Teaching Approaches and Strategies

NYU Project DCLT is proud of the many teachers, schools, and programs which have shared a wild variety of approaches and strategies for teaching Chinese as well as languages in general. Click through each title button to see the resources and videos from each event. 

On this Nov. 20th, 2021, DCLT virtual session which featured (1) a presentation by Dan Lauber, NYU Shanghai Assistant Director of Admissions, followed by Q&A. Dan shared with us the ins and outs of what it’s like to be a student at NYU Shanghai - from academics, global experiences, living abroad, learning Chinese and more; (2) Three faculty members from the World Language Program of NYU Shanghai, shared their experiences of teaching Chinese in both Shanghai and NYC, with a focus on using CLT and contextualized learning and assessment at the beginner level Chinese, online technology application in the post-pandemic era, and design and implementation of extra-curriculum learning activities through field trips, theme-based activity, and cross-school language exchange events. Presenters: Dan Lauber, Meng Wang 王蒙, Qiyi Zhang 张绮翼, Xiaoyu Huang 黄晓玥.  Recap this amazing event here!

Sun Xi, President of Washington State Chinese Language Teachers Association and a teacher at Seattle JingMei Chinese-English Immersion School, shared a wide range of resources in her talk on developing resources for thematic units for Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year, integrating about language, culture, history, society, math and other content goals to develop a lesson. Recording of the event.

每年我们都庆祝中国新年,但你有否开发过一个把语言、文化、历史、社会、数学和科学结合起来的中国新年主题教学单元?今年NYU DCLT邀请华盛顿州中文教师协会会长、西雅图景美中英双语学校、纽约大学校友孙希老师, 示范了她所制作的“中秋节主题教学单元”,然后带领大家一起合作制作了“中国新年”主题教学单元大脑风暴。请保存在你的资料库里,以后每年做一些增补更新就可以再次使用。

Sun Xi's resource folder contains a multitude of resources. 

Participating teachers brainstormed and shared activities and materials for the Chinese New Year thematic unit.