Specialist High Skills Major 

A Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program is a ministry-approved specialized program that allows grade 11 and 12 students to focus their learning on a specific sector while meeting the requirements to graduate from secondary school. It also assists in their transition after graduation to apprenticeship training, college, university or the workplace.
Humberview Secondary School offers 2 robust SHSM programs.

Thinking ahead to College or University?  SHSM can be an advantage! Click HERE 


Transportation affects our lives in a multitude of ways. We drive cars for everyday purposes, use mass transit to commute to work, and take flights and cruises on holidays. Transportation systems move raw materials to manufacturers and finished products to consumers – locally, nationally, and globally. In addition to being essential to our daily lives, transportation and transportation systems are an important area of employment in our economy. 

Transport Canada’s Transportation in Canada 2008 reports that the industry provided work for approximately 900,000 people in 2008 and that employment in this sector has grown steadily since 2000, reflecting a high demand for qualified personnel. The transportation major provides students with a strong foundation for a wide variety of careers in the transportation sector, from those focusing on the service, repair, and modification of vehicles and vehicle systems to those related to the organization and management of transportation services and mass-transit systems. 

What makes SHSM Transportation at Humberview unique?


Kinesiologist, child care worker, audiologist, fitness instructor, doctor, nurse, physiotherapist, youth care worker, hospital porter, and medical technician are just some of the numerous and varied occupations in the health and wellness sector.This sector not only has a wide variety of careers, but also is significant for the number of workers it employs. According to Canada’s Health Care System, published by Health Canada in 2005, “approximately 1.6 million people work in health care and social services in Canada”. 

What makes SHSM Health & Wellness at Humberview unique?