The G. James Gholson 

Past Family (k)Newsletter

900 Nalley Road, Landover, MD 20785  |  (301) 883-8390  |

School Mission: All GJGMS stakeholders will work collaboratively and communicate effectively to create a respectful, safe, and orderly environment where there is a passion for innovative teaching and lifelong learning.

School Vision: We at GJGMS will provide a healthy and collaborative community where students develop literacy skills across all content areas and are afforded opportunities for problem-solving, critical thinking, and self-awareness in order to develop strong academics in preparation for college. 

 Thee G. James Gholson Middle School is a place where every community member feels safe, feels seen, and is supported to succeed.

Week of april 22 - april 26

Art work from students in our Visual Arts program which is currently being featured in the Central Area Art Exhibit at Prince George's Community College Visual Arts Center.

Principal's Message

Greetings Undaunted Knights!

And how are the children? How would you answer this question?

I am SO grateful for the family support Gholson and our children receive! Our Knight parents are some of the best! I'll put them up against anybody! And there is NOTHING they won't do to see that their children are safe, seen, and supported to be successful. From connecting with admin to give heads up of student concerns; volunteering in the office, substitute teaching; advocating for students at school and at the Board of Education; breaking up neighborhood fights; or coming together with other families to partner with the admin team to resolve student conflicts, our Knight parents do it all! Thank you for making this a great year! Stay strong! We only have a few more weeks left until summer break. 

Monday, you may receive Notices of Concern from teachers alerting you to your child's grade if it is below 70%; unresolved behavior concerns; or if your child has missed 3 or more days. If you don't hear from your children's teacher, please reach out and check in to make sure your child is still on the right track. We will reach midquarter May 6 and progress report grades will go in. This is a GREAT time to intervene if their grades have gone off track.  If your child has a D or E in math or language arts (RELA), bring your child to our Saturday Academy 9:00 -12 PM for free tutoring and enrichment. Some teachers are also offering extra credit for student attendance. This week we continue with our Math MCAP testing. Please ensure your child has turned in their Chromebook and gets a solid night of 8 hours of sleep so they are primed to do their best. We also look forward to field trips to Towson University and Skate Zone this week. 

Remember, PGCPS and Gholson MS primarily communicate via SchoolMessenger. Click the link to make sure your phone, text, and email are connected so you don't miss important messages from PGCPS and Gholson. Check on your friends and family with children at Gholson MS to make sure they are connected too.

The weather is warming and we know off-task and negative behaviors tend to rise during warmer seasons. At Gholson, we will continue to enforce our high expectations of our Knights. Remember, my expectation is that all students will arrive to class on time every time. Please know we don't accept any excuses for students not being in their assigned location on time; for students being in the hallways without a written pass. Our children are old enough and intelligent enough to know their daily schedule; to follow verbal and written directions; and to procure written permission (pass) to exit class during class time. To accept any excuse that discounts their abilities and intelligence is disrespectful to them. We are conducting hallsweeps every MOD every day to support students in arriving to class on time. Students who are caught more than once in the hallsweeps will face increasing disciplinary actions and exclusion from field trips and incentive activities for trespassing, loitering, and refusal to follow reasonable staff directions.

Parents please join us and help us to redirect and curb any students who come to 900 Nalley Road and try to do what they want, disrupt learning, and put the safety of everyone at risk.  We cannot allow students who choose to do actions that make it unsafe and disrupt the learning and teaching of everyone to be at 900 Nalley Road without their parent/guardian. Either children will be at home with their parent/guardian or they will be in school with their parent/guardian. Thank you to the parents and caregivers that have already come and shadowed their children! We see the difference your influence has made.

Work with us in ensuring Gholson MS is safe, seen, and supported by-

We will continue to  push Positivity at "THEE G." It is my expectation that our children will "push P(ositivity) at THEE G" by-


Remember, in order for students to be invited to field trips, incentive activities (dances, pep rallies, 8th Grade Dance, 8th Grade Class Trip, 8th Grade Awards, etc.) they must meet the following criteria-

Students who do not meet this criteria will not attend or participate. 

And thank you to all who continue to advocate, write letters and call the area office on behalf of Gholson Middle School! Your advocacy has brought much needed attention and prioritization of the needs of our children. Please continue to write, call, and lift your voice to PGCPS leadership at; email this letter to PGCPS Board of Education at District 6; State senator; PGCPS leadership at Associate Superintendent and Superintendent House

To those who have negative opinions about Gholson MS, I ask "What is your most recent step you've personally taken to improve Gholson MS and our children's experience?" And "What is the evidence of the impact of your actions?" If you are struggling to answer these questions, I invite you to -

Be sure to discuss school expectations with your child daily so they are able to make sure they and everyone in our community is safe, seen, and supported to be successful. Only when students meet our expectations and abide by our procedures and protocols can we ensure their safety, learning, and the orderliness of school operations. 

Communication is the best way to know how the children are! PGCPS and Thee G. James Gholson Middle School have employed a few tools to enable two-way communication between staff and families. Teachers post attendance, assignment grades and comments via SchoolMAX. This is the primary tool to view your child's attendance, grades, and progress. It is PGCPS' and my expectation that parents will regularly check their children's grades in SchoolMAX and intervene. Best practice- Log into SchoolMAX with your child and have them review their attendance, assignment and course grades with you on Wednesdays of each week. This midweek check gives children time to ask their teachers questions and make any needed corrections. If you have questions or concerns as you are reviewing your child's grades, email your child's teacher or reach out to their professional school counselor to schedule a parent/teacher conference. 

This Active April let's find ways to get moving and stay active and healthy. Today's Action for Happiness encourages us to pause regularly, stretch, and breathe during the day in this "Active April."

