please check back soon for updated info. new info will be posted about 2024-2025 school year once received!

follow OHS on twitter for latest news:  @ontariohs

Parent night!


Plan on taking spanish elective?

Ontario High School has 6 levels of Spanish classes a student can take. This placement questionnaire will help place you in the appropriate level class. 


Can i continue doing online learning only? info meeting  

date tbd

Think you may want to continue doing only online learning at Chaffey district?  Make sure you attend this zoom meeting to learn more about their options available: TBD

interested in honors courses?

If you would like to be considered for enrollment in Honors classes please fill out this form. If you don't fill out this form you may still be placed in Honors. Decision letters will be mailed in June.   http://bit.ly/OHSHonors21 

Available elective courses and descriptions

Here is a detailed list of all available elective course offerings for your freshmen year:


How do i transfer? 

Your high school was assigned based on your home address.  If you want to request a transfer, please attend all meetings for your original school and ask about the transfer process, as there may be changes due to pandemic.  You can find out more information about Intra-district transfers at:  https://cjuhsd.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1762902&type=d&pREC_ID=1946719

link for your ohs 9th grade class registration form
