Scholarships & GRANTS
Scholarships and grants are funding that you are NOT required to pay back provided you do well.
If you fail a class or withdraw from it you may have to pay back funding!
Scholarships for 2025 GRADUATES are listed below chronologically based on the deadline date.
Create a new COLLEGE EMAIL to capture all your college specific information to keep separate from your personal emails.
As we get the scholarships, we will post them chronologically below. When they become past due we will move them to the bottom of the list. Be sure to click on each scholarship to see the details.
Check out the link called SCHOLARSHIP SEARCH ENGINES below. Click on it to take you to scholarship search engines where you can search for scholarships based on your background and career interests.
Some scholarships are school specific - to find these, go to the college website for any school you plan to apply to and search "SCHOLARSHIPS" in their search field.
General Description and Purpose
Established in 1972, the Tuition Assistance Grant Program (VTAG) is designed to assist Virginia residents who attend accredited private, nonprofit colleges and universities in Virginia for other than religious training or theological education. The VTAG is authorized in § 23.1-628 of the Code of Virginia as the Tuition Assistance Grant Act.
Application Process
Applications may be acquired from the financial aid office of the private institution the student plans to attend. Completed applications must be submitted to the financial aid office of the institution on, or before, July 31 prior to the fall semester of enrollment. Applications submitted after July 31, but no later than December 1, will be considered for an award only if funds are available.
Click HERE for more details
virginia guarantee assistance program
The purpose of the Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program (VGAP) is to provide an incentive to financially needy students now attending elementary and secondary school in Virginia to raise their expectations and their academic performance and to consider higher education an achievable objective in their future. The law requires that the awards to undergraduates be proportional to need so that the students with the greatest need receive the largest awards.
Click HERE for more details.
TWO-YEAR COLLEGE TRANSFER GRANT - for those that start at the community college
Established in 2007, the Two-Year College Transfer Grant Program (CTG) provides an incentive for students to first complete an associate degree at a Virginia public two-year college before transferring to a participating Virginia four-year college or university as a means to reduce the overall cost towards completing a bachelor’s degree.
Click HERE for more details.
virginia commonwealth award
The purpose of the Virginia Commonwealth Award is to assist undergraduate students with financial need and graduate students to pay part of their college costs. The funds are appropriated directly to each state-supported institution. Funds may be used for need-based grants to Virginia resident undergraduates or for grants or assistantships to graduate students (both in-state and out-of-state). The law requires that the awards to undergraduates be proportional to need so that the students with the greatest need receive the largest awards.
Click HERE for more details
NRCC Educational Foundation Scholarship - now open year round
The NRCC Educational Foundation awards scholarships to qualified persons for attendance at New River Community College. The award amount is $1,700 per academic year - $850/semester. These awards are based on criteria such as financial need and scholastic achievement. Students who qualify for federal funding - such as the Pell Grant - also qualify for this $1700 scholarship.
You must have an NRCC Application on file to apply for this scholarship. Your NRCC application will generate an NRCC email and an NRCC student number (also knows as a SIS #). Both these items are needed to apply for this scholarship. If you took any dual enrollment classes while in high school, you already have an NRCC application on file. If you don't know your NRCC student number or email, reach out to one of your PCHS Career Coaches to obtain: Mrs. Kleppin or Mrs. Weightman.
PLEASE NOTE: If students use the ACCE program they are not eligible for the NRCC Educational Foundation scholarship. However, if students qualify for the Pell Grant they will not need the ACCE funding and they WILL qualify for the NRCC Educational Foundation scholarship. The FAFSA must be completed for scholarship consideration.
scholarship money for automotive & skilled trade careers
Check out THIS LINK for several scholarship opportunities.
Feb 28, 2025 - Virginia credit union
Each year, we award $5,000 scholarships to 30 exceptional students who inspire us with their dedication and passion for learning.
To be eligible, you’ll need to:
Be a current high school senior or current college student enrolled in an undergraduate program in 2025
Be a member of VACU by Feb 28,2025 (You'll need your member number to apply. You can find your member number on your statements)
Have a 2.5 GPA or better
Submit a transcript from your current school
Complete the online application by 11:59 pm on Feb 28, 2025
FEB 28, 2025 - vhsl foundation achievement award
The VHSL Foundation Achievement Award, a $2,000 scholarship funded and awarded annually by the VHSL Foundation, recognizes 19 senior scholar-athletes and scholar-activity participants who have excelled in the classroom and athletic and academic activities and will attend a post-secondary institution in fall 2025. See this application form to learn more about the VHSL Foundation Achievement Award.
Award Categories:
one male scholar-athlete per classification
one female scholar-athlete per classification
one academic activities participant per classification
one student from any classification who has overcome incredible odds to make significant contributions to athletic and academic activities
Applications must include:
A min cumulative GPA of > 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
A 500-word typed essay
Proof of having earned at least one varsity letter or the equivalent in a VHSL sport of academic activity
Involvement in other school-sponsored activities
Participation in activities outside of school (work, charities, etc.)
Two letters of support
A head-and-shoulders photograph
Mar 10, 2025 - FRIENDS Founder lynn davis scholarship
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
Be a high school senior (or equivalent if homeschooled) in the local FRIENDS Chapter’s service area. Note: A college student reapplying for the scholarship in their first year of college should use the reapplicant application emailed to them. Click these links to download PDF files for the reapplicant eligibility information and application.
To review eligible schools:
List of Schools in Virginia and North Carolina
Homeschool students are also eligible
Please email if you believe your school is missing from the list
GPA of at least 3.0 out of a 4.0 scale or equivalent
Plan to attend an accredited two-year or four-year institution of higher learning
Plan to pursue a degree/career in science, environmental or cultural studies, or significantly participate as a volunteer to support activities as shown below.
FRIENDS has a broad definition of environmental studies, which includes studies in natural resources, sciences, engineering, land management, etc.
Relative cultural studies such as Old Time and Bluegrass music, Appalachian Studies, and more.
Align with the mission of FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge by demonstrating a commitment to working to make Blue Ridge communities better in ways that celebrate our unique culture, natural beauty, and/or quality of life.
Complete the entire application process and submit the packet on or before midnight March 10, 2025
MAR 14, 2025 - The Society of the Cincinnati in state of VA
There is a FLYER for this scholarship in the school Counseling office. There is not an online application.
This is a History Essay Contest for seniors planning to attend any four year school in VA beginning in fall 2025. The Society will award scholarships of $4,000 to $6,000 to the authors of up to four outstanding essays. Essays are limited to 1,500 words and each year the essays concerns a historical document or event that played an important role in the establishment of our nation. This year's topic will be French Influence on the American Revolution. The essay should be written for the benefit of someone who has never studied the American Revolution. DETAILS in the flyer. Pick one up! Applications must be postmarked by Fri, March 14, 2025.
Mar 15, 2025 - NRVHBA Rick Whitney Memorial Scholarship
The New River Valley Home Builders Association's 2025 Rick Whitney Memorial Scholarship Application is now available. The mission of the NRVHBA Scholarship Committee is to support the future growth of the construction industry by providing aid to deserving students planning to enroll in construction-related studies at Virginia's colleges, trade schools and within working internships. We will present a scholarship of $1,000 to a graduating senior who is interested in entering the building profession, including but not limited to architecture, drafting, building trades (electrical, plumbing, HVAC), carpentry, contracting and engineering.
The application deadline is March 15, 2025.
Online Application: 2025 Scholarship
Mar 14, 2025 - shelor growing the future
Shelor is offering (13) $1,500 scholarships to high school seniors in the counties of Montgomery, Giles, Craig, Floyd, Wythe, Pulaski and Radford City public schools. This is available to ANY student that goes to a public school in the counties listed above that participate in our Growing the Future Program - including any family members of employees!
[Scroll down in the link to get to the scholarship application.]
MAR 15, 2025 - Roanoke alumnae chapter of delta sigma theta sorority inc scholarship
Applicants must be African-American and a graduating senior, who plans to enter a 2-4 year accredited institution of higher learning, and have a GPA of 2.75 or higher.
Tanisha Nash
Scholarship Chair, <>
Roanoke Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.
mar 15, 2025 - usda 1890 national scholars program
Program Overview
The USDA 1890 National Scholars Program is aimed at bolstering educational and career opportunities for students from rural or underserved communities around the country. It was established in 1992 as part of the partnership between USDA and the 1890 land-grant universities.
USDA’s Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement (OPPE) manages the 1890 National Scholars Program, which is aimed at increasing the number of students from rural and underserved communities who study food, agriculture, natural resource and other related sciences. The scholarship provides recipients with full tuition, fees, books, room and board. Scholars attend one of the 1890 land-grant universities and pursue degrees in agriculture, food, natural resource sciences, or related academic disciplines. The scholarship may also include work experience at USDA. The program is a crucial part of USDA’s Next Generation efforts.
USDA awarded 94 1890 scholarships in Fiscal Year 2024.
The Award
The scholarship may be renewed each year, contingent upon satisfactory academic performance and normal progress toward a bachelor's degree.
General Eligibility
To be eligible for the USDA/1890 National Scholars Program scholarship a student must:
Be a U.S. citizen
Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better (on a 4.0 scale)
Have a minimum of 21 ACT, 1080 SAT scores
Have been accepted for admission or currently attending one of the nineteen 1890 Land-Grant Universities.
Alabama A&M University
Alcorn State University, Mississippi
Central State University, Ohio
Delaware State University
Florida A&M University
Fort Valley State University, Georgia
Kentucky State University
Langston University, Oklahoma
Lincoln University, Missouri
North Carolina A&T State University
Prairie View A&M University, Texas
South Carolina State University
Southern University, Louisiana
Tennessee State University
Tuskegee University, Alabama
University of Arkansas Pine Bluff
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Virginia State University
West Virginia State University
Study agriculture, food, natural resource sciences, or other related academic disciplines
Demonstrate leadership and community service
Submit an official transcript, from each high school and college attended, with the school seal and an authorized official's signature
Submit a 250-500 word essay for each of the following questions:
How will the USDA 1890 National Scholarship support your career aspirations? If there is a particular mission area within USDA that also supports your career aspirations, please indicate that mission area.
What factors have influenced your decision to pursue academic studies in agriculture, food, natural resource sciences, or a supporting discipline (such as economics, computer science, accounting, etc.)?
Who Should Apply
Please consult THIS WEBSITE for details and access to the application.
March 15, 2025
For any questions regarding the USDA/1890 National Scholars Program, please contact:
Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement
USDA/1890 Programs
1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Stop 0601
Washington, DC 20250
Telephone Number: (202) 720-6350
Email: or
Mar 18, 2025 - Dewey chaffin duncan scholarship
Application deadline is March 18, 2025. Eligibility, frequently asked questions, scholarship requirements and application can be found online at Scholarships will be announced in May 2025.
Questions can be directed to: Ellen Holder, Scholarship Director,
MAR 18, 2025 - VA bankers association bank day scholarship program
What is Bank Day?
The third Tuesday in March was declared Bank Day in Virginia by the Virginia General Assembly in 1991. On this day, Virginia high school seniors learn about banking, financial services, career opportunities in the industry and the vital role banks play in their communities.
From their experience, the students are required to write an essay, and fourteen scholarships (six honorable mention, six regional, one statewide runner-up and one statewide) will be awarded on the basis of the essays.
Program Details
The 2025 Bank Day Scholarship Program will be held in a hybrid format, with in-person or virtual experiences provided by your bank supplemented by content provided by the VBA! The VBA will also provide recommendations for how to host your students on your Bank Day, no matter what format you choose.
In addition to what the students learn during Bank Day gatherings hosted by your bank, participating students will have access to a VBA-created Bank Day resource page during the month of March 2025. The VBA-created resource page will house relevant information that will help students complete their essays for a chance to win college scholarships.
$28,500 total will be awarded in 2025!
$1,000 Each for six honorable mention scholarships
$2,500 Each for six regional winners
$2,500 Statewide Runner-Up winner ($5,000 total since all candidates will also be regional winners)
$5,000 Statewide winner ($7,500 total since all candidates will also be regional winners)
MAR 20, 2025 - P.E.O. Chapter ab scholarship
PEO Chapter AB Scholarship
The purpose of the Chapter AB Local Scholarship is to support the pursuit of higher education by women graduating from Radford High School and Pulaski County High School who are meritorious students who will benefit from our financial support. Special consideration will be given to women graduating from either Radford High School or Pulaski High School who have a parent or grandparent who is a member of Chapter AB.
Scholarship (application, essay and transcripts) needs to be given to Ms. Pratt in the School Counseling office by the end of the school day (early release) March 20.
Mrs. Alice Collier
Chair, AB Chapter P.E.O. Local Scholarship Committee
mar 28, 2025 - vsca high school senior scholarship
Each year, the Virginia School Counselor Association awards scholarships to deserving seniors pursuing post-secondary education. Seniors have the opportunity to win a $1000 scholarship by writing a brief essay about a school counselor, past or present, that has made an impact on their life. The counselor must be a current member of the VSCA in order for the student to be the selected recipient.
This Scholarship is for Virginia graduating Seniors in the Class of 2025 who plan to attend a two or four year college or university, trade or technical program or enlist in any branch of the military. Go to the VSCA website and click on the 2025 Scholarship - Student Scholarship Link
Questions can be sent to
apr 01, 2025 - pulaski proud scholarship
The Pulaski County Proud campaign seeks to convey pride in the Pulaski County, Virginia community while encouraging a standard of excellence among all of its citizens. Tell us what about Pulaski County's history and/or your own family's history makes you proud to be from this community and you may be selected as one of our annual scholarship recipients! Awards include $1,500 for 1st place, $1,000 for 2nd place, and $500 for 3rd place.
Entries must be postmarked by April 1, 2025.
To be considered for the scholarship, entries must meet the following criteria:
Be a Pulaski County High School senior.
Entries must include a printed and completed copy of this Application Cover Sheet.
Entries must include an essay, written by the student, to be evaluated on the following:
Essays should be 750 words or less.
Essays should be typed, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, using a serif typing font, i.e. Times New Roman.
Entries should be mailed to:
Pulaski County Proud Scholarship Program
c/o Tiffany Norman
Pulaski County Health Department
170 4th Street, NW
Pulaski, VA 24301
Entries will be evaluated by the Pulaski County Proud Scholarship Review Panel based on adherence to requirements:
use of proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation; and relevance to the Pulaski County Proud campaign theme.
Tiffany Norman
Apr 01, 2025 (postmarked by) - ruritan road ruritan club scholarship
Who are we?
The Ruritan Road Ruritan Club in Pulaski, VA recently voted to awardone or more 2025 scholarships of $1,000 each for students pursuing postsecondary education. The Ruritan Clubs are service clubs that try to help the needs of their local communities. Our national headquarters for Ruritan National is in Dublin, VA.
Applicant Qualifications
The applicant must have primary residence in Pulaski County, Virginia
Preference will be given to students that are planning to attain training in community service jobs for example: EMT, Fire Department, Police, etc. This scholarship applies to students going to trade schools, community colleges, colleges, or universities.
Bessie McCormick
Ruritan National Foundation Specialist
540-674-5431 ext. 302
Mail to (postmarked by April 1):
Ruritan Road Ruritan Club
Scholarship Selection Committee
PO Box 2366
Pulaski, VA 24301
APR 05, 2025 - P.E.O. Jean B. DuErr memorial scholarship
Jean Barnes Duerr
Jean Barnes Duerr, for whom this scholarship is named, was loyal member of P.E.O. and was a past president of Chapter AU of the sisterhood until her death on February 6, 1991. Jean B. Duerr was born in Calvin, Oklahoma, on May 10, 1914. She attended college at Oklahoma State and Radcliffe. While in Cambridge, Massachusetts, she married William A. Duerr and collaborated with him on technical papers and books in the fields of Forestry Economics and Policy. They served the University of Kentucky, the United States Forest Service in New Orleans and Washington, D.C., the State University of New York, and the School of Forestry and Wildlife Resources at Virginia Tech. Dr. William Duerr established the Jean B. Duerr Memorial Scholarship as a loving tribute to his wife’s memory.
The P.E.O. Sisterhood is an international philanthropic educational organization concerned with providing increased opportunities for higher education to women. It is headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, and has chapters throughout the United States and Canada.
Scholarship Information
Virginia Chapter AU of the P.E.O. Sisterhood is pleased to announce the availability of scholarships from the Jean B. Duerr Memorial Scholarship Fund for women (undergraduate or graduate) who plan to attend, or are already enrolled in, an accredited college or university for the entire 2025-2026 academic year.
Awards of approximately $2000 will be given to those applicants who best demonstrate academic achievement and community service. To be considered for an award, an applicant must be a full-time student and should have a minimum grade point average of 3.6. A full official transcript must be included with the application. College freshmen are required also to include their high school transcripts. Transfer students must include transcripts from prior colleges attended. PLEASE NOTE THAT IT TAKES THE REGISTRAR FIVE TO TEN DAYS TO SEND TRANSCRIPTS, SO PLAN ACCORDINGLY. Transcripts may be sent separately, but must meet the same deadline as the application. Applications without transcripts will not be considered. Applicants must also have proof of enrollment by the time of scholarship funds disbursement.
