Class Story

Class Story is sent out to only parents in your class. It is a place to share photos, notes and events about what is happening in your class. It is a good way to keep parents in tune with what is happening in the classroom and to celebrate accomplishments.

Students cannot see this.

It can be found in your class' page under the Class Story tab.

How to add to Class Story

Click on Class Story and you will see this at the top of the page.

You can write in the box, add photos, attached files (certain file formats are allowed), record yourself for 8 minutes or make an event.

Click on Photos. This will allow you to drop the picture from an open folder on your desktop. It will also allow you to click Browse and pick a picture.

If you click on Files it will show the same screen. It will allow you to drop the file in or pick one by clicking Browse.

If you click on Events you can create an event that will sent out push notifications to parents/guardians phones/devices with the app and it will email out reminders. It also lists it as an event on the Class Story feed when they log in to the app and website.

You can state when it is pushed out and write down the information and set the times for when it occurs. You currently cannot make it repeat.

These events should be only tailored to your class, i.e. returning a field trip form, swimming lessons, etc.

You can also change the image by Theme to fit the event through a variety of emojis and background colours. You can find them by clicking on the picture and colour icon.