Together, with you, we are the #UndauntedKnights. Together, we will overcome any and all obstacles to ensure our beloved children feel safe, seen, and supported to be successful!


A dress down ticket to the student of the parent who e-mails Principal Broussard the correct answers to these questions

Who is the soccer team's last opponent?

What does the Action for Happiness Calendar say on April  22?

Did you vote on Gholson's uniform policy?

This newsletter will be updated Sunday nights and posted on the G. James Gholson Middle website to keep all students, staff, families and community members informed. Be sure to read and make note of all details.

Who to contact 

Mr. Johnson, Mr. Joseph, Dr. Hayward, Mr. Kanda, and Mrs. Rosado during Wednesday morning collaborative

Standard and objective for Wednesday morning collaborative

Data analysis protocol and collaborative planning rubric reflection

Ms. Jenkins and Deja cooking up something good at the Family Cooking event

Upcoming Events

April 15 - April 30- MCAP Testing

April 22- Earth Day | Parent Support Center @GJGMS| Soccer Game

April 24- Administrative Professionals' Day | AVID Towson College Tour | Soccer Game

April 25- 7th Grade Baltimore Zoo Fieldtrip | 6th Grade Skate Zone Fieldtrip | Family Movie (K)Night

April 26- 6th Grade Main Event Fieldtrip

April 27- GJGMS Saturday Academy

April 29- Parent Support Center @GJGMS | Soccer Game

April 30- Virtual Cooking Demo

May 1- Soccer Game

May 8- Career Day

Happy Earth Day!

April 22, 2024 is Earth day

We all can make positive change for this amazing planet we call Earth. The achievements of young changemakers can inspire us all to do our part to help create a better future.

April 22 is Earth Day! Let’s celebrate and find the leader in each of us, so that every day can be Earth Day. Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 every year. The day is also known as International Mother Earth Day. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness about various issues that threaten the environment and endanger the planet, such as the rapidly rising levels of pollution, deforestation, and global warming. Countries and organisations from all around the world unite to promote awareness of the critical need to preserve the environment.

The planet will commemorate the 54th Earth Day on April 22, 2024, at a time when pollution is at never-before-seen levels and temperatures on are breaking records every year. Thousands of people worldwide organise campaigns and make commitments to improve the planet's health. Earth Day is celebrated through various seminars, events and concerts. These modern environmental movements help the world realise the need to nurture the planet for better living.

Gaylord Nelson, a US senator and environmentalist, and Harvard University graduate student Denis Hayes organised it for the first time. According to the BBC, Mr Nelson and Mr Hayes planned the event because they were worried about environmental damage in the US, particularly following a significant oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, in 1969.

On April 22, 1970, 20 million American citizens took to the streets across the city to protest against environmental crises such as water pollution, oil spills, forest fires, air pollution etc. That street protest created a huge buzz and spread like wildfire as hundreds of cities joined gradually the revolution to make it one of the biggest protests on the globe. 

The theme this year is "Planet vs. Plastics," which aims to increase public awareness of the detrimental effects that plastic pollution has on both human and environmental health.

April 24 is Administrative Professionals day

Wednesday, April 24 we celebrate Gholson's administrative assistants- Ms. Perkins, Ms. Brown, Ms. Herring, and Ms. Dennis. Their work is the key to our success every day and a special reason why we appreciate them so much! Be sure to show some love to them this week. Feel free to send your well wishes to,,, 💐

Boys' Basketball Team bests their opponents over the weekend

Mr. Alada and students during Saturday Academy

Ms. Wilson and students during Saturday Academy

Operation Clean Sweep

Be Prepared

Be Uplifting

Be Safe

Be Helpful

Vote to change Gholson's uniform policy

Currently Gholson Middle is a MANDATORY uniform school. Enforcing the mandatory uniform policy takes time and energy from instruction , students, and parents. Enforcing a school uniform policy diverts time and energy away from learning, as staff spends time ensuring students comply with the policy. When students come out of uniform, staff must discipline them, call parents, parents must take time to come bring uniforms, and students lose class time waiting for them in In-school suspension. Furthermore, the mandatory uniform policy unfairly burdens families with limited financial resources and families without an in-home washing machine and clothes dryer. While uniforms are meant to level the playing field, they can sometimes highlight socio-economic differences. If students' uniforms are not well-maintained, they can draw attention to a student's financial situation and lead to bullying and fights. Additionally, the uniforms have not shown a significant positive effect on our students' achievement as promised.

We need your vote to change Gholson to a VOLUNTARY uniform school. This would allow families to choose whether their child wears a uniform or not according to their families' needs. In addition, children will no longer be penalized or disciplined for not being in uniform. Without mandatory uniforms, the focus can be more on academics and student achievement. Also, allowing students the option to choose what they wear helps them express their individuality and personal style. This can lead to increased confidence and a stronger sense of identity and student achievement.

Cast your vote at:

{Updated} 8th Grade EOY letter G James Gholson MS.docx

8th Grade End of The Year AcTivities & Requirements

We are excited to celebrate our eighth graders! In order to prepare for the end of the year activities and high school transition, students and families will need to adhere to the established timeline and guidelines in the eighth grade end of the year letter. Letters were shared at the April 11 Family Forum, given  to students to bring home, and mailed to your address in SchoolMAX. 

As students are transitioning to high school, parents must provide updated proof of residence in person or via for all students who will be attending high school due to promotion to ninth grade. Please contact Ms. Dennis at or 301-883-8390.