Completed applications will be accepted via email or by USPS mail. Applications must be postmarked or e-dated by April 5, 2025, and returned to the above e-mail or P.O. box address for scholarships awarded for the 2025-2026 academic year. Please note that no applications, including those with April 5, 2025, postmarks or e-dates, will be accepted after April 12, 2025. Scholarships will be awarded in late May/early June. The application consists of four pages. Enclosed information and application forms may be copied as needed. Please note that the U.S. Postal Service or email submission should be used when sending the completed applications (Please mail early to avoid any postal delays); if you email the completed application, please note that we will take your email address as the official signature. Please do not send items via registered mail. Private carriers do not deliver to post office boxes. Questions may be directed to the Scholarship Committee Chair, Judy Davis, at the above address or at 540-449-3570 or
Address to mail application
Chapter AU, Virginia, P.E.O. Sisterhood
Chairperson, Jean B. Duerr Scholarship Selection Committee
P.O. Box 10415
Blacksburg, Virginia 24062-0415
APR 09, 2025 - Roanoke valley wrestling association - stan parker memorial scholarship
$1,000 Award
be a high school senior at one of the above schools.
be active in wrestling and student activities - OR be the son or daughter of a coach, official, or someone actively involved in wrestling (Only Stan Parker Scholarship)
be accepted by a community college, trade school, state or private college, or university
maintain at least a C average
submit a legible transcript of grades
furnish a letter of recommendation from the school counselor, teacher, principal, or assistant principal
furnish a letter of recommendation from a person of your choice
furnish a letter of recommendation from the wrestling coach or someone actively involved in the wrestling community (Only Stan Parker Scholarship)
submit a letter explaining financial need
submit a completed application (incomplete applications will not be considered)
See details HERE
Apr 11, 2025 - pc farm bureau scholarship
1) An individual is eligible for a Pulaski County Farm Bureau Scholarship one time.
2) County may give one scholarship of $1500.00 per year to a qualified applicant. This scholarship is awarded through a direct payment to the college of $750 per semester. The award recipient must provide proof of enrollment in good standing to Pulaski Co. Farm Bureau prior to the second payment.
3) The recipient must be a resident of Pulaski County but does not have to be a member of Farm Bureau.
4) The recipient must be accepted to or enrolled in either one of the following: four-year college with the intent to major in an agricultural related field articulating agreement program at a community college
5) Applicant must complete and sign the application form and submit with the necessary documents to:
Pulaski County Farm Bureau
Attention: Scholarship Committee
5828 Northwind Place
Dublin, VA 24084
(Email to: ;
Fax: 540-674-4858;
Office Phone: 540-674-5119)
6) April 11, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. – deadline for RECEIPT of application by the County Farm Bureau office. The selected applicant will be notified and announced soon thereafter.
7) Scholarship funds will be mailed directly to the college or university of the selected applicant.
8) Pulaski County Farm Bureau will decide annually if funds are available to offer the scholarship. We reserve the right not to award the scholarship if a suitable applicant is not found. The Board of Directors is charged with the responsibility of preserving the monies for worthy recipients that will give the program credibility.
9) Scholarship will be awarded on a non-discriminatory basis without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, or disability.
Please attach the following to your application -
An essay, one to two pages double spaced, discussing the following:
How your chosen major will benefit your future plans in agriculture.
What do you see as the future of agriculture in Pulaski County, the state of Virginia, and our nation?
Two letters of recommendation from non-family members.
A copy of the letter of acceptance to the college that you will be attending.
A copy of your high school or college transcript.
Apr 11, 2025, 7pm - New river valley izaak walton league of america scholarship
The Izaak Walton League helps to conserve, maintain, protect, and restore the soil, forest, water, and other natural resources of the United States and other lands; to promote means and opportunities for the education of the public with respect to such resources and their enjoyment and wholesome utilization. Part of our longstanding mission includes education. The New River Valley IWLA Conservation Scholarship program was established in 2023 to promote conservation leadership among future natural resource managers and professionals. This scholarship supports graduating high school seniors from the New River Valley who are from recognized conservation or environment-related degree programs. These degree and trade programs may include (but are not limited to) environmental science, natural resource management, forestry, wildlife, fisheries, parks and recreation, range management, and other related sciences such as ecology, biology (conservation/ field/ marine), geology, hydrology, and zoology.
See details HERE about the $2,000 scholarship.
Meghan Dove
You can email the application to Meghan Dove, or mail it to:
Izaak Walton League of America - New River Valley Chapter
Attn: Scholarship Committee
PO Box 595
Christiansburg, BA 24068
apr 15, 2025 - cosmopolitan club of roanoke scholarship
This year The Cosmopolitan Club of Roanoke will award two $3,500 scholarships to a Senior High School male and a Senior High School female Cosmopolitan Track Meet participant that is pursuing further education after graduation. The scholarship proceeds are intended to be used exclusively for tuition expenses. The Cosmopolitan Club is an international service club and will consider each applicant’s record of service in awarding the scholarships. Financial need is not a consideration. Please refer to the procedure and eligibility requirements for further information.
Eligibility Requirements:
To apply, the applicant must be:
A graduating high school senior that is participating in the Cosmo track meet.
In the top 50% of your graduating class.
Seeking to attend a college, university or other school of higher learning.
Not related to any member of the Cosmopolitan Club of Roanoke.
Complete the application (below).
Be certain to include names and phone numbers of individuals that may be contacted to confirm your service in two areas – school and community service.
Complete the personal statement questions.
Upload at least one letter of recommendation.
Electronically submit your completed application by April 15, 2025.
The Award Date is May 3, 2025.
For Receipt Of Scholarship Funds, The Recipients Must:
Be enrolled in college, university or school of higher learning.
Send a letter of notification by a qualified school official to the Cosmopolitan Club of Roanoke to confirm that enrollment has taken place and the student is attending classes.
Upon confirmation, the scholarship check will be sent by the Treasurer of the Cosmopolitan Club directly to the institution on behalf of the enrolled recipient.
Apr 15, 2025 - Alice b. Paulson-Amos Family Healthcare scholarship
Alice B. (Betty) Paulson was a nursing instructor for the R.N. program at Wytheville Community College for 22 years. She and her husband, Walter, and their family were active members of the Trinity Lutheran Church, Pulaski, for many years. Along with the Paulson family, O'Neal and Lucille Amos and their daughter, Sandra, were also very active in the life of Trinity Lutheran Church. Sandra, a medical technician, worked along with Betty Paulson for much of her career. Upon the deaths of Betty Paulson and Lucille Amos in 1994, their families created this scholarship fund in their memory. Hard copies can be found in the PCHS School Counseling office. You can also access and print a PDF document from HERE.
Eligibility: Applicants must be active members of their church. Awards shall be for full-time education in an in-sate community college. post-secondary technical institute or university; or out-of-state church-affiliated institution.
Requirements: Completed application, high school transcripts and two letters of reference.
Award: The scholarship is valued between $500 -$1,000 and will be awarded based on application information and follow-up questions which the selection committee may ask.
APR 18, 2025 - pro-life scholarship essay contest
The 2025 Pro-Life Scholarship Essay Contest is designed to encourage high school seniors to dive deeper into understanding the issues of abortion and how it continues to affect our culture as well as individuals’ lives. It is our hope that through careful research and study, students will gain a deeper understanding of prenatal development, abortion procedures, and loving and compassionate ways to support those facing unplanned pregnancies. Students should research their essay topics in order to write well thought out, original, and persuasive pro-life arguments.
Writing Prompt: An unmarried friend or family member confides in you that they are facing an unplanned pregnancy and are planning to have an abortion. In a loving, winsome way, how would you attempt to convince them of the importance of valuing the life of this baby and continuing the pregnancy?
Entrants must be current seniors residing in Radford City, Craig, Floyd, Giles, Montgomery, Pulaski, Bland, Carroll, Galax, Grayson, Smyth, Tazewell, or Wythe Counties during the 2024-2025 school year in order to apply. All entries must be original essays that have not been previously published, received awards for, or have been submitted for any other previous contests.
Essay Length
700-1,000 words
APA Format
All essays will have names removed and numbers assigned to each paper. Judges will then evaluate the papers on a scale of 1-5 in each of the following categories: Use of Evidence, Emotional Appeal and Persuasiveness, Grammar, Adherence to Guidelines, and Originality
1. Use of Evidence: Does the essay effectively use relevant facts, statistics, examples, and quotations with proper citations to support the pro-life stance?
2. Emotional Appeal and Persuasiveness: How effectively does the essay engage the reader emotionally while maintaining a persuasive and respectful tone?
3. Grammar, Spelling, and Mechanics: Are there minimal errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, showing a high level of care and proofreading?
4. Adherence to Guidelines: Does the essay meet the specified guidelines in terms of length, format, and focus on the prompt?
5. Originality: Does the essay provide unique perspectives or insights into the pro-life argument, rather than simply repeating common viewpoints?
Applicants must submit their entries through THIS LINK, completing all fields, indicating entrant’s name, home address, telephone number, age, grade level, name of school/homeschool, name of college or university he/she is planning to attend, and number of words in the essay. Identifying information should not appear elsewhere in the essay. Please refrain from naming any schools or churches that you currently or previously attended. Applicants must use reputable sources with an attached bibliography.
Entries must be submitted no later than Friday, April 18, 2025. The first 25 submissions that meet the contest criteria will be accepted.
First: $1,500
Second: $1,000
Third: $750
Award recipients must apply their scholarship to an accredited college or university.
Pregnancy Resource Center, Southwest Virginia
About Us:
Serving Southwest Virginia, we operate three clinics with locations in Blacksburg, Radford, and Wytheville. All of our services are free and confidential.
