Community Service

Community Service Hours

As we are notified of Community Service Opportunities, we will post them here for easy access. 

If you come across a Volunteer Opportunity, be sure to check with your Guidance Counsellor to ensure it qualifies as Community Service. Remember, not all Volunteering qualifies as Community Service. 

Did you know you must complete 40 hours of volunteer work to graduate? 

The purpose of the community involvement graduation requirement is to encourage students to develop awareness and understanding of civic responsibility and of the role they can play and the contributions they can make in supporting and strengthening their communities. By being involved in their communities and serving others, students develop transferable skills and explore different sectors and potential career opportunities. Community involvement activities help to prepare students for work and civic life in a globalized, digital age. Community involvement is an important educational opportunity that allows students to develop skills and experiences gained to become successful and contributing members of society now and in the future.

Ministry guidelines have established eligible and ineligible activities for the community involvement requirement. The organization you are volunteering for must meet the following criteria listed below. This have been updated! Please pay close attention. 

Eligible Activities

Ineligible Activities

Community Involvement Activity Record Form

Ministry guidelines have established eligible and ineligible activities for the community involvement requirement. If you have questions about eligibility, please speak to your guidance counsellor or principal.

All students are required to submit completed Activity Record Form to their school's guidance team.


Updated from the Ministry: 

·      Community involvement activities help to prepare students for work and civic life in a globalized, digital age. Community involvement is an important educational opportunity that allows students to develop skills and experiences gained to become successful and contributing members of society now and in the future.


Having said that, two bullets below are highlighted in red that confirms we're back to pre-covid times:

An ineligible activity is an activity that: