
Peel District School Board Tutoring Services 

The Third Party Tutoring Program is part of PDSB’s Learning Recovery Tutoring Programs designed to support students attending schools in the Peel District School Board whose learning development may have been negatively impacted by the pandemic. The programs are funded by the Ministry of Education. 

Click HERE for a list of external tutoring service vendors. Please review the list to choose a vendor and then complete the Tutoring Service Request Form if you would like to submit a request to use an external tutor service for your child(ren).  To access the form you will have to log in with your child’s PDSB email. If you have any questions about the login or password, please contact your child’s teacher.  

After you complete the form, an email will be sent to you with a confirmation code that you can use with the approved vendors.   

Peel Virtual Tutoring Call Centre

Free tutoring support 7 days per week for Grade 3-12 students
Monday to Friday from 5pm to 9pm, Saturday & Sunday from 11am - 3pm
Click on the PVT icon on your Peel BYOD homescreen



TVO Learn Mathify provides FREE online math help for Ontario students in Grades 4-12. Access our math tutoring website from any digital device, whenever you need the help.  Tutors available online Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 9 PM and Saturday to Sunday from 3 PM to 9 PM

Get math homework help ~ Prepare for math tests ~ Ask questions to clarify concepts ~ Visually sketch math problems on the virtual whiteboard

Jensen Math 

jensenmath.ca provides FREE lessons, worksheets, solutions, and video tutorials for all Ontario high school math courses. The materials are available for both students and teachers to use to help with their understanding of math. The resources follow the Ontario curriculum.

University of Waterloo - Centre for Education in Math and Computing

Students will investigate the properties of polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and radical functions and develop facility in applying these properties. 

Peer Tutoring at Humberview SS

Speak to your Guidance Counsellor about peer tutoring for Grade 9 and 10 students on lunch.