Classen School of Advanced Studies High Schools at Northeast
Dance Major Program

Middle School & High School Dance Audition Guidelines

Classen SAS Vision Statement:

To ensure that all students learn at high levels to become high quality, academically prepared, global citizens.

MS & HS (incoming 6th- 12th) Dance Audition Details:


Time for Arrival: 

Location:  Classen Middle School Dance Annex  (1901 N. Ellison Ave. OKC, OK 73106) 

Point of Entry: The door to the annex inside of the courtyard (across from the cafeteria)

Parking Information: Gym parking lot at the back of the school (on Douglas Ave.)

How to Apply & What to Prepare Before Arrival:

CSAS General Application requirements: 

OKCPS Application Schools Website


Dance Specific Requirements: 

Please Bring: 

      **Letter/s of recommendation welcome, but not mandatory for the dance department. 

Audition Guidelines:

          What to expect: 

Audition Tips:

Judging Criteria (how applicants will be evaluated):

Ballet technique - 25% 

How consistently does the dancer demonstrate mastery of ballet technique through body alignment, movement efficiency, strength, control, and use of breath?

Modern dance technique - 25% 

How consistently does the dancer demonstrate mastery of modern dance technique through body alignment, movement efficiency, strength, control, and use of breath?

Musicality - 15%

To what extent does the dancer engage with and make artful use of the music?

Retention of choreography - 10%

How quickly and proficiently is the dancer able to master the choreography?

Disposition/Personal Appearance - 10%

Is the dancer polite, focused, professional in appearance, and demonstrating grit?

Artistry - 15%

To what extent does the dancer captivate attention and demonstrate the potential for artistic achievement? 

Additional Info:

Dance Contact Name[s] & Email[s]:

Brandi Kelley (Middle School) 

Cerena Chaney (Middle School) 

Erika Vasquez (High School) 

Cameelah Pennington Cook (High School)

Pertinent Links: