
asvab career exploration program (ceb) test-oct 16

Still figuring out your future?  Don’t know what career to pursue? Then the ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP) may be for you!  

The ASVAB CEP scheduled for Oct 16, 2023 in the English Pod Collaboration Room

Sample test items & test-taking strategies, here: 

Whether you’re planning on college, a technical school, the military,  or you’re just not sure yet, the ASVAB Career Exploration Program can  put you on the right path toward a satisfying career. Understanding  your skills and interests will help you make the best decisions about your  future. See the counselor for details about your interests. Identify your strengths and expand your horizons.  Participate in the ASVAB Career Exploration Program. It’s free! You need all the facts about yourself and the world of work to make  informed choices about what to do after high school.  It’s YOUR future. Be informed.  Sign up by contacting Mrs. Thompson at

• There is no cost! 

• Participation does not commit you to the military.  

• The ASVAB CEP helps you understand your unique skills and interests, identify potentially satisfying careers, and discover all the different  ways to get to your dream job.  

• The ASVAB CEP is a great opportunity for those who are not sure about what they want to do after they finish high school. 


Staff Sergeant, Mitchell Triplett


(540) 748-0932

Coming to ALL lunches on Tuesday, Sept 12 and Tuesday Sept 26. They will be set up in the PCHS Commons.

United States Air FORCE & Space Force

If you have any questions about the Air Force and Space Force, or you would like to set up a virtual session via ZOOM or Google Meets, please reach out to TSgt James J. Ray, the local recruiter for the United States Air Force and Space Force. He can be reached at (540) 408-3935 anytime of the day. 

These are the benefits of the Air or Space Force:

Air and Space Force flyer