Here Comes The Bus

Here Comes the Bus Image and Hyperlink to Website

Getting Started

STEP 1: First, make sure your school district currently offers Here Comes the Bus or Student Ridership. You should have received a Here Comes the Bus school/district code from your school district. It is typically a five number code. Sometimes you can find this code on your school’s transportation website.

STEP 2: If you know what your school/district code is then click here to begin your registration. NOTE: You may use a computer, tablet or smartphone to register.

STEP 3: If you have a smartphone or tablet, download the Here Comes the Bus app from the App Store or Google Play. The Here Comes the Bus app gives you even more convenience, such as push notifications when the bus is near, or your child’s scan when using Student Ridership (if offered by the district).

If you have not been given a school code you will need to check with your district to see if your district is participating in the program. If you know for a fact your district is notparticipating, reach out to your transportation department or superintendent and let them know you are interested.

Right Bus. Right Stop. Right Time.

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