The Pro-Life Scholarship Essay Contest is designed to encourage high school seniors to dive deeper into understanding the issues of abortion and how it continues to affect our culture as well as individuals’ lives. See DETAILS HERE including eligibility, essay prompt, essay length, format and scoring.
Awards: The first 25 submissions that meet the contest criteria will be accepted.
First: $2,500
Second: $1,500
Third: $1,000
Award recipients must apply their scholarship to an accredited college or university. The first 10 applicants who submit a pro-life essay, following the guidelines, will receive a $10 gift card to Chick-fil-A.
Apr 23, 2025 - student-view scholarship program
The Student-View Scholarship is a unique opportunity for high school seniors. It is open to all students regardless of academic achievement or financial need. Student Insights will award the following prizes:
One (1) individual prize of a $5000 scholarship.
Two (2) individual prize of a $1,000 scholarship.
Ten (10) individual prizes, consisting of $500 scholarships each scholarships for seniors
It is exceptionally easy to apply:
* NO minimum SAT or ACT score
* NO minimum grade point average
* NO lengthy, time-consuming paperwork
* NO essays
* NO application fees
Simply complete a 15-25 minute online survey about local colleges. You will then be automatically entered into a random drawing for a scholarship award. CLICK LINK HERE TO PARTICIPATE.
May 02, 2025 - ricky jones memorial scholarship
Return completed APPLICATION to Mrs. Alley no later than 5/2/25.
Must be actively enrolled in FFA and either enrolled in a 2 or 4 year college or have a business plan of what you want to do once you graduate high school.
may 05, 2025 - VSba student essay contest
The Virginia School Boards Association is holding a personal essay/speaking contest where the first-place winner will present before an audience of more than 200 school board members and administrators at the 2025 VSBA Conference on Education held at the Hilton Richmond Hotel & Spa at Short Pump on July 25, 2025. Additionally, the first-place winner will have the opportunity to present at the 2025 Student School Board Representative Workshop at the Williamsburg Lodge in Williamsburg, Virginia on November 19, 2025.
This is the fifth year the Virginia School Boards Association will hold this contest. We hope that this contest will bring out the very best in students’ writing and speaking efforts and allow our attendees to witness examples of bright, thoughtful, and accomplished students from around the state. This year’s topic is: Champions for Impact.
The first-place winner will receive a $1,000 scholarship. Submissions are open to all Virginia public high school students (grades 9-12) in divisions that are members of the VSBA. This contest is as a great opportunity for students to share their unique voices as well as compete for funds to further their education. This year’s contest is sponsored by Haney Phinyowattanachip, PLLC.
June 01, 2025 - BWI Environmental Studies Scholarship
Students eligible for this scholarship have applied to, or are enrolled in, a college program in natural resource conservation and/or environmental studies. The award is for up to $2,500. Applications can be submitted by email and are accepted from March 1 - June 1. Winner announced July 15.
Scroll to the bottom of the Broad Water Innovations website to see the application link.
Woodie Walker
Broad Water Innovations
BigFuture scholarships
How to Qualify
Earn entries in monthly drawings for $500 and $40,000 scholarships by completing steps on BigFuture. Login to your College Board account, complete steps on your dashboard, and earn entries to win. One step completed = one entry in each monthly scholarship drawing. There are scholarship drawings starting January of your sophomore year until February of your senior year. Click here for BigFuture Scholarship opportunities!
See THIS LINK for information from FASTWEB on scholarships for the class of 2026.
horatio alger association scholarship portal
While most other scholarships focus exclusively on academic achievement or leadership potential, Horatio Alger Scholarships are also intended for promising students who have critical financial need, demonstrate integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, and are determined to succeed. Scholarships include: Undergraduate Scholarships, Career & Technical Scholarships and Graduate Scholarships.
If you need support or encounter any issues, please contact:
BOLD.ORG - independent scholarship provider - the largest independent scholarship provider in the US with millions of active students. Check out our scholarships HERE.
Questions? Contact info
Dror Liebenthal
CEO, - The Bold Foundation
1580 N. Logan St.
Ste 660, PMB 18696
Denver, CO 80203 US
Student-view scholarship program
The Student-View Scholarship is open to all students regardless of academic achievement or financial need. It is not currently open, but they plan to open it to 2024 grads. See the link below where you can sign up to be notified when it opens.
It is exceptionally easy to apply:
* NO minimum SAT or ACT score
* NO minimum grade point average
* NO lengthy, time-consuming paperwork
* NO essays
* NO application fees
Simply complete a 15-25 minute online survey about local colleges. You will then be automatically entered into a random drawing for a scholarship award. CLICK HERE FOR THE 2025 STUDENT VIEW SCHOLARSHIP
scholarships for Black and African American students
My name is Dror Liebenthal and I am the CEO of, a student scholarship platform. I’m writing because we recently announced a ton of new scholarships for Black and African American students and we'd love to receive applications from your students. You can find more information about the available scholarships HERE.
Dror Liebenthal
united negro college fund (uncf)
UNCF has helped more than 500,000 students earn their college degrees since its founding. UNCF is the nation’s largest private scholarship provider to minority group members. Each year, we award more than $100 million in scholarships to students attending more than 1,100 schools across the country, including our prestigious network of 37 HBCUs. Here is the link to the SCHOLARSHIPS.
We also manage a variety of scholarship programs, such as the Fund II Foundation UNCF STEM Scholars Program, UNCF/Koch Scholars Program, Walton K-12 Education Fellowship and the Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Scholarship Program.
TheDREAM.US - for immigrant youth/undocumented students
TheDream.Us is the nation’s largest college access and success program for immigrant youth, having provided more than 6,500 college scholarships to DREAMers at more than 70 partner colleges in 16 states and Washington, D.C. We believe nothing should stand in your way of a college education—not the cost, your immigrant status, or the lack of financial aid. Our scholarships can help you pay for your college education.
Applications open on November 1st of each year.
cirkled in - no sweat scholarships
The Cirkled In “No Sweat” Scholarship is a $2500 CASH scholarship you can use for any educational purpose, from books to summer camp. In just two steps, you’re in! Apply by signing-up for a Cirkled In account and then complete your portfolio.
To apply for the Cirkled In No Sweat Scholarship, create an account and tell us your complete story through your profile. No GPA or minimum income requirement. Just be YOU!
The Cirkled In Scholarship is broken down into two steps. First, create an account. Second, access your Cirkled In portfolio to start collecting points.
The No Sweat Scholarship is based on a point system. The more points you earn, the better your chance of being selected. Earn points by completing your portfolio and inviting your friends and teachers.
Scholarship search engines
Click on the following links for many scholarship opportunities. If the link doesn't take you directly to a site, copy and paste it in to your browser. Happy hunting!
Scholarships for Undocumented Students:
Date TBD 2025 - ivies inc. of the roanoke valley scholarships
[To be updated for 2024-2025. No updates as of 2.24.25. Said she will notify me when updated]
To be considered for a scholarship, students must:
• Complete the entire application form (2 pages) by responding to all areas on the application;
• Submit two (2) signed letters of recommendation from individuals who can attest to your character, academic preparation, and community service (letters do not need to be submitted in sealed envelopes);
• Submit an official transcript that is signed by your school counselor and mailed in a sealed envelope from the high school that you are attending;
• Submit a resumé; and
• Submit a short essay of at least 250 words, not to exceed 300 words, indicating “why” you are interested in receiving a scholarship from Ivies Incorporated of the Roanoke Valley®.
Point of Contact:
Angela Wimberly
Scholarship Committee Chair
(540) 904-9092
Mar 15, 2024 - capital one VA Military scholarships
[Not available as of 2.25.25]
Capital One is very excited to share that we are offering three scholarships in the amounts of $2,000, $3,000, and $5,000 to aid and honor talented high school seniors in Virginia who are the dependents of active duty, current serving reservists, military retirees, or Gold Star families, and have exemplified excellence through school work and community leadership.
Applications are due March 15, 2024.
Current high school seniors*
U.S. Citizen or legal resident
Resident of, or attending high school in the Commonwealth of Virginia
Have at least one parent or legal guardian who is a full-time Military Servicemember (Army/Navy/Marines/Air Force/Coast Guard), current member of the Military Reserves, Military Retiree (time served or medically retired), or a child of a Gold Star Family.
Capital One employees and family are not eligible
*You may be asked to submit a copy of your high school transcript during the review process.
Please contact with any questions.
