Graduation Requirements


  • Students must earn 23 credits from subjects as listed below:


English 4.0

Social Studies 3.0

Science 3.0

Mathematics 3.0

Health 0.5

Physical Education 1.5

Electives 8.0

TOTAL: 23.0

  • Pass the USA Civics Exam: Any student graduating from a Wisconsin high school must score at least 65 out of a 100 on a civics exam identical to the questions asked of individuals during the process of applying for US citizenship.

  • Specific academic requirements for each subject area are described in this Programming Guide.

  • Exceptions to the subject requirements:

    • Physical Education may be modified if a student is medically disabled as verified by a medical doctor or is exempt for some activities for religious reasons.

    • A special education student may have individualized graduation requirements articulated in his/her Individual Education Plan (IEP).


  • A student must be in attendance on a full-time basis during the last semester prior to qualifying for graduation from Oak Creek High School.

  • Students must meet all graduation requirements to participate in the graduation ceremony.

  • Students who are scheduled to graduate but did not meet the requirements and wish to receive an Oak Creek High School diploma must complete the necessary credits. Such credits can be earned by correspondence courses, enrollment in regular or adult high school, or a Wisconsin technical college. Credits must be approved by the high school principal to be recognized and apply for graduation and the issuance of a diploma.

  • A student may request for early graduation after 3 or 3.5 years and completion of all requirements.

  • All fees paid and graduation requirements must be met before a diploma is issued.