
Kahoot (www.kahoot.com) is a gamified website that runs off of a web browser. It is great for engaging students and collecting diagnostic and formative assessment data. It can be for summative data, however is not recommended.

Ways you can use it in the classroom:

  • doing a diagnostic assessment at the start of a unit (i.e. upper and lower case letter recognition, mental math facts, etc.)
  • story sequencing - identifying what came first, last
  • mid unit review on any topic
  • for a fun quiz about random stuff (i.e. Fortnite) as a classroom icebreaker
  • Saulteaux word recognition - students see the picture and have to pick the Saulteaux word that matches it
  • historical facts
  • any type of multiple choice or true/false questions!

Below are a variety of videos outlining how to use Kahoot in the classroom.

Discover Kahoot.webm

Discovering Kahoot that are already made to play with your class.

If you duplicate them you can edit them to tailor them more to your learning outcomes!

Creating a Kahoot.webm

Creating a Kahoot to play with your class.

Playing Kahoot.webm

The best part: Playing Kahoot!

Kids will actually cheer when they play this. They might beg you to play another round....just beware it might wear off the novelty of it.