Job Readiness


Resumes, Applications & Interview Skills Do’s & Don’ts  Google  Slide Show


It is important to take time and think about your skills, abilities, and what you have to offer a college or employer before you write things down. Please follow these steps in completing your resume.  Click here for a  great website to review resumes!

Indeed's Top 10 Skills to put on your resume

Resume Worksheet

Action Verbs

Resume Checklist

Academic Resume Example

Job Resume Example


YouTube video How to Write a Cover Letter with No Experience

The cover letter is designed to introduce you to an employer with the objective of getting an interview for a job that is advertised. It is important to follow some simple rules in writing a cover letter:

1. Customize each cover letter with an inside address (do not use "to whom it may concern").

2. Personalize the greeting (Dear Ms. Jones). Try to get the name of a person whenever possible. A quick telephone call can often result in a name and sometimes a valuable telephone conversation. When you can't get a name, use Dear Recruiter, Dear Hiring Manager, Dear Search Committee, or Dear Sir/Madam.

3. Mention where you heard about the position so your reader knows where to direct your résumé and letter. The first paragraph of your cover letter is a great place to state your objective. Since you know the specific job being offered, you can tailor your objective to suit the position.

4. Drop names in the first paragraph if you know someone in the company. Hiring managers take unsolicited résumés more seriously when they assume you were referred by one of their employees or customers.

5. The second paragraph (or two) is the perfect place to mention a specific experience that is targeted to the job opening. This section is the place to explain why you are perfect for the position. Sell yourself. Choose some of your experience and/or education that is specifically related to the company's requirements. You may also want to elaborate on qualifications that are not in your resume but apply to this particular job. Understanding the company and what it's looking for, and writing how your talents match their needs, showcases you, and identifies your resume as not a generic one. A few lines will be enough.

6. The closing should be concise. Let the reader know what you want (an application, an interview, an opportunity to call). If you are planning to call the person on a certain day, you could close by saying, "I will contact you next Tuesday to set up a mutually convenient time to meet." It is not a good idea to call on Mondays or Fridays. If you aren't comfortable making these cold calls, then close your letter with something like: "I look forward to hearing from you soon." And remember to say, "Thank you for your consideration."

Cover Letter Sample

THANK YOU LETTER OF INFORMATION       Template from Vertex42

The Thank You Letter - A thank you acknowledgment should be sent as soon as possible after an interview. A thank you letter may be sent to each interviewer or, if the firm has one, to the recruitment coordinator with a note to pass along your thanks to those with which you spoke during the interview. When writing more than one firm member, try to personalize each letter by altering at least one sentence in the letter. It can be time- consuming but it may pay off. If you are sending a single letter that thanks everyone you met, take the time to give the names of those you interviewed and make sure you spell their names correctly.

You should consider this letter to be a marketing tool. Too often students do not realize the importance of a follow-up letter and miss out on this opportunity. An interviewee should never consider a thank you letter as optional. Even if you should fail to receive an offer, the firm will retain a more favorable image of you if you take the time to send a note of thanks. This could prove beneficial to you in the future.

Interviewers expect you to send thank you letters. It's also an effective interviewing strategy. For example, it

            Thank You Letter Sample


The Interview - An interview is a personal encounter between two people. To communicate what you have to offer, you must establish a good rapport. The way you conduct yourself during the interview is critical. Some pointers:

Make a good impression at your interview by doing a little homework beforehand.

Research the Company and the Position

The more you know about the company and the job you are applying for, the better you will appear in the interview. An interviewer will be impressed by your interest and motivation, and you will be able to explain what you can do for the company.

Prepare for the Actual Interview

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.

For women:

For men:

Letter of Recommendation Template