2024 Capital One Virginia Military Dependent Scholarship Application Link
MAR 31, 2024 - nrvhba Rick whitney memorial scholarship
[Not available as of 2.25.25]
The New River Valley Home Builders Association's 2024 Rick Whitney Memorial Scholarship Application is now available. The mission of the NRVHBA Scholarship Committee is to support the future growth of the construction industry by providing aid to deserving students planning to enroll in construction-related studies at Virginia's colleges, trade schools and within working internships. We will present a scholarship of $1,000 to a graduating senior who is interested in entering the building profession, including but not limited to architecture, drafting, building trades (electrical, plumbing, HVAC), carpentry, contracting and engineering Apply here: 2024 NRVHBA Rick Whitney Memorial Scholarship Application
Kelsey Grow | Executive Officer
New River Valley Home Builders Association
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2010 | Christiansburg, VA 24068
Office Address (By Appt. Only): 2200 Kraft Drive, Suite 1050 | Blacksburg, VA 24060
apr 05, 2024 - NRCA volunteer of the year award/scholarship
[no update 2.25.25]
Do you volunteer? This may be just the scholarship opportunity for you! The NRCA Volunteer of the Year Award is a $1,000 scholarship offered in memory of Philip M. Sadler, Pulaski attorney, community leader and humanitarian, active supporter of New River Community Action. Nominations being accepted online. Scan the QR code in THIS ATTACHMENT to access the nomination form. Reach out to an adult that knows your volunteer efforts well to complete on your behalf. The deadline for submission is 5:00 p.m. April 5.
apr 10, 2024 - pchs local scholarship application
The PCHS Local Scholarship application is now available! Access it here: PCHS LOCAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION. One application for nearly 40 scholarships! The deadline to submit the application is Wednesday, April 10, 2024. You can begin the application and go back and edit it as needed until the deadline. If you have any questions about the application please direct questions to Mrs. Vest at
apr 15, 2024 - Dominion energy scholarship
[not updated 2.25.25]
The Dominion Energy Educational Equity Scholarship Program was established to assist students who plan to continue their education in college or vocational school programs. This program is administered by Scholarship America®, the nation’s largest designer and manager of scholarship, tuition assistance and other education support programs for corporations, foundations, associations, and individuals. Awards are granted without regard to race, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, disability, or national origin.
Applicants to the Dominion Energy Educational Equity Scholarship Program must be a high school senior or graduate or current college undergraduate residing in one of the following states:
Plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited two- or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school for the entire upcoming academic year. Majoring in Electrical Engineering isn't required.
Have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent).
Apr 16, 2024 - T.G. Howard Community scholarship NOMINATIONS
The T.G. Howard Community will be awarding four $500.00 scholarships honoring local historical figures: Joseph Reed, Thomas Brown, Mary Montgomery, and Ellavester Howard. They hope to award these scholarships to a diverse group of students, to include two females and two males. PCHS faculty and staff should email names of potential PCHS nominees to Ms. Pratt AND Mrs. Vest by the end of the day Wednesday, 4/16. Four PCHS nominees will be chosen from this pool and submitted to the T.G. Howard Community Center Education Committee for consideration.
Scholarship Requirements:
1. Graduating seniors attending a trade school, certification program, college, or university
2. Must attend high school in the NRV
3. Must show evidence of assisting others in the community
4. A minimum GPA of 3.0
You can find more info about the work of the T.G. Howard Community Center on their Facebook page or their website.
apr 19, 2024 - pulaski county farm bureau scholarship
[requested an update from the email below 2.25.25]
An individual is only eligible for a Pulaski County Farm Bureau Scholarship one time.
County may give up to two scholarships of $1000.00 each per year to qualified applicant(s). This scholarship is awarded through a direct payment to the college of $500 per semester. Award recipient must provide proof of enrollment in good standing to Pulaski Co. Farm Bureau prior to the second payment.
Pulaski County Farm Bureau Scholarship recipient must be a resident of Pulaski County but does not have to be a member of Farm Bureau.
Recipient must be accepted to or enrolled in either one of following:
four-year college with the intent to major in an agricultural related field
articulating agreement program at a community college
Applicants must complete and sign the application form and submit with the necessary documents to:
Pulaski County Farm Bureau
Attention: Scholarship Committee
5828 Northwind Place
Dublin, VA 24084
Email to:
Fax: 540-674-4858
Office Phone: 540-674-5119
April 19, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. – deadline for RECEIPT of application by the County Farm Bureau office. The selected applicant(s) will be notified and announced soon thereafter.
Scholarship funds will be mailed directly to the college or university of the selected applicant(s).
Pulaski County Farm Bureau will decide annually if funds are available to offer the scholarship. We reserve the right not to award the scholarship if a suitable applicant(s) is not found. The Board of Directors is charged with the responsibility of preserving the monies for worthy recipients that will give the program credibility.
Scholarships will be awarded on a non-discriminatory basis without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, or disability.
Please attach the following to your application:
An essay, one to two pages double spaced, discussing the following:
How your chosen major will benefit your future plans in agriculture.
What do you see as the future of agriculture in Pulaski County, the state of Virginia, and our nation?
Attach two letters of recommendation from non-family members.
Attach a copy of the letter of acceptance to the college that you will be attending.
A copy of your high school or college transcript.
apr 20, 2024 - jean evans memorial scholarship
[no update as of 2.25.25]
Jean Evans Memorial Scholarship Applicant Form
$500 Scholarship for Pulaski County Seniors
Sponsored by the Pulaski County Republican Women
C/o Dianna Hankins
PO Box 1481
Dublin, VA 24126
The Pulaski County Republican Women’s Scholarship Essay Competition is available to all graduating seniors in Pulaski County who plan to attend an accredited institution. It is our goal to assist a student financially who has exhibited good study skills, school and community involvement, good school attendance, and completes a well written essay that addresses the topic with thoughtfulness and knowledge.
Topic: Read U.S. Constitution’s 10th Amendment, which starts: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution …” Give your well-reasoned opinion on what the writers of the writers considered so important that they ratified this amendment, or give your well-reasoned opinion of what they were hoping to avoid by including the 10th Amendment in the U.S. Constitution.
The applicant must meet the following criteria and mail it by April 20, 2024:
*Completed application form-Jean Evans Memorial Scholarship Application
*Written essay
*Evidence of a minimum 3.0 GPA
*Evidence of good school attendance. For homeschoolers, your teacher’s written statement to this effect will be accepted.
May 01, 2024 - Pulaski County Education Association (pcea) Future Educator Scholarship
This program is open to PCHS seniors only, seeking a degree in the field of education.
To be considered for the scholarship, entries must meet the following criteria:
Entries must include a printed and completed copy of the application cover sheet.
Entries must include a essay, written by the student, to be evaluated on the following:
Essays should be 750 words or less.
Essays should be typed, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, using a serif typing font, i.e Times New Roman
Essays should clearly explain how Pulaski County Public Schools have had a positive impact on your life.
Entries should be mailed to:
Pulaski County Education Association
c/o Candy Castelluccio
8100 Beth Nelson Dr.
Fairlawn, VA 24141
Postmarked by May 1th
Questions may be directed to:
Candy Castelluccio at or at 540-643-0307
All entries will be evaluated by the Pulaski County Education Association Scholarship Committee based on adherence to requirements, use of proper grammar and writing skills, and relevance to the topic.
Recipient(s) will be announced at the Pulaski County High School Assembly in May 2024. The winner(s) will receive either a $1,000 or $500 scholarship!
may 06, 2024 - PowerUp! Renewable Energy scholarship
The PowerUp! Renewable Energy scholarship will award six students in the U.S. $1,500 each who are interested in pursuing education in renewable energy and the environment. Renewable Energy careers are very broad and can include many different subject matters that are relevant to areas beyond construction and engineering. Marketing, social media, finance, community outreach, communications and more! For additional information, instructions and eligibility - details are available HERE.
June 1, 2024 - nrv sportsmen for kids scholarship
Five $1,000 scholarships are available. Applications are due by June 1, 2024.
Please download the application, complete it and email it to
June 1, 2024 - schoolhouse connection scholarship
for graduating class of 2025 only (D'line for class of 2024 is past)
Class of 2025
We have some exciting news! To support students earlier in their educational journey, we’re thrilled to announce that students beginning college for the first time in 2025 (high school juniors or seniors planning to take a gap year) can apply for our scholarship starting now through June 1st, 2024.
Our program is one of the nation’s only national scholarship programs specifically serving youth that have experienced homelessness. The goal of our program is to provide financial assistance and staff and peer support to ensure that you are successful in getting to and through higher education and into the workforce.
About SchoolHouse Connection
SchoolHouse Connection is a national non-profit organization working to overcome homelessness through education. We provide strategic advocacy and practical assistance in partnership with early childhood programs, schools, institutions of higher education, service providers, families, and youth. We believe education is the only permanent solution to homelessness. Our vision is that children and youth experiencing homelessness have full access to quality learning, birth through higher education, so they will never be homeless as adults, and the next generation will never be homeless.
Our History
SchoolHouse Connection is the nation’s leading expert on the early care and education of children and youth experiencing homelessness. We have ushered to passage critical policies and programs for children and youth experiencing homelessness, and provided extensive practical assistance on these policies, including:
The McKinney-Vento Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act;
The Head Start Act and Program Performance Standards;
The Higher Education Act and FAFSA rules;
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act;
The Child Care and Development Fund;
State laws increasing protections and services for unaccompanied homeless youth; and
Housing and homeless services initiatives, including school-housing partnerships for unaccompanied homeless youth.
The Award
$2,000 scholarship award.
