Job Shadows

Traditionally, job shadows are two to four hours in length. Each job shadow is tailored to fit the students needs and comfort level.

Trumpf, Inc.

Manufacturing Pathway

Police Department

Trumpf, Inc.

Manufacturing Pathway

Police Department

Cyber Security Pathway

VCA Animal Hospital

Veterinary Pathway

Field Trip to Career Conn


Transportation, Distribution & Logistcs Pathway

State Capital

Government and Public Administration

Army National Guard

Government and Public Administration

Job Shadows

    The Plainville High School’s Job Shadow program is designed to offer students in 11th and 12th grade the opportunity to learn about a career pathway in which they have expressed an interest. Shadows allow a student to spend time in a business observing a person in that occupation. This one-on-one interaction allows students to learn firsthand about the work activities, the education needed, and the skills(technical & soft)required for performing the job. Job shadows last from two hours to a full day and are tailored to meet the student's needs. 

    When a student is referred or requests a shadow, we look at our contacts to see if we have an existing partnership that can help, or we make a connection with a new company. All students that shadow a business should be in good academic standing and responsible. All students agree to make up the classwork they miss and adhere to the appropriate dress code and the standard workplace rules for the business.

A list of businesses we partner with, and in which capacity they can host a shadow:

Hartford Healthcare - 

Loureiro Engineering- Engineering, Marketing, HR

Trumpf- Engineering & Production

Plainville Police Department- Police Officer

Town of Plainville-Town Manager, Asst. Town Manager, HR, Assessing Dept., Tax Dept. Town Clerk, Building, Health, Engineering, Fire Marshal, Public Work

VCA Old Canal Animal Hospital- Veterinarian, Vet. Technician

Plainville  Schools  Teachers, Psychologist, Facilities

Dr. Gary Santa Maria- Dentist / Dental Assistant

Bristol Hospital PA, RN, PT, OT

Dattco- Mechanic

Great American Donut - Finance, Marketing, Sales

Aquarion Water Company - Accounting, Finance, Engineering

4-Biz - Design

New Britain Herald  & Citizen- Journalism/Reporting

Manafort - Mechanic Automotive & Diesel/ Construction Management

ACME Monaco- Production Technician, Engineering, Welding

Robertson Airport - Flight Instructor/Mechanics