Additionally, in order for students and families to participate in any of the End of the Year activities- 8th Grade Class Trip, Formal Dance and Awards & Promotion Ceremony, students must meet all of the following criteria during fourth quarter-

As of now we only have 108 of 220+ eighth graders who are on track to meet the requirements and participate in the class trip, formal dance, and promotion ceremony. Students who do not meet all of the requirements will not participate in any of the end of year activities (no class trip; no dance; no awards/promotion ceremony). Please work with your child to meet these requirements so you and your familiy will not miss out in these joyous events!

upcoming pgcps family institute sessions


April 30

Parents and PGCPS Administration Procedures

What are Administrative Procedures and why should parents know them? Learn about PGCPS Administrative Procedures and how to access


30 de abril 

Los padres y los Procedimientos Administrativos de PGCPS

¿Qué son los procedimientos administrativos y por qué los padres deben conocerlos? Aprenda cómo acceder a los procedimientos administrativos de PGCPS e información sobre los procedimientos administrativos de PGCPS.

30 avril

Les parents et les Procédures Administratives de PGCPS

Quelles sont les procédures administratives et pourquoi les parents doivent-ils les connaître ? Apprenez comment accéder aux procédures administratives de PGCPS et à l'information sur les procédures administratives de PGCPS.

May 7

Make Transitions smooth moves (ES, MS, HS, College)

Is your child transitioning into a new level of education? This transition can be a major adjustment for the whole family. Join us to learn tips to ease these transitions and increase outcomes for student success. 

7 de mayo

Haga transiciones tranquilas (escuela primaria, escuela intermedia, escuela superior y universidad)

¿Su hijo está haciendo la transición a un nuevo nivel de educación? Esta transición puede ser un cambio importante para toda la familia. Acompáñenos para aprender consejos para facilitar estas transiciones y mejorar los resultados para el éxito estudiantil.

7 mai

Effectuez des transitions en douceur (Primaire, Collège, Lycée, Université)

Votre enfant est-il en transition vers un nouveau niveau d’éducation ? Cette transition peut être un ajustement majeur pour toute la famille. Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir des conseils visant à faciliter ces transitions et à améliorer les résultats pour la réussite des élèves.

May 14

Testing Results: What Do they Mean & How Can I Help My Child?

Learn best practices for reviewing test results as well as how to help prepare students for future assessments.

14 de mayo

Resultados de las evaluaciones: ¿qué significan y cómo puedo ayudar a mi hijo?

Aprenda las mejores prácticas para revisar los resultados de las evaluaciones y cómo ayudar a preparar a los estudiantes para evaluaciones futuras.

14 mai

Les résultats de tests : Que signifient-ils et comment puis-je aider mon enfant ?

Apprenez les meilleures pratiques pour l'examen des résultats des tests ainsi que la manière de préparer les élèves aux évaluations futures.

Opportunities for students

Congratulations NJHS Nominees!

Congratulations to all students who have been nominated for the National Junior Honor Society! Students with 3.5 or better have been nominated and invited to apply for Gholson's chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. Be sure to complete the application and collect your recommendations so you can submit your application by Wednesday. Late applications will not be considered for membership. 

English Language Arts (ELA), Math Tutoring & MCAP Test Prep 

The G. James Gholson’s School’s Extended Learning Opportunities Program. The program will be every beginning Saturday, March 16th and end Saturday, May 25th. The hours of the program will be from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon. Please make arrangements for your child to be present for this free program.

The purpose of this program is to provide academic enrichment to students through various ways of learning in order to improve their academics and promote academic confidence, motivation, and experience. 

Students will explore learning through Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics. A light snack will be offered each Saturday. Parents must provide transportation.

Use the link below to register-

 Form Link:

If you would like more information or have any questions or concerns, please contact Monica Francis, ELO Coordinator, at 301-883-8390, Rm F-114 or via e-mail at


Soccer schedule.docx

actions for happiness- an active april

Let's find ways to get moving and stay active and stay healthy!

Follow us 


Week of april 15 - april 19

Principal's Message

Greetings Undaunted Knights!

And how are the children? How would you answer this question?

Communication is the best way to know how the children are! PGCPS and Thee G. James Gholson Middle School have employed a few tools to enable two-way communication between staff and families. Teachers post attendance, assignment grades and comments via SchoolMAX. This is the primary tool to view your child's attendance, grades, and progress. It is PGCPS' and my expectation that parents will regularly check their children's grades in SchoolMAX and intervene. Best practice- Log into SchoolMAX with your child and have them review their attendance, assignment and course grades with you on Wednesdays of each week. This midweek check gives children time to ask their teachers questions and make any needed corrections. If you have questions or concerns as you are reviewing your child's grades, email your child's teacher or reach out to their professional school counselor to schedule a parent/teacher conference. 

If your child has a D or E in math or language arts (RELA), bring your child to our Saturday Academy 9:00 -12 PM for free tutoring and enrichment. Some teachers are also offering extra credit for student attendance. 

PGCPS and Gholson MS also communicate via SchoolMessenger. Click the link to make sure your phone, text, and email are connected so you don't miss important messages from PGCPS and Gholson.

Come out this week and show your support for our students in our Visual Arts program at the Central Area Visual Art exhibition. And come out to cheer on our girls and boys soccer teams. Thank you to the families were able to come to last week's Family Forums. If your schedule prevented you from joining us, please keep an eye out for the recap coming to your emails later this week. 

The weather is warming and we know off-task and negative behaviors tend to rise during warmer seasons. At Gholson, we will continue to enforce our high expectations of our Knights. Remember, my expectation is that all students will arrive to class on time every time. Please know we don't accept any excuses for students not being in their assigned location on time; for students being in the hallways without a written pass. Our children are old enough and intelligent enough to know their daily schedule; to follow verbal and written directions; and to procure written permission (pass) to exit class during class time. To accept any excuse that discounts their abilities and intelligence is disrespectful to them. We are conducting hallsweeps every MOD every day to support students in arriving to class on time. Students who are caught more than once in the hallsweeps will face increasing disciplinary actions and exclusion from field trips and incentive activities for trespassing, loitering, and refusal to follow reasonable staff directions.

