and product planning & pricing strategies. 

Marketing Education 2 - Level 2

Grade Level:  10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite:   Marketing Education 1

Marketing Education 2 is a continuation of Marketing Education 1.  Content material in the second year level will consist of class units covering economic essentials, business and marketing essentials, business and distribution operations, marketing research and information management, entrepreneurship, international business, career planning and a strong emphasis on marketing related projects.  

Principles of Information Technology- Level 2

Grade Level:  9, 10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite:   None

Principles of Information Technology is a half-year course designed to Further student’s knowledge and skills through the use of computers in today’s academic and business environments.  The student will learn the specific keyboard techniques used in industry to enhance accuracy and speed.  Students will learn how to create, format and output business documents using traditional and online software.

Independent Study/Fieldwork/Internship - Level 1

Grade Level: 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite:   1) Recommendation from Instructor & Approval by Career Center.  2) Independent Study is only available to students who have successfully completed ALL of the courses offered at Plainville High School in a particular subject area, as outlined in the program of studies.

Juniors and seniors who have a specific career path in mind, have a unique opportunity to earn high school credit and participate in a career focused internship through the Plainville High School Fieldwork Experience Program.  An internship provides invaluable real-world experience, grows knowledge in a professional setting, develops crucial soft skills, and builds a network that can significantly enhance future career opportunities.

Students will partner with a local business, organization or professional in a capacity that aligns with their future goals. Student participants will complete 60 hours (approximately 5 hours per week) of internship related work requirements over the course of a high school semester.  The students will be responsible for transportation to and from the internship site.

The success of the internship program relies on a collaborative partnership involving the student, the school, and community professionals. The active involvement of student interns significantly influences these relationships.  Therefore, elevated expectations are in place to foster the enhancement of the partnerships. The program requires students to show initiative, follow through, and a high level of professional behavior.  

Review the expectations for an internship.  If you feel you are a good candidate for this course, meet with Mrs. Bradley in the Career Center to discuss the possibilities.