Jiří Vnouček
Conservator of parchment, paper and bookbinding
Employed by the Preservation department, the Royal Library, Copenhagen.
Professional preparation (selection)
2010 Master in Conservation Science from the School of Conservation of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, Denmark.
(M.A. thesis: Defects and Damage in Parchment Manuscripts, an aid to visual examination of parchment for writing purposes. Supervisor René Larsen, Copenhagen August 2010. 185 pages, 376 illustrations).
1992/1993 Internship, Conservation of Books and Manuscripts with Christopher Clarkson at the West Dean Collage, England
Since 2005 The Royal Library, Copenhagen. (2005/2011 as conservator technician and since 2012 as conservator).
1993/2005 The National Library in Prague, Czech Republic. Head of the Conservation department.
1991/1993 The National Library in Prague, Czech Republic, Preservation officer at the National Preservation Office.
1984/1991 The Strahov Monastery Library in Prague (formerly the Museum of the Czech Literature). Conservator of paper and books.
2002-2005 Improved damage assessment of parchment (IDAP), leader of the team from the National Library Czech Republic, one of the partners on IDAP established within 5th framework by the EU.
1999-2001 Conservation of Illuminated Manuscripts, leader of the research project established by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
Other activities
2002 Consultant of rescue operation for the library and archive collections damaged after the flood in Prague, member of governmental commission. Some information provided in: Vnouček, J. The Prague flood diary“ in Preparing for the Worst, Planning for the Best: Protecting our Cultural Heritage from Disaster . Proceedings of a special IFLA Conference held in Berlin, 31th July-2nd August 2003, Munchen: K.G.Saur 2005
Since 2005 consultant and member of Disaster Preparedness Working Group at the Royal Library in Copenhagen, participated on the Disaster Preparedness Plan for the Royal Library in Copenhagen.
2006 Consultation of preservation of water damaged parchment manuscript reported in: Conservation Survey of the condition of the Czech Gradual