Incoming Grade 9 Information

The Woodlands School Grade 8 Open House

If you are looking for more information on The Woodlands School, please take a tour through our Grade 9 Open House Site!

Please see below for the 2021 Open House Presentations

Grade 8 ELP Open House Presentation Nov 2021.pdf

If you missed our Enhanced Learning Program Presentation on November 7th, we have added a recording of the evening, as well as the presentation to this site. 

We also ask, if you are interested in attending The Woodlands School for the ELP, that you fill our the Contact List linked below so we can send you updates and registration information. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Lindsay Orr (Head of Student Services and Pathway Planning, or Hugh Miller (Head of Special Education and Gifted Learning,

Grade 8 Open House Video with Music.mp4