Technology Education

Career Pathway Course Sequence

Note: Not all Introductory Courses Are a Prerequisite to Advanced Courses



Advanced Architectural Drawing - Level 2

Grade Level:   11, 12   /   Credit:  .5

Prerequisite:  Architectural Design  

*Offered in school years starting on even years.  Offered in the 2024-2025 school year. Not offered in 2025-2026 year.

An advanced level of study designed for students with an interest in a career in architecture.  Students will refine and hone skills established in previous courses; the fundamental abilities required to represent ideas, form, and language.  Students will collaborate with their teacher to develop innovative and creative proposals for design problems.  Students will acquire knowledge and techniques vital to the development of their design and critical thinking skills.  Professional practices are presented through practical applications.

Advanced Construction Technology - Level 2          

Grade Level:  11, 12   /   Credit:  1                                                     

Prerequisite:  Introduction to Construction Technology

Students will apply technical knowledge and skills in the fields of architecture, construction, green building standards, construction management, and other associated professions. Students will explore the various types of trades and learn to safely perform tasks using hand and power tools that are commonly used in industry today.

Advanced Transportation Technology - Level 2          

Grade Level:  11, 12   /   Credit:  .5                                            

Prerequisite:  Intro to Transportation

This course will provide an introduction to general automotive theory and repair.  The course will cover a wide variety of topics relating to the field of Automotive and how it relates to the study of Transportation.  Major emphasis will be placed in the areas of internal combustion engines and automotive systems.  Work sessions, in-class activities and projects will be assigned.

AP Computer Science Principles - Level 1          

Grade Level:   10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  1                                                     

Prerequisite:  Pre-Calculus

This course introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. With a unique focus on creative problem solving and real-world applications, AP Computer Science Principles prepares students for college and career.  *Students are required to take the Advanced Placement exam.  AP exam will be ordered for all students who are in an AP class on Nov. 15th.  and a $40 unused exam fee will be applied to anyone who drops the AP course after Nov. 15th.

Architectural Design - Level 2        

Grade Level:   10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5                                                      

Prerequisite:  None

An introductory course designed to give students an opportunity to explore architectural topics and building styles.  Areas of focus include orthographic and isometric projections to reinforce proper communication, elevations, plot plans, surveying, construction, framing and building styles.  Students will create drawings, models and presentations which will be discussed in individual and group settings. There will be an emphasis on using the design process as well as developing design and presentation skills. 

Communication 2 - Level 2        

Grade Level:   11, 12   /   Credit:  1                                                      

Prerequisite:  Introduction to Communication

This course is ideal for all students planning on a career in the field of Graphic Design, Journalism, Broadcast Engineering, and any career that involves multimedia knowledge.  Students will learn the fundamentals of digital image acquisition, design, and composition.  Included in this course is the use of lighting, exposure, advanced camera operation, image processing, proofing and enlarging.  Students will walk away from this course with an understanding of the critical knowledge, techniques, and problem solving skills necessary to create audio, video, and multimedia productions, as they will actively participate in various production projects.

Communication 3 - Level 2        

Grade Level:     12   /   Credit:  1                                                    

Prerequisite:  Communication 2

This advanced course is for students who are serious about a career in a communication technology field.  Students will apply advanced digital imaging software and techniques to develop a digital portfolio that demonstrates creativity and comprehensive attention to aesthetic concerns.  Areas of study include complex digital image preparation for broadcasting, image compositing, alpha channels, bath processing and alpha mattes.  The course requires students to complete a number of projects consistent with authentic assignments.

Computer Science 1 - Level 2          

Grade Level:    10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5                                                     

Prerequisite:  Algebra 1

Computer Science 1 is an introductory programming course where students will learn how to design, write, and debug object oriented programs.  Programming concepts will consist of data types, decision making (IF/THENS), iteration (FOR/NEXT and DO LOOPS), advanced objects, and properties of objects.  This course will also introduce students to the history of computers, ethical concerns with technology, and current events with computer technology.  This course is recommended for students who plan on majoring in mathematics, science, engineering, or information technology.

Computer Science 2 - Level 2          

Grade Level:      10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5                                                 

Prerequisite: Computer Science 1

Computer Science 2 is a continuation of Computer Science I where students will learn to design more complex programs.  Programming concepts will consist of one and two-dimensional arrays, database processing, drawing events, and a final project.  Students who plan on majoring in mathematics, science, engineering, or information technology should continue on with this course.

Engineering Concepts - Level 1 

Grade Level:   10, 11, 12   /   Credit  .5                                                      

Prerequisite:  None

A laboratory course designed for students to advance skills developed from previous academic and project based learning experiences. Working both in teams and individually, students apply technology, science, and mathematics concepts and skills to solve engineering design problems.  Students research, develop, test, and analyze engineering designs using criteria such as design effectiveness, public safety, human factors, and ethics.  There will be an emphasis on using the design process, as well as developing 3D CAD modeling skills.  Professional practices are presented through practical applications. 

This course is a Goodwin University course, so students will have the opportunity to sign-up and receive college credits upon successful completion of course content.

Introduction to C.A.D. and Design - Level 2        

Grade Level:    10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5                                                   

Prerequisite:  None

An introductory course where students will develop an understanding of the Design Process; the formal steps used to develop a design idea.  The main objective of this course is to raise design awareness with an emphasis on the Elements & Principles of Design as they relate to student’s individual interests.  The class is conducted in a studio setting; including lectures, critiques, and working sessions.  The course explores design principles through hand sketching, drawing in CAD, model making, and presentation boards which will be discussed in individual and group settings.  The course also introduces students to the various career opportunities in both Architecture and Engineering. 

