Online Learning Graduation Requirement 

Students wishing to register in an online course (synchronous or asynchronous) should speak to their Guidance Counsellor about options.

The Ontario Ministry of Education has introduced through Policy/Program Memorandum 167, a new graduation requirement for secondary students to complete two online learning credits as part of the thirty credits required for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The new graduation requirement begins with students who entered Grade 9 in the 2020-2021 school year.

What are online courses or credits?

For the purposes of Policy/Program Memorandum 167, online learning courses or online learning credits, previously known as “e-Learning” courses or credits, are courses that are delivered entirely using the internet and do not require students to be physically present with one another or with their educator in the school, except where they may be needed for examinations and other final evaluations and/or access to internet connectivity, learning devices or other school-based supports.

Opt-out of mandatory online courses

As part of this mandate, parents and guardians of students currently in grades 9-11 may choose to opt-out of the mandatory online learning courses required for graduation from secondary school. If you have a child currently enrolled in Grades 9-10, and would like to opt them out of mandatory online learning courses in secondary school, please print and complete the PDSB Online Learning Graduation Requirement Opt-Out Form, and return it to the MAIN OFFICE at Humberview Secondary School. Only hard copies of the Opt-Out Form will be accepted. The Opt-Out form will be stored in the student’s Ontario Student Record (OSR).


NOTE: If you do not wish to opt-out of mandatory online courses, you do not need to complete this form.

More Information

Additional information about the online learning graduation requirement can be found on Page 2 of the PDSB Online Learning Graduation Requirement Opt- Out Form 

For more information on Policy/Program Memorandum 167, please visit the Government of Ontario website.