Special Education and Enhanced Learning Program

Questions about the ELP and Special Education?


If you have any questions about Special Education or the Enhanced Learning Program, please contact Mr. Miller at hugh.miller@peelsb.com

He can support you with questions about enrolment, testing, bussing, extended learning opportunities, Academic supports, and more.

Our goal within the ELP is to create a program that sees the student as a holistic learner, fulfilling not only their academic potential but also taking the time to explore their unique interests and needs, to develop their creativity, their leadership skills and become involved in a wide variety of opportunities that the school.

Due to the structure of the program, students are given the opportunity to join and lead a variety of extra-curricular clubs and teams. Because of this, Gifted Learners in the ELP have a well rounded school experience as a member of the school community. Many of our ELP students become leaders within the school community and they are encouraged to develop their own teams, clubs and initiatives with staff approval and support.

Our goal is to provide a rich, stimulating environment, allowing students the opportunity to maximize their potential, build authentic relationships, and become the leaders of the future.

Our program is the largest regional Gifted Program in Peel offering the widest selection of enhanced level programming. It offers an unparalleled opportunity for leadership and enrichment while creating a challenging alternative curriculum to meet the specific learning needs of gifted students.

Our opportunities include, over 50 special interest, service, language, and academic clubs; over 20 ROPSSAA affiliated sports teams, with multiple OFSAA Champions; award-winning DECA chapter; highly-competitive HOSA chapter; award-winning Music Repertoire and Band program; The Woodlands Theatre Company.

A Focus on Depth and Breadth

Courses offered at the enhanced level ensure activities allow students to develop higher level critical reasoning.

Students in Enhanced classes are engaged with curricular topics at greater depth and breadth.

Each year, students will take academic courses in English, French, mathematics, science and social science. In grades 10 to 12, students will have the opportunity to complete an independent study project and senior research credits. All grades are based on the Ontario curricular expectations only.

Modified and Expanded Curriculum

Stand-alone Enhanced-level classes allow students to develop mastery of the curriculum at a different pace, as needed and as appropriate. Only students identified as Exceptional Intellectual - Gifted are enrolled in the Enhanced-level courses. In these classes, Gifted Learners are given extensive opportunities to explore the curriculum in greater depth and breadth. See the links below for descriptions of how each of the Core Subject areas in the ELP modifies the approach to learning to achieve these aims:

Enhanced English, Enhanced Mathematics, Enhanced Science, Enhanced Social Sciences.

The Enhanced-level courses provide opportunities for students to develop self-directed learning skills, allowing them a greater level of personalized learning through the incorporation of their own voice in their programming. Students are given the opportunity to engage in learning which they find personally meaningful, approach topics in unique and insightful ways, and work within their passions, developing their skills and creativity.

Student Testimonials

Getting into Medical School and Cardiac Surgery Residency was largely due to the Enhanced Learning Program at The Woodlands. It was the ELP that got us to work hard and get motivated.” - The Woodlands School ELP and Western University Medicine Graduate, Cardiac Surgeon Resident
“The ELP taught me to push myself, to never give up, and to always reach higher. It gave me confidence in myself and life skills that I still use today.” - The Woodlands School ELP Graduate, U of T Pharmacy Graduate
"The Woodlands is really good at making you feel like you belong. Like you fit in. There's something here for everyone, whether you enjoy Minecraft or public speaking. It's easy to find a community :)" - The Woodlands School ELP Grade 12 Student
"I would like to say that you should definitely consider The Woodlands, we have a lot of extra-curricular events and lots of fun school spirit events that our students run! We also have an amazing teaching staff!" - The Woodlands School ELP Grade 12 Student

Keeping the Options Open - Helping your child find the best educational fit

Exploration of Options

Students have the flexibility to select a timetable to match their talents and interests allowing them to apply to the most competitive university programs.

Appropriate Challenge

To experience maximum academic growth, students need to be challenged. The Enhanced Learning Program requires skill development, creative expression and emphasizes personal growth.

Development of Critical Thinking Skills Continuum

The Woodlands School Enhanced Learning Program specializes in providing opportunities for students to challenge their higher-level thinking skills. Our Enhanced-level courses include targeted goals to improve students’ mastery of these skills. These alternative expectations, embedded in each student’s Gifted Plan, serve to guide the learning culture of a given Enhanced-level course, and differentiate it from its standard counterpart.

Additional Opportunities

Gifted Learners enrolled in the ELP are provided extensive opportunities for further enrichment in both curricular and extracurricular pursuits. Through working with their Enhanced Advisors, students are supported in applying to, preparing for, and securing:

  • AP Exams

  • Independent Learning Opportunities

  • Summer Enrichment and Internship Opportunities: SHAD Valley, University of Waterloo QCSYS, E=MC2

  • Workshops and Certification training: St. John's Ambulance First Aid and CPR, Second City Improv

  • Field Trip Opportunities: University of Waterloo Quantum Computing and Physics Labs

  • Contests: All Waterloo based Mathematics and Computer Science based contests, Canadian Olympiad, AIME, Canadian National Math League Math Contests; University of Waterloo Chem 13; University of Toronto National Biology Competition; Canadian Biology Olympiad; OAPT Physics Contest; Sir Isaac Newton Physics Contest; Canadian Geographic Challenge

  • Publications: Journal of Student Science and Technology; Journal for Activist Science & Technology Education; International Policy Digest

AP Exams

Advanced Placement Exams are subject-specific exams offered by The College Board every spring. They are set at the grade 12 level, and are graded on a scale from 1 – 5. Scores ranging from 3 to 5 can lead to many academic advantages/options for the student, including acceleration in first year university programming (varies based on each individual postsecondary institution’s policies).

Gifted students are able to sign up for the AP exams that they choose to write each year, providing them with a individualized enrichment opportunity that meets their specific strengths and interests. On average, our Gifted students take one month to prepare for their AP exams and score at levels 4 and 5.

Because they are not limited to a rigid, prescribed program of exam preparation, students in the Enhanced Learning Program are able to participate and earn AP credits while still reaping the benefits of the flexibility and open-ended programming that is necessary to meet the needs of the Gifted learner.

Independent Study Courses

Students who are exceptionally motivated to pursue their passions have additional opportunities to do so through a credit-granting course. This course allows students to focus on a single, personally-driven project or series of related projects in an area of their choosing. Examples of past Independent Study Course projects include: In-depth research topics, Software and app development, Artistic creations (plays, musical compositions, graphic novels), Inventing and creating new technologies to fill specific needs.

Innovators and Inventions

The Enhanced Learning Program prides itself on providing the opportunities to Gifted learners that aren’t easily accessible in a standard learning environment. It is these opportunities that allow our students to go above and beyond with their pursuits outside of the classroom.

Through regular connections with and support from their Enhanced Advisors, students who are heavily involved in community-based engagements are thoroughly supported in their in-school academic pursuits. This ongoing support is designed to ensure that these students can continue to demonstrate a high level of academic success in school, while still participating in the opportunities afforded to them by their desire to excel.