Introduction to Communication - Level 2        

Grade Level:   10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5                                                    

Prerequisite:  None

Introduction to Communication provides students with the vital skills necessary to succeed in any career. The focus of this course is on the communication systems used to compose, send, receive and interpret information and ideas.  Students will explore the types of work performed in the various areas including; Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography, Web-Design, Animation, Audio and Video Production.

Introduction to Construction Technology - Level 2        

Grade Level:     10, 11, 12    /   Credit:  .5                                                 

Prerequisite:  None

This course is designed to introduce students to various topics and disciplines associated within the construction field. The students will be instructed in the safe and efficient use of various hand and power tools. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to safely construct small to medium sized projects according to specifications.

Introduction to Transportation Technology - Level 2        

Grade Level:   10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5                                                   

Prerequisite:   None

An introductory survey course of the basic concepts, history, modes and methods, efficient utilization, and the transportation technology vehicular subsystems of guidance, control, structure, suspension, propulsion, and support.  Also emphasized in the course is the application of the universal systems model to transportation and how transportation has impacted our lives socially and culturally.

Principles of Engineering Technology - Level 2        

Grade Level:    9, 10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5                                                  

Prerequisite:    None

Principles of Engineering and Technology is a foundational course in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) for students interested in learning and applying concepts of technology engineering.  Students will develop critical thinking skills through activities, projects and various design challenges.  Project-based activities will provide a framework by which principles can be investigated, tested and evaluated.  Upon completion of the course, students will be able to identify the different areas of technology, utilize STEM concepts and become successful problem solvers.  Students will evaluate existing engineering designs, use fundamental sketching and drawing techniques, engage in real world learning activities and effectively communicate design solutions to others.

Robotics 1 - Level 1        

Grade Level:    9,  10, 11, 12    /   Credit:  .5                                                 

Prerequisite:  Haven taken or concurrently taking Algebra 1 

This course is designed to provide students with basic knowledge and skills necessary to understand, design, construct, program and operate a basic robot. Students will be able to design and manufacture a mechanical robot and compete in the First Robotics Competition. Students will be introduced to a variety of basic principles in the fields of CAD, computer programming, electricity and electronics, mathematics and physics, STEM and 21st century learning skills. Many of the activities facilitate a hands-on presentation of design practices used by engineers and technicians.

Robotics 2 - Level 1        

Grade Level:    9,  10, 11, 12    /   Credit:  .5                                                 

Prerequisite:  Robotics 1 

This is the advanced level of the Robotics 1 course. STEM related laboratory  activities will demonstrate the advanced principles of machine control, automation, fabrication, motors,  power supplies, solenoids, sensors, drive systems and programming. The construction of a robot for the  First Robotic Competition will be emphasized in this course.

Video Game Design and Programming- Level 2        

Grade Level:     10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5                                                 

Prerequisite:    None

This course covers the major aspects of game design including character and world development, game playing, game genres and principles of game design. Students will gain hands-on experience in simple game development and various computer programming languages.  

Video Production 1- Level 2        

Grade Level:   10, 11, 12    /   Credit:  .5                                                  

Prerequisite:    None

This is the perfect course for any student interested in video production from home video editing to a career in the field of video production.  The course is designed to introduce students to the implications and use of video production and graphic communications.  Students will apply knowledge and skills to produce live and scripted video productions.  A strong emphasis will also be placed on the technology related to pre-production, production, and postproduction.

Video Production 2- Level 2        

Grade Level:    10, 11, 12   /   Credit:  .5                                                   

Prerequisite:    Video Production 1

Video Production 2 is an advanced level course for students interested in broadcast journalism, broadcast engineering, script writing, and other media centered careers.  The major emphasis of this course will be student participation in writing, producing, directing and electronically editing video productions both on location and in the studio.  Students will learn how to combine the traditional skills of interpretation and expression in video production with technical production and managerial experience.  Special production techniques specific to the broadcast and cable medium will be studied and combined with the skills of meaningful criticism.  Students will experience numerous production assignments such as documentaries, multiple fast-turnaround individual productions, Fox 61 Student News Broadcasts, Nutmeg Television Broadcasts and other challenging team productions.

Independent Study/Fieldwork/Internship -Level 1

In the following areas:

Grade Level: 11 & 12  /Credit .5 per semester                                      

Prerequisite:   1) Recommendation from Instructor & Approval by Career Center.  2) Independent Study is only available to students who have successfully completed ALL of the courses offered at Plainville High School in a particular subject area, as outlined in the program of studies.

Juniors and seniors who have a specific career path in mind, have a unique opportunity to earn high school credit and participate in a career focused internship through the Plainville High School Fieldwork Experience Program.  An internship provides invaluable real-world experience, grows knowledge in a professional setting, develops crucial soft skills, and builds a network that can significantly enhance future career opportunities.

Students will partner with a local business, organization or professional in a capacity that aligns with their future goals. Student participants will complete 60 hours (approximately 5 hours per week) of internship related work requirements over the course of a high school semester.  The students will be responsible for transportation to and from the internship site.

The success of the internship program relies on a collaborative partnership involving the student, the school, and community professionals. The active involvement of student interns significantly influences these relationships.  Therefore, elevated expectations are in place to foster the enhancement of the partnerships. The program requires students to show initiative, follow through, and a high level of professional behavior.  

Review the expectations for an internship.  If you feel you are a good candidate for this course, meet with Mrs. Bradley in the Career Center to discuss the possibilities.