All-Expenses-Paid Trip to a National Awards Ceremony
All-Expenses-Paid Trip to Washington, DC
One-on-One Support from SchoolHouse Connection Staff
Opportunities to Engage in State and Federal Policy Advocacy
Who Should Apply?
You are Currently Residing in the United States (undocumented applicants are eligible)
You were Born On or After November 24, 2003
You Will Begin College (four year, community college, or trade school) for the first time in 2024 (not including dual-enrollment courses)
You Experienced Homelessness in the Last Six Years
How We Define Homelessness
Homelessness is defined as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This specifically includes individuals whose living situations fall into one of the categories below:
Temporarily Staying with Other People (Couch-Surfing/Doubled-Up)
Staying in Emergency or Transitional Shelters
Staying in Motels, Campgrounds, Cars, Parks, Abandoned Buildings, Bus or Train Stations, or any Public or Private Place not Designed for Humans to Live in
Staying in Substandard Housing
Key Dates
June 12, 2023: Application Opens
November 24, 2023: Application Closes
January 15-19-13, 2024: Applicants Notified
June 7, 2024 - Abbot & fenner scholarship program
Abbott & Fenner are committed to continuing our efforts at helping those who have the desire and ambition to succeed.
The winner(s) of this ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP will receive their award within 2 weeks of the listed deadline. All applicants should include their full name and mailing address with their submissions as well as the school they are currently attending.
To apply for this scholarship you will need to write an essay on the topic below. The essay should be between 500 and 1000 words. Your submissions must be sent to us by email at:
Topic: Describe your educational career and life goals. Explain your plan for achieving these goals. Include your degree/major, why you selected it, and how this degree/major will help you achieve your goals.
Full details are available on our site.
June 30, 2024 - Foundation for the restoration of america (ffroa) (SECOND DEADLINE DEC 31, 2024)
FREE Constitutional Study Scholarship Program! Students can apply for up to $10,000 in scholarships. FFROA is awarding $100,000 or more in scholarships in 2024!
There is a need for a citizenry educated in the core body of knowledge about what makes America exceptional, and our vision is to restore a prideful history in the education of our young Americans. We invite you to learn about America’s founding through our FREE online Constitutional program and apply for a scholarship. Invest in your future and enroll today!
Two $10,000 Scholarships
Two $5,000 Scholarships
Thirty-five $2,000 Scholarships
There are two opportunities per year to be awarded a scholarship in 2024! The deadline for the first round is June 30, 2024 at midnight. The scholarship application deadline for the second round is December 31, 2024 at midnight.
You may apply once per semester, however you are only eligible to receive one scholarship. So, if you applied and did not win a scholarship, you are eligible to apply for the next round or any round thereafter.
Scholarship winners will be announced approximately 60 days after each of the scholarship deadlines:
June 30, 2024 - winners announced September 2, 2024
December 31, 2024 - winners announced March 3, 2025
SEPT 30, 2024 (by 5 p.m.) - coca-cola scholarship
The 2024-2025 application for the Coca-Cola Scholarship for 2025 high school graduates is now open.
Click HERE for Program Details
First generation students have the opportunity to apply for nomination for the Walentas Scholars Program Scholarship at UVA. The selected PCHS nominee will be required to complete the Walentas scholarship application.
The Walentas Program at UVA is intended to cultivate outstanding undergraduate students, providing them with financial support to pursue their passions and develop their talents for the good of the University and beyond. Walentas Scholars are LEADERS, CITIZENS, SCHOLARS, AND FIRST GENERATION STUDENTS.
This scholarship awards over $200,000 for selected students!
Complete the Walentas Scholar Program Nomination by Tuesday, October 29, 2024 to be considered for this wonderful opportunity!
Oct 31, 2024 - Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Voice of Democracy Scholarship
Voice of Democracy
Established in 1947, our Voice of Democracy audio-essay program provides high school students with the unique opportunity to express themselves in regards to a democratic and patriotic-themed recorded essay. Each year, nearly 25,000 9-12 grade students from across the country enter to win their share of more than $1 million in educational scholarships and incentives awarded through the program.
The national first place winner receives a $35,000 scholarship paid directly to the recipient’s American university, college or vocational/technical school. A complete list of other national scholarships range from $1,000-$21,000, and the first place winner from each VFW Department (state) wins at least a scholarship of $1,000. Before submitting your essay, download the 2024-2025 entry form here and find your sponsoring local VFW Post as applications must be turned in by midnight, Oct. 31.
This year’s theme is, "Is America Today Our Forefathers' Vision?"
Nov 12, 2024 - Most Valuable Student Contest - Elks National Foundation
The 2025 MVS application is now open. Applications can be found online at
The Elks National Foundation (ENF) awards 500 four-year scholarships based on academics, leadership, and financial need. National awards range from $1,000 per attendance year to $7,500 per year. The national awards will be announced in April 2025. Also, the state of Virginia Elks award scholarships from these applications as well.
MVS scholarships are for students pursuing a four-year degree on a full-time basis (minimum of 12 semester hours), at a U.S. college or university next school year. Some important applicant details include:
« Current high school seniors (or equivalent) who are citizens of the United States are eligible to apply.
« Applicants do not have to be related to a member of the Elks.
« Male and female students compete separately.
Applicants select from a list of the Lodges closest to their home address zip code. PCHS students should choose Pulaski VA Elks #1067 as their sponsoring Lodge. Complete details can be found at
For any questions, please contact You may send your question or request a contact from Elks staff by sending a telephone contact with extensions and your best business hours for best time of contacts.
nov 26, 2024 - national honor society scholarship
Since 1946, the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) has awarded more than $23 million in scholarships to outstanding NHS seniors. This year, we are awarding $2 million in scholarships to 600 students. Each year, scholarship recipients are selected based on their demonstration of the four pillars of NHS: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character. Check out the information below and apply today!
September 16, 2024: Application opens
November 26, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. (ET): Submission deadline
February 2025: Applicants receive notifications
April 2025: All-expense paid trip to DC for top 25 scholarship finalists and their advisers
To be eligible, a student must be:
A high school senior and/or expecting to receive a high school diploma during the current academic year.
An active member in good standing of a National Honor Society chapter, meeting all membership requirements and obligations of the local chapter.
An NHS student account holder, verified by the NHS chapter adviser.
Planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. college or university.
Note: There are no limits to the number of applicants per chapter.
DEC 01, 2024 - Hagan Scholarship foundation
The Hagan Scholarship
The Hagan Scholarship is a nationwide need-based merit scholarship, providing recipients “regardless of nationality” with the opportunity to achieve their goals and graduate college debt-free. The scholarship provides up to $7,500 each semester for up to 8 consecutive semesters. Applicants must graduate from a high school located in the United States. Eligible high schools include public, private, charter, magnet, and STEM schools. The Applicant’s Adjusted Gross Household Income reported for 2023 Federal Income Tax Purposes must not have exceeded $100,000. Free workshops, Free Schwab Brokerage Accounts, and Free Study Abroad provide recipients with a practical understanding of important life skills not typically covered in the school curriculum. Hagan Scholars have attended 637 colleges and universities located in 49 states and the District of Columbia.
Hagan Scholars who graduate college while in the Hagan Scholarship Program can apply for a Hagan Graduate Scholarship good for up to four additional semesters in college receiving up to $7,500 each semester.
Scholarship Eligibility Requirements
Must attend a high school located in the U.S.
Eligible high schools include public, private, charter, magnet, and STEM schools.
Applicants who are not U.S. Citizens must be fluent in the English language.
Must be in the high school graduating class.
Must have a 3.50 Cumulative Grade Point Average.
Must enroll at an eligible four-year or higher college or university following high school graduation.
Must maintain a four year or less graduation schedule in college.
Must work 240 hours from January 1, 2025 until September 1, 2025. Work must be regularly scheduled employment performed under supervision for compensation. Employment can be full-time or part-time.
Applicant’s Adjusted Gross Household Income reported for 2023 Federal Income Tax Purposes must not have exceeded $100,000.
FAFSA information is not required for Applicants, only for Finalists in the spring of 2025.
Must apply for Federal and State grants if eligible.
Must not have a felony conviction.
Application Deadlines
Application Opens: September 1, 2024
Application Closes: December 1, 2024
DEC 01, 2024 - Ron Brown Scholar Program
The Ron Brown Scholarship honors the legacy of Ronald H. Brown through a selective scholarship program that advances higher education for community-minded and intellectually gifted African Americans.
RBSP competitively awards 20-25 four-year $40,000 scholarships ($10,000 each year) to the most talented and economically-challenged high school seniors who demonstrate a keen interest in public service, community engagement, business entrepreneurship and global citizenship – the four pillars of the late Ronald H. Brown’s mission to uplift people of all races, cultures and ethnicities – especially our disadvantaged youth.
Recipients may use the renewable scholarships to attend an accredited four-year college or university of their choice within the United States. Ron Brown scholarships are not limited to any specific field or career objective and may be used to pursue any academic discipline. Since the Program’s inception in 1996, 634 students have been designated as Ron Brown Scholars.