Parents please join us and help us to redirect and curb any students who come to 900 Nalley Road and try to do what they want, disrupt learning, and put the safety of everyone at risk.  We cannot allow students who choose to do actions that make it unsafe and disrupt the learning and teaching of everyone to be at 900 Nalley Road without their parent/guardian. Either children will be at home with their parent/guardian or they will be in school with their parent/guardian. Thank you to the parents and caregivers that have already come and shadowed their children! We see the difference your influence has made.

Work with us in ensuring Gholson MS is safe, seen, and supported by-

We will continue to  push Positivity at "THEE G." It is my expectation that our children will "push P(ositivity) at THEE G" by-


Remember, in order for students to be invited to field trips, incentive activities (dances, pep rallies, 8th Grade Dance, 8th Grade Class Trip, 8th Grade Awards, etc.) they must meet the following criteria-

Students who do not meet this criteria will not attend or participate. 

And thank you to all who continue to advocate, write letters and call the area office on behalf of Gholson Middle School! Your advocacy has brought much needed attention and prioritization of the needs of our children. Please continue to write, call, and lift your voice to PGCPS leadership at; email this letter to PGCPS Board of Education at District 6; State senator; PGCPS leadership at Associate Superintendent and Superintendent House

To those who have negative opinions about Gholson MS, I ask "What is your most recent step you've personally taken to improve Gholson MS and our children's experience?" And "What is the evidence of the impact of your actions?" If you are struggling to answer these questions, I invite you to -

Be sure to discuss school expectations with your child daily so they are able to make sure they and everyone in our community is safe, seen, and supported to be successful. Only when students meet our expectations and abide by our procedures and protocols can we ensure their safety, learning, and the orderliness of school operations. 

This Active April let's find ways to get moving and stay active and healthy. Today's Action for Happiness encourages us to relax our bodies and minds with yoga, tai-chi, or meditation "Active April."

Together, with you, we are the #UndauntedKnights. Together, we will overcome any and all obstacles to ensure our beloved children feel safe, seen, and supported to be successful!


A dress down ticket to the student of the parent who e-mails Principal Broussard the correct answers to these questions

Who is the soccer team's first opponent?

What does the Action for Happiness Calendar say on April 17?

How can you vote on Gholson's uniform policy?

This newsletter will be updated Sunday nights and posted on the G. James Gholson Middle website to keep all students, staff, families and community members informed. Be sure to read and make note of all details.

Who to contact 

Parents beat students in 71-43 in basketball

Mrs. Epps sharing with 7th grade parents

Mrs. Partlow, from the University of Maryland sharing info about our partnership.

Students and staff enjoying dinner at the Family Forum

Gholson Knights advocating for a better PGCPS with the PGCPS Strategic Planning Committee.

Parents (Guests) versus Students (Home) game

Hispanic Heritage Dancers doing the Bachata

Ms. Johnson having fun at the MCAP Pep Rally

Behold the Blue and the Gold

Upcoming Events

April 15 - April 30- MCAP Testing

April 15- Parent Support Center @GJGMS| Soccer Game | Transportation Information Session @Gwynn Park HS | CYA-JLA Parent Event

April 16- PGCPS Transportation Information Session @Drew-Freeman MS

April 17- AVID Towson College Tour| Soccer Game | Central Area Art Exhibit Opening & Reception | PGCPS Transportation Information Session @Hyattsville MS

April 18- Q3 Report Cards Distributed | Transportation Information Session @Bowie HS

April 19- Q3 Grade Appeal Window Opens

April 20- GJGMS Saturday Academy

April 22- Parent Support Center @GJGMS| Soccer Game

April 24- Administrative Professionals' Day | AVID Towson College Tour | Soccer Game

April 25- 7th Grade Baltimore Zoo Fieldtrip | 6th Grade Skate Zone Fieldtrip | Family Movie (K)Night

April 26- 6th Grade Main Event Fieldtrip

April 27- GJGMS Saturday Academy

April 29- Parent Support Center @GJGMS | Soccer Game

April 30- Virtual Cooking Demo

May 1- Soccer Game

May 8- Career Day

Be Prepared

Be Uplifting

Be Safe

Be Helpful

Vote to change Gholson's uniform policy

Currently Gholson Middle is a MANDATORY uniform school. Enforcing the mandatory uniform policy takes time and energy from instruction , students, and parents. Enforcing a school uniform policy diverts time and energy away from learning, as staff spends time ensuring students comply with the policy. When students come out of uniform, staff must discipline them, call parents, parents must take time to come bring uniforms, and students lose class time waiting for them in In-school suspension. Furthermore, the mandatory uniform policy unfairly burdens families with limited financial resources and families without an in-home washing machine and clothes dryer. While uniforms are meant to level the playing field, they can sometimes highlight socio-economic differences. If students' uniforms are not well-maintained, they can draw attention to a student's financial situation and lead to bullying and fights. Additionally, the uniforms have not shown a significant positive effect on our students' achievement as promised.

We need your vote to change Gholson to a VOLUNTARY uniform school. This would allow families to choose whether their child wears a uniform or not according to their families' needs. In addition, children will no longer be penalized or disciplined for not being in uniform. Without mandatory uniforms, the focus can be more on academics and student achievement. Also, allowing students the option to choose what they wear helps them express their individuality and personal style. This can lead to increased confidence and a stronger sense of identity and student achievement.

