Culture, Diversity, and Community

Since spring 2020, NYU Project DCLT has been supporting language teachers through multiple professional development events in a virtual world. We are happy to share these videos and resources from past forums on culture, diversity and community! Click through each title button to see the resources and videos from each event. 

Real Scenarios: Tips to Survive and Thrive as a Chinese Teacher in the U.S. Nov. 12th, 2021.

Presented and facilitated by the group Courageous Dialogues with Chinese Educators, this event examined real scenarios, those "ouch" moments in the workplace, and developed solutions and strategies to survive and thrive as a Chinese teacher in the U.S. Follow Courageous Dialogues with Chinese Educators on Twitter @CDCE1955 and Facebook @Courageous Dialogues with Chinese Educators. *This session was not recorded to ensure everyone felt comfortable sharing.

Nov. 6th, 2021, China Institute and Project DCLT partnered for this workshop “An Examination of Chinese Mythology (1) – the Fire God” led by Professor TIAN Zhaoyuan who provided an overview of Chinese mythology and delve into the story of the Fire God and his symbolic cultural roles in China’s past and present, as well as its relevance in American K-12 Chinese language and culture classes. 

On October 30th 2020, DCLT hosted the virtual forum: Finding and Engaging in Your Professional Communities. The Panel shared their experiences learning about these communities deciding to participate in them and routinely follow and participate in them. The teachers are inviting you to listen to the panelists' experiences and share their own experience engaging in professional communities. Recap this wonderful event here and PowerPoint.

On Sep 14th, 2020, China Institute welcomed Confucianism expert Zu-yan Chen, who introduces Confucius, China’s greatest sage, and the philosophy that has shaped Chinese governance, values, and ideas for thousands of years. Following the lecture, contemporary China expert Zak Dychtwald joined Professor Chen in a conversation about Confucius’ legacy and his relevance in today’s hyper-modern China. 

This presentation discusses the important role of a Chinese language teacher as a cultural ambassador and proposes an integrated approach to teaching and learning of Chinese culture in American classrooms. This new approach will focus on what to teach and how to teach culture by integrating: (1) cultural practices, products, and perspectives, (2) traditional and modern Chinese culture, (3) high and pop culture, and (4) Chinese culture and American/world cultures. The presenters will also share case studies of teachers using the IMAGE model in developing ICC.

What Educators Can Do to Combat Violence and Racism Against Asian Americans

Courageous Dialogues with Chinese Educators provides a space for educators to grow and to learn about critical issues surrounding diversity, equity and inclusivity. Join CDCE and Project DCLT as we explore the history of Anti-Asian bias and discuss the recent rise of Anti-Asian sentiment and violence in the US and recognize a common struggle. Presenters will provide resources for action, strategies for connecting with school and community groups, and ideas for including critical issues of diversity, equity, inclusiveness into your curriculum. We will also join together in a facilitated affinity space where participants can listen, share, heal and provide strategies for moving forward. CDCE is a group of K-16 Chinese heritage educators and non-heritage Chinese language and culture teachers promoting courageous dialogues among teachers communities and in the curriculum.