Applicants for the Ron Brown Scholarship MUST be Black/African American, US citizens or permanent residents, and a current high school senior at the time of their application.
Dec 20, 2024 - VT Pamplin leadership scholarship
This year's Pamplin Leadership Award (PLA) season is now open! The PLA was established by Robert B. Pamplin, Sr. (VT Class of 1933) and Robert B. Pamplin, Jr. to acknowledge students who demonstrate superior intellectual promise, academic performance, dedication to their communities, interest and success in physical fitness and health, and unimpeachable integrity.
The PLA is a one-year, merit-based $5,000 Virginia Tech scholarship presented to up to forty qualified students from Virginia's public high schools. PCHS will nominate one student who must have a 3.8 or better GPA.
Interested applicants must email Mrs. Vest at by Fri, Dec 20 their interest in applying for the Pamplin Leadership Scholarship. In the subject line type your name and Pamplin Leadership Scholarship. In the body of the email write a paragraph describing the leadership roles you have held during your high school career and describe what makes you an effective leader.
Qualifications: seniors must have a 3.8 GPA, have already applied to VT, and created a guest account for VT which provides access to VT's Scholarship Central. The PCHS student selected to represent PCHS for application to the PLA will be required to complete an essay in the VT scholarship application addressing effective leadership due by January 10, 2025.
JAN 9, 2025 (BY 5pm) - Jackie robinson foundation scholarship
The Jackie Robinson Foundation scholarship application opens September 2024. Click HERE for more information and to apply.
The online Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship application includes:
One recommendation
High school information including an unofficial high school transcript
College plans
Test scores (AP, IB, PSAT, ACT, or SAT) optional
Activities and distinctions
Household information
Four essays
Jan 15, 2025 - asian & pacific islander heritages (APIA) Scholars
APIA Scholars provides scholarships to qualified students of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage pursuing an undergraduate degree at a U.S.-accredited college or university. Scholarships range from one-time $2,500 awards to multi-year $20,000 awards. Learn more and apply. Click HERE for application tips and resources to get you started, or to wrap it up!
Application deadline: January 15, 2025
Jan 15, 2025 - MEMber one college scholarships
You are welcome to apply if you’re a high school senior and Member One member* who will be attending a Virginia college or university.
Member One proudly offers two scholarships:
$5,000 Richard L. “Dick” Williams Memorial Scholarship
$1,500 Henry Lee Memorial Scholarship
*Must be a current member for at least 6 months in good standing (as defined in the Member Account Agreement provided to you at the time you became a member). Member One has selected an independent Scholarship Committee to review applications and select two recipients. The decision of the Committee is final and shall not be overturned or challenged by Member One or anyone else. Member One reserves the right to modify, cancel, or discontinue this scholarship at any time.
JAN 17, 2025 (postmarked by this date) - Virginia JCI Senate scholarship 4-YR & TRADE SCHOOLS
The Virginia Junior Chamber International Senate (VA JCI Senate), an affiliate organization of the Virginia Jaycees, is proud to continue to offer the future leaders of American an opportunity to earn scholarship money for the pursuit of higher education. The application, requirements and student checklist can be found at THIS LINK.
In addition to the scholarship for four-year schools we now have one for trade, vocational, or technical schools. The same application is used, but the student must select Trade School/Vocation/Technical Institute on the third page.
jan 22, 2025 - Virginia Tech General Scholarship Portal
Students applying for admission to Virginia Tech who wish to apply for scholarships first need to complete the admissions application. After submitting your admissions application, you will should receive an email from the Office of Admissions with instructions on creating your admissions portal login credentials. After logging into your admissions portal, you may login to the system by clicking on the Scholarship Central link.
Here is the link to the General Scholarship portal: click SIGN IN in the upper right corner.
The VT General Scholarship deadline is January 22.
Jan 24, 2025 (by 5pm) - the Community Foundation of the new river valley (CFNRV) scholarship
Students can visit to review information about the scholarships and to apply. Since issuing our first scholarship in 2002, we have awarded $1,2600,000+ to more than 1,200 students. Through the generosity of many donors, in 2025, we will give out more than $100,000 in scholarships to students living or studying in New River Valley.
The CFNRV’s scholarship application is open to high school students planning to pursue a degree or undergraduate students currently in school at 2- or 4-year colleges or universities as well as trade or technical schools. Older adults returning to school are also welcome to apply as are ACCE students from New River Community College. The Slate Smith scholarship is only available to PCHS seniors and is a three-year renewable scholarship. The Slate Smith scholarship is only available to students who wish to pursue a major in math education or a STEM related field and must remain in that field for renewal. Additionally, there is one scholarship available to students pursuing a doctorate at Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine.
While there are dozens of CFNRV funds set up to fund scholarships each year, applicants only need to submit a single application to the foundation and indicate the scholarships for which they would like to be considered.
A complete application includes:
Your PCHS transcripts (can be unofficial) - Create a PARCHMENT account and request it be sent to your personal email!
The Student Financial Statement form. This is a form that we always require applicants to fill out to supplement the financial information that a FAFSA provides. The goal is to understand the financial circumstances of yourself and your family. However, this year, we are not requiring the FAFSA. Because of that, we will only have the Student Financial Statement to rely on to understand your financial circumstances, so please be as detailed as possible. If you are dependent on parents or guardians, please give accurate information on their occupations and annual income.
A Parental Financial Statement or Statement of Parental Refusal (if applicable)
An online application (including the essay)
Two letters of recommendation
Questions? Contact Info
Laura Pynn
Jan 31, 2025 - BBB Student of integrity scholarship
Applications are now open for the 21st annual BBB Student of Integrity scholarship! This scholarship honors high school seniors from our 32-county service area who personify ethics through leadership, community service, and actions. This is an essay-based scholarship.
Scholarship Requirements
Have a minimum 3.0 GPA
Official high school transcripts
A personal letter of recommendation
Recipients will be recognized, and must attend, the Student of Integrity Awards Ceremony in Roanoke in April 2025.
Scholarship Topic
Compose an essay to illustrate your life-long commitment to ethical decision-making. Entries must include a list of leadership roles and extracurricular activities as well as post-secondary plans and goals.
Contact Info for Questions
Sloan Champney
(540) 342-3455 ext. 3015
Jan 31, 2025 - Virginia DAR Scholarships
Each year the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) awards multiple scholarships to students showing dedication to the pursuit of higher education in diverse areas of study including history, economics, law, political science, medicine, nursing, occupational and physical therapy, elementary and secondary education, chemistry, math, science and English.
DAR’s scholarships are awarded and judged without regard to gender, race, color, religion, national origin, or disability.
Applicants must be citizens of the United States.
Applicants must attend or plan to attend an accredited college or university in the United States.
All multi-year scholarships, typically renewable up to four years, must be for consecutive years of attendance.
Awards are based on academic excellence, commitment to the field of study, and/or financial need, or other restrictions on specific scholarships.
Awards are placed on deposit with the recipient’s college or university and any unused portion shall be returned to the DAR.
Applicants are only eligible to receive one scholarship from the DAR.
The DAR Scholarship Committee Now Has an Online Submission Process
DAR is pleased to announce all students applying for scholarships offered by the DAR Scholarship Committee will submit their applications using the online application portal below (opens November 1, 2024). Emailed or mailed applications will no longer be accepted, unless applying for the Margaret Howard Hamilton Scholarship.
To Apply For DAR Scholarships . . .
The scholarship application portal is now closed. The portal will reopen for the coming academic year, 2024, from November 1, through January 31, at 11:59 pm (Hawaii Time).
Questions? Contact Info
Jan 31, 2025 - Blacksburg Community Band Founder's Scholarship
The Blacksburg Community Band Founder's Scholarship is given in honor of Ed Schwart. It was created to foster the desire in high school students to become lifelong musicians regardless of the profession they choose to pursue. It is open to students currently in grades 9-12 who reside in Montgomery, Pulaski, Floyd, and Giles Counties and the City of Radford who play a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument in a music program. The Founder's Scholarship is now permanently endowed and allows the band to award 2-$500 scholarships that can be used for private lessons, instrument repair or replacement, fees for music workshops, and college tuition. Applications must be postmarked by January 31, 2025.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Cathy Duerbeck, BCB Vice President
Feb 01, 2025 - NRCC ACCE PROGRAM: 2 yr TUITION-free college
The ACCE program allows students to go to NRCC for two years tuition-free in exchange for 80 hours/year of community service to Pulaski County.
The ACCE (Access to Community College Education) program application opens on October 1 and NRCC's deadline is Feb 1. THIS IS A HARD AND FAST DEADLINE. ACCE is not binding so all students are encouraged to put it in place as a "back up plan." If you miss the Feb 1 deadline, you cannot put it in place after that time.
You can access the program application at this link: Click STUDENT ACCE APPLICATIONS and scroll to Pulaski County. Students need to know their NRCC student number and NRCC email address for the application. If you don't know it, reach out to your Career Coaches.