Cast your vote at:

{Updated} 8th Grade EOY letter G James Gholson MS.docx

8th Grade End of The Year AcTivities & Requirements

We are excited to celebrate our eighth graders! In order to prepare for the end of the year activities and high school transition, students and families will need to adhere to the established timeline and guidelines in the eighth grade end of the year letter. Letters were shared at the April 11 Family Forum, given  to students to bring home, and mailed to your address in SchoolMAX. 

As students are transitioning to high school, parents must provide updated proof of residence in person or via for all students who will be attending high school due to promotion to ninth grade. Please contact Ms. Dennis at or 301-883-8390.

Additionally, in order for students and families to participate in any of the End of the Year activities- 8th Grade Class Trip, Formal Dance and Awards & Promotion Ceremony, students must meet all of the following criteria during fourth quarter-

As of now we only have 108 of 220+ eighth graders who are on track to meet the requirements and participate in the class trip, formal dance, and promotion ceremony. Students who do not meet all of the requirements will not participate in any of the end of year activities (no class trip; no dance; no awards/promotion ceremony). Please work with your child to meet these requirements so you and your familiy will not miss out in these joyous events!

Come see our students' artwork at the Central county visual art exhibit

PGCPS Central County Visual Art Exhibit Dates: 

The exhibit will be on display Wednesday, April 17, 2024, starting at 9:00 a.m. through Thursday, May 2, 2024, until 8:00 p.m. 


Prince George’s Community College, Center for

Performing Arts, 301 Largo Road, Largo, MD

Reception Night: 

Please RSVP Here:

The reception will be held in the lobby on 

Wednesday April 17, from 6:30 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.

6:30-7:00 View the Artwork

7:00-8:00 Speeches in the Theatre

8:00-8:30 Juice and Treat

upcoming pgcps family institute sessions


April 30

Parents and PGCPS Administration Procedures

What are Administrative Procedures and why should parents know them? Learn about PGCPS Administrative Procedures and how to access


30 de abril 

Los padres y los Procedimientos Administrativos de PGCPS

¿Qué son los procedimientos administrativos y por qué los padres deben conocerlos? Aprenda cómo acceder a los procedimientos administrativos de PGCPS e información sobre los procedimientos administrativos de PGCPS.

30 avril

Les parents et les Procédures Administratives de PGCPS

Quelles sont les procédures administratives et pourquoi les parents doivent-ils les connaître ? Apprenez comment accéder aux procédures administratives de PGCPS et à l'information sur les procédures administratives de PGCPS.

May 7

Make Transitions smooth moves (ES, MS, HS, College)

Is your child transitioning into a new level of education? This transition can be a major adjustment for the whole family. Join us to learn tips to ease these transitions and increase outcomes for student success. 

7 de mayo

Haga transiciones tranquilas (escuela primaria, escuela intermedia, escuela superior y universidad)

¿Su hijo está haciendo la transición a un nuevo nivel de educación? Esta transición puede ser un cambio importante para toda la familia. Acompáñenos para aprender consejos para facilitar estas transiciones y mejorar los resultados para el éxito estudiantil.

7 mai

Effectuez des transitions en douceur (Primaire, Collège, Lycée, Université)

Votre enfant est-il en transition vers un nouveau niveau d’éducation ? Cette transition peut être un ajustement majeur pour toute la famille. Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir des conseils visant à faciliter ces transitions et à améliorer les résultats pour la réussite des élèves.

May 14

Testing Results: What Do they Mean & How Can I Help My Child?

Learn best practices for reviewing test results as well as how to help prepare students for future assessments.

14 de mayo

Resultados de las evaluaciones: ¿qué significan y cómo puedo ayudar a mi hijo?

Aprenda las mejores prácticas para revisar los resultados de las evaluaciones y cómo ayudar a preparar a los estudiantes para evaluaciones futuras.

14 mai

Les résultats de tests : Que signifient-ils et comment puis-je aider mon enfant ?

Apprenez les meilleures pratiques pour l'examen des résultats des tests ainsi que la manière de préparer les élèves aux évaluations futures.

Opportunities for students

English Language Arts (ELA), Math Tutoring & MCAP Test Prep 

The G. James Gholson’s School’s Extended Learning Opportunities Program. The program will be every beginning Saturday, March 16th and end Saturday, May 25th. The hours of the program will be from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon. Please make arrangements for your child to be present for this free program.

The purpose of this program is to provide academic enrichment to students through various ways of learning in order to improve their academics and promote academic confidence, motivation, and experience. 

Students will explore learning through Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics. A light snack will be offered each Saturday. Parents must provide transportation.

Use the link below to register-

 Form Link:

If you would like more information or have any questions or concerns, please contact Monica Francis, ELO Coordinator, at 301-883-8390, Rm F-114 or via e-mail at


Soccer schedule.docx

actions for happiness- an active april

Let's find ways to get moving and stay active and stay healthy!

Follow us 


Week of april 8 - april 12

Upcoming Events

April 8 - April 12- MCAP Math Assessment

April 8- Parent Support Center

April 9- BJ Paige School Takeover BJ Paige Parent Workshop 5:00 PM

April 10- Schools Closed- Eid Al Fitr

April 11-  GJGMS Grade Level Family Forums 5:00 PM <--UPDATE | Soccer Season Opener 5:00 PM| Special Education College & Career Night 6:00 PM @Fairmont Heights HS

April 12- MCAP Pep Rally & March Madness Tournament

April 15- Parent Support Center| Soccer Game | Transportation Information Session @Gwynn Park HS

April 17- AVID Towson College Tour| Soccer Game

April 18- Q3 Report Cards Distributed | Transportation Information Session @Bowie HS

Principal's Message

Greetings Undaunted Knights!

And how are the children? How would you answer this question?

