Post-Secondary Planning

The Woodlands School Post Secondary Panel January 2023

Join The Woodlands School in a Post-Secondary Presentation and Discussion Panel geared towards our African, Black, and Caribbean students and families. Included in this presentation is information about post-secondary programs, resources, scholarships, and financial aid. 

Hello Students and Families, 

The Woodlands School and Student Services would like to offer you an opportunity to join us on Thursday October 27th for a presentation on Applying to Post-Secondary Colleges and University Programs. This presentation will take place in the cafeteria. We will begin promptly at 6:00 pm

Within this presentation we will review: 

Admission and parking are free. Please do not park in front of the Public Library. 

 This presentation is open to all students and families, Grades 9 - 12, as it is never too early to start planning!

We hope to see you there!

Student in our Graduating Class of 2023 have been added to a Google Classroom where we will post specific information. Please be sure to check the Google Classroom regularly for updates on Scholarships, Applications, Commencement, and Graduation, etc. If you were not added to the Google Classroom, and you will be graduating this year, please let your Guidance Counsellor know and we will update your account!

2021 Post-Secondary Information Presentations

On Thursday October 21st, Guidance Counsellors presented information for students and parents about Post-Secondary Applications. If you were unable to attend the presentation, we have provided a recording of the presentation below. 

If, once you have watched the presentation, you still have questions, please submit them here,