Interdisciplinary Studies




FREE College Credit Opportunities

Experiential Learning Opportunities

To learn about job shadows or  fieldwork experiences please visit the Career Center.


Academic Writing and Discourse Seminar - Level 1

Grade Level: 11 (Spring only)  & 12 - .5 credit

Prerequisite: Need to have successfully completed English 10

The Academic Writing and Discourse Seminar is an interdisciplinary humanities elective course for juniors and seniors who wish to push their writing and communication skills to a post-secondary level. With a focus on audience and purpose, the Academic Writing and Discourse Seminar allows students the opportunity to engage in high-level discussion around sociological and cultural topics. Throughout this semester-long course students will compose, edit, and revise a variety of short and extended writing pieces rooted in global and social issues, prominent historical events, and ideological and ethical values. Culminating assessments include a scholarly essay, an editorial/feature piece, and an illustrated children’s book. Students are expected to submit at least one piece of writing for publication. 

ECE Intro to Education - Level 1

Grade Level: 12 / Credit 1

Prerequisite:  Three years of English 

This is an educational foundations survey course for those who are interested in learning more about the landscape of K- 12 education and how to connect your passions to it. The ECE Education course engages students interested in working in K-12 settings in studies about teaching, learning, and schooling in the United States. It explores teaching and learning as processes that can relate to personal passions as well as how those passions are shaped, cultivated, or denied in different educational contexts. Course topics will include introductions to historical, philosophical, and social foundations of education, as well as how those foundations and personal passions relate to teaching as a profession, school organization, educational reform, and the reimagining of educational futures.

This course affords the student the opportunity to register for the University of Connecticut’s EDCI 1100: If You Love It, Teach It course through our Early College Experience program and earn 3 college credits. 

Only students who are registered in the UCONN/ECE Program for this course will receive UCONN credit. These credits are transferable to other colleges. Note: Credit transfer policies vary from college to college, hence students must check with their colleges of interest. Typically grades below a C do not transfer, and grades of a C or higher transfer as a “T” which carries no GPA or grade.

Independent Study/Fieldwork/ Internship- Level 1

Grade Level: 11, 12 / Credit .5

Prerequisite:  1) Recommendation from Instructor & Approval by Career Center.  2) Independent Study is only available to students who have successfully completed ALL of the courses offered at Plainville High School in a particular subject area, as outlined in the program of studies.

Juniors and seniors who have a specific career path in mind, have a unique opportunity to earn high school credit and participate in a career focused internship through the Plainville High School Fieldwork Experience Program.  An internship provides invaluable real-world experience, grows knowledge in a professional setting, develops crucial soft skills, and builds a network that can significantly enhance future career opportunities.

Students will partner with a local business, organization or professional in a capacity that aligns with their future goals. Student participants will complete 60 hours (approximately 5 hours per week) of internship related work requirements over the course of a high school semester.  The students will be responsible for transportation to and from the internship site.

The success of the internship program relies on a collaborative partnership involving the student, the school, and community professionals. The active involvement of student interns significantly influences these relationships.  Therefore, elevated expectations are in place to foster the enhancement of the partnerships. The program requires students to show initiative, follow through, and a high level of professional behavior.  

Review the expectations for an internship.  If you feel you are a good candidate for this course, meet with Mrs. Bradley in the Career Center to discuss the possibilities.

Independent Study Research- Level 2

Grade Level: 12 / Credit .5

Prerequisite: None

Students are provided with an authentic research experience where students extend their learning of a personal passion, talent, or career interest.  At the conclusion of the course, students will create a presentation of learning that encompasses their research.  Students will be expected to be reflective, critical thinkers, and effective communicators.

SHAPE- Level 2

Grade Level: 10, 11, 12 / Credit .5

Prerequisite: None

Students are provided with an authentic research experience where students extend their learning of a personal passion, talent, or career interest.  At the conclusion of the course, students will create a presentation of learning that encompasses their research.  Students will be expected to be reflective, critical thinkers, and effective communicators.