Thank you for your outpouring of love and support for our hardworking Assistant Principals! This week we begin MCAP Math testing. Please be sure your child gets at least eight hours of sleep and arrives to school by 7:20 AM to enjoy a healthy, brain energizing breakfast each day. Remember, the use of cell phones and other portable devices are prohibited during testing. Please read this disclosure statement .

Mark your calendars! Set your clocks and reminders for this Thursday, April 11 at 5:00 PM. Join the Gholson Assistant Principals and staff fat the Family Forum for pasta dinner, student performances, important nformation, goodies and freebies that will support your child in finishing school year 23-24 successfully! Note: students whose families attended the Parent Orientation in August 2023 have less incidences meriting disciplinary action and students achieved higher grades compared to the students whose parents did not attend the Parent Orientation. Why? Their parents missed the opportunity to understand school expectations; learn all the staff and resources that they can employ to support their child academically, mentally, and physically; and to know important dates and information to prepare their child for success. Come and equip yourself to give your child a strong start to this quarter!

The weather is warming and we know off-task and negative behaviors tend to rise during warmer seasons. At Gholson, we will continue to enforce our high expectations of our Knights. Remember, my expectation is that all students will arrive to class on time every time. Please know we don't accept any excuses for students not being in their assigned location on time; for students being in the hallways without a written pass. Our children are old enough and intelligent enough to know their daily schedule; to follow verbal and written directions; and to procure written permission (pass) to exit class during class time. To accept any excuse that discounts their abilities and intelligence is disrespectful to them. We are conducting hallsweeps every MOD every day to support students in arriving to class on time. Students who are caught more than once in the hallsweeps will face increasing disciplinary actions and exclusion from field trips and incentive activities for trespassing, loitering, and refusal to follow reasonable staff directions.

Parents please join us and help us to redirect and curb any students who come to 900 Nalley Road and try to do what they want, disrupt learning, and put the safety of everyone at risk.  We cannot allow students who choose to do actions that make it unsafe and disrupt the learning and teaching of everyone to be at 900 Nalley Road without their parent/guardian. Either children will be at home with their parent/guardian or they will be in school with their parent/guardian. Thank you to the parents and caregivers that have already come and shadowed their children! We see the difference your influence has made.

Work with us in ensuring Gholson MS is safe, seen, and supported by-

We will continue to  push Positivity at "THEE G." It is my expectation that our children will "push P(ositivity) at THEE G" by-


Remember, in order for students to be invited to field trips, incentive activities (dances, pep rallies, 8th Grade Dance, 8th Grade Class Trip, 8th Grade Awards, etc.) they must meet the following criteria-

Students who do not meet this criteria will not attend or participate. 

And thank you to all who continue to advocate, write letters and call the area office on behalf of Gholson Middle School! Your advocacy has brought much needed attention and prioritization of the needs of our children. Please continue to write, call, and lift your voice to PGCPS leadership at; email this letter to PGCPS Board of Education at District 6; State senator; PGCPS leadership at Associate Superintendent and Superintendent House

To those who have negative opinions about Gholson MS, I ask "What is your most recent step you've personally taken to improve Gholson MS and our children's experience?" And "What is the evidence of the impact of your actions?" If you are struggling to answer these questions, I invite you to -

Be sure to discuss school expectations with your child daily so they are able to make sure they and everyone in our community is safe, seen, and supported to be successful. Only when students meet our expectations and abide by our procedures and protocols can we ensure their safety, learning, and the orderliness of school operations. 

This Active April let's find ways to get moving and stay active and healthy. Today's Action for Happiness encourages us to discover the joy of the simple things in life "Active April."

Together, with you, we are the #UndauntedKnights. Together, we will overcome any and all obstacles to ensure our beloved children feel safe, seen, and supported to be successful!


A dress down ticket to the student of the parent who e-mails Principal Broussard the correct answers to these questions

Who is the soccer team's first opponent?

What does the Action for Happiness Calendar say on April 12?

What time does the Family Forum Start

How can you give your input about next year's budget?

This newsletter will be updated Sunday nights and posted on the G. James Gholson Middle website to keep all students, staff, families and community members informed. Be sure to read and make note of all details.

Who to contact 

Students applying their STEM skills to skates.

Rolling, rolling, rolling!

All smiles at the STEM Skate fieldtrip.

Dr. Hayward and Mrs. Francis supporting a skater.

Be Prepared

Be Uplifting

Be Safe

Be Helpful

Mr. Joseph and Mr. Clinkscale holding down "B" Hallway.

Students celebrating Mrs. Giles during Assistant Principal Appreciation.

Mrs. Rosado reviewing the PGCPS Student Rights & Responsibilities handbook with students.

Ms. Jenkins installing the security enhancement devices.

Mr. Isaac and Mrs. Kirk enjoying donuts during Assistant Principal Appreciation Week.

Staff ready to skate!

Students & Ms. Wilson putting in work at Saturday Academy 

Opportunities for students

English Language Arts (ELA), Math Tutoring & MCAP Test Prep 

The G. James Gholson’s School’s Extended Learning Opportunities Program. The program will be every beginning Saturday, March 16th and end Saturday, May 25th. The hours of the program will be from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon. Please make arrangements for your child to be present for this free program.

The purpose of this program is to provide academic enrichment to students through various ways of learning in order to improve their academics and promote academic confidence, motivation, and experience. 

Students will explore learning through Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics. A light snack will be offered each Saturday. Parents must provide transportation.

Use the link below to register-

 Form Link:

If you would like more information or have any questions or concerns, please contact Monica Francis, ELO Coordinator, at 301-883-8390, Rm F-114 or via e-mail at


Cooking with a master chef

Thee G. James Gholson MS and Cora L. Rice Elementary School present virtual cooking with a master chef. Back by popular demand!