The FAFSA deadline for ACCE students is Feb 15. Be sure to list NRCC's federal code 005223 on the FAFSA so NRCC receives your information. Any questions on your status, contact your Career Coaches Kathy Kleppin, or Elena Weightman,
NOTE: Your Social Security Number MUST be on file with NRCC for them to see your FAFSA. If you are not sure, ask one of your Career Coaches, or call NRCC Admissions at 540-674-3603 and ask.
Feb 01, 2025 - JMU Centennial Scholars program
The Centennial Scholars Program (CSP) at JMU is a scholarship that provides full financial assistance and a multi-level academic support network for Pell Grant eligible students. The CSP Award: Incoming First-Year students are eligible for a four-year award that covers housing, food, fees and standard in-state tuition.
CSP Eligibility - Applicants must:
Complete a JMU Admissions Application
Have an exemplary academic performance history
Qualify for In-State tuition
Be eligible for a Pell Grant - Learn more!
Just five easy steps:
STEP 1: Apply to JMU (If already done, go to STEP 2)
STEP 2: Go to the JMU Scholarship Webpage and follow the instructions to login to the Madison Scholarships Hub using your JMU User ID and Password
STEP 3: Complete the General Scholarships Application in the Madison Scholarships Hub
STEP 4: Fill out the Centennial Scholars Program Application and SUBMIT it by February 1
STEP 5: Complete the 2025-2026 FAFSA* by February 1
*Access the 2025-26 FAFSA in December 2024 at
Contact Information:
The Centennial Scholars Program
FEB 03, 2025 - Granville P meade scholarship
The Virginia Department of Education announces the opening of the Granville P. Meade Scholarship, offering financial assistance to academically accomplished students facing financial challenges in attending college. The scholarship provides $2,000 per year for four years to eligible Virginia high school seniors attending any of Virginia's public or private colleges or universities.
Application Process
All submissions to the Virginia Department of Education must be through the SSWS Dropbox to ensure security and efficiency. The application window opens for all students on January 6, 2025. Superintendents should provide contact information for their divisions and region using the Procedures and Contact Form. For detailed instructions, deadlines, procedures and application, visit the Granville P. Meade Scholarship webpage.
Applicants must be:
A current senior;
Planning to attend a postsecondary institution in Virginia (university, community college, or technical school); and
Currently attending a public, private or homeschool in Virginia; however, they do not need to be a U.S. citizen to apply.
Strong applicants:
Are academically successful. While there is no minimum GPA requirement; this scholarship is competitive in nature and, typically, recipients are those that have an above average academic record; and
Have experienced significant financial hardships.
Application Timeline
Jan 6, 2025: Application window opens for all students
Feb 3, 2025: Application deadline for PCHS seniors to submit their application to Ms. Vest in the School Counseling office
February 7, 2025: Public School Principals submit compiled applications to Division Superintendents/POCs.
February 10 – 21, 2025: First Round Reviews. Division Superintendents select their top five applications for Regional Review.
February 21, 2025: Deadline for divisions leaders to submit their top five applicants to the region review round via SSWS Dropbox.
February 24 – March 7, 2025: Regional Review Round
Regional chairs conduct reviews to select the top five applicants of the region.
VCPE and HEAV designated chairs submit top five applications to VDOE via SSWS Dropbox for agency review.
March 7, 2025: Deadline for regional chairs to selected applicants to VDOE for the final review round.
March 10 – 21, 2025: VDOE/SCHEV Review Window.
April 7, 2025: Finalist awarded.
Feb 05, 2025 - RU Scholarship portal priority deadline
All admitted incoming students are welcome to apply in the RU Scholarship Portal. The scholarship portal will open Fri, Nov 1, 2024.
Currently, there are a total of 82 foundation scholarships earmarked for incoming students, and of those, 9 are specific to incoming freshmen and 21 are for freshmen or transfers. However, students do not need to search for them. All they need to do is submit their general application after they are accepted for admission and they have created an account in OneCampus.
The scholarship database will do all of the work—by taking all of their Banner information, such as high school or transfer information, GPA, any transfer credits, FAFSA information, etc. to matching their applications to scholarships they are eligible for. The only scholarships students will be able to see that they were matched with are those that are apply-to scholarships (they show up once applicants submit their general application). Students will then be able to click on the apply-to buttons for these scholarships, read more about the requirements and follow the directions should they feel there is a good match.
In addition to foundation scholarships that are specifically for incoming students, there are college/major based scholarships that faculty could potentially award to incoming students if they would so choose.
Feb 15, 2025 - virginia state peo scholarship
Virginia State Scholarship Fund (V.S.S.F.) provides a minimum of $1500 scholarships to women who are domiciled in Virginia to attend an accredited Virginia school of higher education. Funds for V.S.S.F. are contributed by Virginia P.E.O. Chapters and individuals. The number of scholarships awarded each year is based on the contributions to the V.S.S.F. each year.
Virginia State Scholarship Descriptions and Frequently Asked Questions
Virginia State Scholarship Fund (V.S.S.F.) Online Application
This application applies to the 2025-2026 academic year (fall 2025 and spring 2026). V.S.S.F. Scholarships are available to women who:
1) are citizens of the USA or legal permanent residents, domiciled in Virginia,
2) are high school graduates,
3) are well-rounded in activities,
4) have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale,
5) have financial need, and
6) will be attending an accredited Virginia school of higher education as full time undergraduate students.
The completed and signed application form, including all supporting documents, must be submitted by February 15, 2025.
Please note: a student may be awarded a scholarship no more than two times and must submit a new application for each award.
FEB 20, 2025 - p.e.o. Dorothy Collins scholarship (Deadline extended TO 2/24)
The Dorothy Collins Scholarship, established in 2003, is available to women who are graduating seniors at Radford High School or Pulaski County High School, and will be attending an accredited institution as an undergraduate student. This $1,500 scholarship is for young women who desire higher education and require financial assistance to continue their education.
P.E.O. is a philanthropic organization which awards scholarships to qualified women on an international, national, state and local level. Selection of the recipient will be in compliance with the P.E.O. Foundation’s Requirements for Educational Aid to Individuals, and money will be dispensed from the Foundation. The scholarship, named in honor of Dorothy Collins, is funded by the Warren B. Collins Trust and given for causes to benefit children and education. Dorothy Collins, the mother of two adopted children, devoted her life to helping underprivileged children. Consistent with her life, this scholarship was established to help young women in this community who need direct financial assistance to achieve their educational goals.
Complete the scholarship application online HERE. There are three items that needed to be submitted to your school counseling office (transcripts, SAR and letters of recommendation) - details are in the online link.
NOTE: If the complete SAR (Student Aid Report) is not available, a printout of the page that identifies your SAI (Student Aid Index) can be accepted. Log on to and view your dashboard for your SAI.
An application will not be considered complete unless all parts are received by the deadline. It is your responsibility to check when your school counseling office closes. If weather is a factor that week, be sure to submit early. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to Kathy Kleppin at
Feb 21, 2025 - WELV Future educator scholarship
WELV is thrilled to announce two $500 scholarships for future educators as part of our ongoing mission! Eligibility: Open to female high school seniors or undergraduates pursuing their first bachelor’s degree. To apply, students write an essay explaining why you aspire to become a teacher. Share your personal story, what inspires you, and how you hope to impact the lives of others through teaching. Submit your essay using the link below. The application deadline is February 21, 2025, so don’t miss this incredible opportunity! We are honored to support you on your journey toward becoming an educator. WELV SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION
november - national scholarship month
Scholarship search by sallie MAE
November is here, and with it comes National Scholarship Month. Scholarship Search by Sallie® allows users to easily find and sort through hundreds of scholarships! The best part? It’s free and there’s no sign-up needed.
Head to Scholarship Search by Sallie
Use the filters to easily sort based on requirements, award amount, the state you live in, major, and more
We only show scholarships that are currently accepting applications
Let’s start them out with an easy scholarship to apply for: Sallie Mae’s $2,000 Scholarship.* It’s ten questions, and no essay. Even better, we give out a scholarship every month—so they can enter again and again!
Be sure to connect with us on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram for additional content.
Borrow responsibly
Sallie Mae encourages students and families to start with savings, grants, scholarships, and federal student loans to pay for college. Evaluate all anticipated monthly loan payments, and how much the student expects to earn in the future, before considering a private student loan.
RAISEME Scholarship - Create Your Portfolio Today IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND Hollins (12/1) or Emory & henry (10/15)
Hollins University, Roanoke DEADLINE DEC 1, 2024
Emory & Henry College, Emory DEADLINE OCT 15, 2024
Students should go to WWW.RAISE.ME to create a portfolio. In your portfolio you will identify all the schools you plan to apply to and follow those participating in the RAISEME scholarship. You will enter grades you have earned throughout high school along with college tasks you have completed (e.g., college visits, taking of PSATs/SATs/ACTs, college applications completed, volunteer efforts achieved). For each item completed, you will earn scholarship money at participating colleges. Each college awards different levels of scholarship money. Do NOT make the assumption that you will get all the money identified in your portfolio. RAISEME is used for instate and out of state schools.
Check out this YouTube video which explains how to set up your RAISEME Portfolio.