April 30th- Healthy Living Food Demo

May 8th- Meals on a Budget Food Demo

Sign up by e-mailing

See you soon!

Soccer schedule.docx
College and Career Fair Flyer SY 24.pdf

The Department of Special Education would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming College and Career Fair. This event will take place on Thursday, April 11, 2024, from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at Fairmont Heights High School. During the fair, students and parents will learn about educational pathways to a variety of careers from industry professionals and about postsecondary programs available from representatives from in-state and out-of-state universities, community colleges, and technical / trade training programs. Join us and register today at

If you need further support or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact

(French) - College and Career Fair Flyer SY24 .pdf

Give your input on our 24-25 School Year budget

Parents, click -> or complete the survey below.

Students, click ->

Your input is important! Please indicate your top priorities for the school year. This information will be used to plan the budget and staffing for the upcoming year. 

Because our budget is designed to serve students, families, and educators, we are committed to listening and incorporating feedback from our stakeholders about the priorities that will best help us improve academic achievement in the year ahead.

We look forward to seeing your suggestions for the use of these funds for the 2024-2025 school year.

actions for happiness- an active april

Let's find ways to get moving and stay active and stay healthy!

Follow us 


Week of april 1 - april 5

Upcoming Events

March 25 - April 1- Schools Closed - Spring Break/Easter

April 1 - April 5 - National Assistant Principals' Week

April 2- Professional Day for Teachers- 1/2 Day Asynchronous Learning for Students- Schools Closed| Quarter 4 Begins | New Glenridge Area Middle School Project Virtual Meeting

April 3- PGCPS Board of Education: Parent and Community Advisory Council Virtual Meeting 7:00 PM

April 4- 8th Grade Skate Zone Field Trip | Family Food Market 3:30 PM | Parent Leaders Club for all parents 6 PM

April 5- Mentor/Mentee Skate Zone Field Trip | MCAP Pep-Rally

April 6- GJGMS MCAP Math and Reading Tutoring 9:00 AM

April 8- Soccer Pep Rally MODs 4-5 | Parent Support Center

April 9- BJ Paige School Takeover | TENTATIVE BJ Paige Parent Workshop 5:00 PM

April 10- Schools Closed- Eid Al Fitr

April 11- Special Education College & Career Night 6:00 PM @Fairmont Heights HS | GJGMS Grade Level Family Forums 6:30 PM


Students will work from home on their paper-based tasks on Tuesday, April 2. If your child did not pick up their work packet the week of March 18, please feel free to stop by the school April 2nd to pick up their work packet. Learn more about the April 2nd Asynchronous Day at this link-

Chromebook Collection

To help ensure a greater and more consistent availability of devices for students, for the upcoming MCAP assessments and other activities, Chromebooks will be collected beginning March 14,  inventoried, repaired, and reconditioned. Students must return all Chromebooks that were issued to them by their elementary school or PGCPS school.

The important thing for our students and families to understand is that students will not lose access to devices. Ensuring that all devices are inventoried, repaired, and reconditioned ensures that all students have access to devices. 

Beginning March 14, each student will return their PGCPS-issued Chromebook, charger, and carry bag/protective case to their first MOD teacher. Students will sign acknowledging they have returned the device and the device’s current condition. If the student’s Chromebook has been lost or stolen, the student will sign acknowledging their device has been lost/stolen. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Principal Broussard at (301)883-8390. 



Principal's Message

Greetings Undaunted Knights!

And how are the children? How would you answer this question?

HAPPY EASTER/RESURRECTION SUNDAY/ SPRING BREAK! I pray this message finds you well rested and your refrigerators full after having "school stomachs" home with you all week! Parents, caregivers, managers of teenagers- HOLD ON! WE ARE IN THE HOME STRETCH! We only have ONE quarter left! FINISH STRONG! Check your child's grades in SchoolMAX regularly so you can intervene if needed and support our children in doing well Quarter 4. There are several opportunities below- Saturday Academy Extended Learning Opportunity (ELO), Math tutoring- to name a couple- that are available to support our children in succeeding in school. Please take advantage of these free opportunities! Additionally, share your thoughts about how we should spend our budget for school year 24-25. This week is National Assistant Principal Appreciation Week! Show our wonderful assistant principals some Gholson LOVE! And mark your calendars for upcoming dates!

Additionally, my expectation is that all students will arrive to class on time every time. Please know we don't accept any excuses for students not being in their assigned location on time; for students being in the hallways without a written pass. Our children are old enough and intelligent enough to know their daily schedule; to follow verbal and written directions; and to procure written permission (pass) to exit class during class time. To accept any excuse that discounts their abilities and intelligence is disrespectful to them. We are conducting hallsweeps every MOD every day to support students in arriving to class on time. Students who are caught more than once in the hallsweeps will face increasing disciplinary actions and exclusion from field trips and incentive activities for trespassing, loitering, and refusal to follow reasonable staff directions.

Parents please join us and help us to redirect and curb any students who come to 900 Nalley Road and try to do what they want, disrupt learning, and put the safety of everyone at risk.  We cannot allow students who choose to do actions that make it unsafe and disrupt the learning and teaching of everyone to be at 900 Nalley Road without their parent/guardian. Either children will be at home with their parent/guardian or they will be in school with their parent/guardian. Thank you to the parents and caregivers that have already come and shadowed their children! We see the difference your influence has made.

Work with us in ensuring Gholson MS is safe, seen, and supported by-

We will continue to  push Positivity at "THEE G." It is my expectation that our children will "push P(ositivity) at THEE G" by-


Remember, in order for students to be invited to field trips, incentive activities (dances, pep rallies, 8th Grade Dance, 8th Grade Class Trip, 8th Grade Awards, etc.) they must meet the following criteria-

Students who do not meet this criteria will not attend or participate. 

And thank you to all who continue to advocate, write letters and call the area office on behalf of Gholson Middle School! Your advocacy has brought much needed attention and prioritization of the needs of our children. Please continue to write, call, and lift your voice to PGCPS leadership at; email this letter to PGCPS Board of Education at District 6; State senator; PGCPS leadership at Associate Superintendent and Superintendent House

To those who have negative opinions about Gholson MS, I ask "What is your most recent step you've personally taken to improve Gholson MS and our children's experience?" And "What is the evidence of the impact of your actions?" If you are struggling to answer these questions, I invite you to -

Be sure to discuss school expectations with your child daily so they are able to make sure they and everyone in our community is safe, seen, and supported to be successful. Only when students meet our expectations and abide by our procedures and protocols can we ensure their safety, learning, and the orderliness of school operations. 

This Active April let's find ways to get moving and stay active and healthy. Today's Action for Happiness encourages us to discover the joy of the simple things in life "Active April."

Together, with you, we are the #UndauntedKnights. Together, we will overcome any and all obstacles to ensure our beloved children feel safe, seen, and supported to be successful!


A dress down ticket to the student of the parent who e-mails Principal Broussard the correct answers to these questions

When does the Math and RELA MCAP Saturday Tutoring end?

What does the Action for Happiness Calendar say on April 1?

What time does the Parent Leader Club start?

How can you give your input about next year's budget?

This newsletter will be updated Sunday nights and posted on the G. James Gholson Middle website to keep all students, staff, families and community members informed. Be sure to read and make note of all details.

Who to contact 

National Assistant Principals Week

April 1 - 5

National Assistant Principals Week, April 1–5, 2024, is a celebration of the unsung heroes in our education system. Our dedicated assistant principals- Mr. Joseph, 6th grade; Mr. Isaac, 7th grade; Mrs. Giles, 8th grade- work tirelessly to bolster our teachers, motivate our students, support our principal, create a positive learning community, and face the many unpredictable challenges that land on their desk.

Assistant Principals play a crucial role, and this week is a dedicated time to recognize them for their hard work and commitment to our schools, students, and profession. Please join us in celebrating these incredible school leaders! Be sure to send your assistant principal a note of thanks this week!

Mr. Joseph, 6th grade,

Mr. Isaac, 7th grade,

Mrs. Giles, 8th grade,

Give your input on our 24-25 School Year budget

Parents, click -> or complete the survey below.

Students, click ->

Your input is important! Please indicate your top priorities for the school year. This information will be used to plan the budget and staffing for the upcoming year. 

Because our budget is designed to serve students, families, and educators, we are committed to listening and incorporating feedback from our stakeholders about the priorities that will best help us improve academic achievement in the year ahead.

We look forward to seeing your suggestions for the use of these funds for the 2024-2025 school year.

Be Prepared

Be Uplifting

Be Safe

Be Helpful

Landover Division iii

APRIL 1 2024 Division 3 Newsletter.pdf

Read about public safety concerns and events from the Landover Division III Police Department.

Opportunities for students

English Language Arts (ELA), Math Tutoring & MCAP Test Prep 

The G. James Gholson’s School’s Extended Learning Opportunities Program. The program will be every beginning Saturday, March 16th and end Saturday, May 25th. The hours of the program will be from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon. Please make arrangements for your child to be present for this free program.

The purpose of this program is to provide academic enrichment to students through various ways of learning in order to improve their academics and promote academic confidence, motivation, and experience. 

Students will explore learning through Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics. A light snack will be offered each Saturday. Parents must provide transportation.

Use the link below to register-

 Form Link:

If you would like more information or have any questions or concerns, please contact Monica Francis, ELO Coordinator, at 301-883-8390, Rm F-114 or via e-mail at


Come Join Us!


Let us gather again for the

Family Academy workshop series!

You're invited to attend

 "Building Bridges:

Faith, Family Unity, and Mental Health"

 at the First Baptist Church of Glenarden on

 Thursday, March 21, 2023 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Join us to discuss how to establish a mental health balance.

The workshop will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a catered meal.


Although there is no fee, please register to ensure the proper food and room accommodations are made. To register visit


The event will be held at the Ministry Center located at 3600 Brightseat Road, Landover, MD 20785

We hope to see you there!

Share this event on Facebook and Twitter


First Baptist Church of Glenarden


Family Academy

3rd Thursdays

September - May

Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.

*We also provide free tutoring, SAT prep, financial aid workshops and scholarships*

College and Career Fair Flyer SY 24.pdf

The Department of Special Education would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming College and Career Fair. This event will take place on Thursday, April 11, 2024, from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at Fairmont Heights High School. During the fair, students and parents will learn about educational pathways to a variety of careers from industry professionals and about postsecondary programs available from representatives from in-state and out-of-state universities, community colleges, and technical / trade training programs. Join us and register today at

If you need further support or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact

(French) - College and Career Fair Flyer SY24 .pdf

Cooking with a master chef

Thee G. James Gholson MS and Cora L. Rice Elementary School present virtual cooking with a master chef. Back by popular demand!

April 30th- Healthy Living Food Demo

May 8th- Meals on a Budget Food Demo

Sign up by e-mailing

See you soon!

Upcoming events

actions for happiness- an active april

Follow us: 


School Mission: All GJGMS stakeholders will work collaboratively and communicate effectively to create a respectful, safe, and orderly environment where there is a passion for innovative teaching and lifelong learning.

School Vision: We at GJGMS will provide a healthy and collaborative community where students develop literacy skills across all content areas and are afforded opportunities for problem-solving, critical thinking, and self-awareness in order to develop strong academics in preparation for college.