Rock That Movie Chinese Video Competition

Rock that Movie 2024 Prize Certificates.pptx

Rock that Movie 2024

Congratulations to all participants!

What was the theme? A Whole New World

How many schools participated this year? 42 video submissions from 265 students at 20 schools

Who are the raters?  Graduate students in NYU MA Foreign Language Education & TESOL programs 

What are the criteria for rating the videos? Content, fluency, accuracy, and filming

Awards announcements and Videos to the left!

Unspoken 暗喻.mp4

Grand Prize

Edward R. Murrow High School

Zhou Xintong, Li Junyan, Lin Yanquan, Miann Lui, Du Tian En, Chen Xingyu, Chen Yuwen

Gold Prize

龙的传说 The Legend of the Dragon

Welcome to the New World

HudsonWay Immersion

Jacob Niu, Chloe Chuang, Israel James, Annika Chen, Delfina Prus-shearer, Jolie Xiang, Remi Wong, Riley Constantin, Theodore Karanikolas, William Zeng

Silver Prize


Robert F Kennedy Community High School

Elise Lin, Xinyue Zhou, Bowen Cao, Kar Yuan Lee, Jerry Chen, Arturo Cheng, Daquan Chen

团结作战太空船上的探索Unity in Battle: Exploration Onboard the Spaceship_LASA_CHN2.mp4

Bronze Prize


Unity in Battle: Exploration Onboard the Spaceship

Liberal Arts and Science Academy

Lucas Kiser, Holland Francis, Joe Wu, Gabe Yin, Inanna Murgo

Celebrating Rock that Movie 2022!

See the winners below! Congratulations to all!

What was the theme? Connected

How many schools participated this year? 39 video submissions from 25 schools in seven states.

Who are the raters?  Graduate students in NYU MA Foreign Language Education & TESOL programs 

What are the criteria for rating the videos? Content, fluency, accuracy, and filming

港湾/ Harbor

Grand Prize Winner 港湾 Habor

 from Edward R. Murrow School 

Rabun Gap Nacoochee School 4th grade 笑容将我们联系在一起.m4v

Elementary School First Prize Winner

笑容将我们联系在一起  Smiles Connect Us Together 

from Rabun Gap Nacoochee School

Rock that Movie 2022 Prize Certificates.pptx

Watch all the Rock that Movie 2022 videos by clicking the links in the slideshow above. 

The Rock that Movie Chinese video competition was developed in 2014 by NYU alumni and Chinese language teachers Qiu Bing (Bronx High School of Science) and Wang Xuan (Suffern Schools, Sidwell Friends). Each year students are invited to produce videos on a specific theme. The videos are rated by students in the NYU M.A. in Teaching Chinese program using rubrics in four categories: Content & Story-Telling, Fluency & Comprehensibility, Linguistic Accuracy, and Technical & Film-making Skills. 

In 2021, 25 videos were submitted to Rock that Movie Competition! 13 teachers suppervised the making of these videos!

The theme of the 2021 "Rock that Movie" event was "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now!" Below, you'll find the slideshow featuring the award-winning videos. Previous years Rock that Movie videos and winners can be found on the NYU Project DCLT Rock that Movie website.

Rock that Movie 2021 Prize Certificates.pptx

In 2020 many students finished their videos remotely when their schools closed prior to the submission deadline. We are particularly inspired by their dedication and enthusiasm, and welcome you to enjoy the videos and create your own video projects!

Rock that Movie 2020 prize-winning videos can be found by clicking the name of the movies in the slideshow below.

Link_Rock that Movie 2020 Prize Certificates.pptx

In 2019, 272 students from 24 schools – two elementary, 14 middle and 24 high schools --submitted 50 videos to the  Rock that Movie competition! A total of 19 teachers supervised the making of the videos. Students from Washington, D.C., Columbus, Ohio, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania and Pewaukee, Wisconsin joined students from across New York City to share their fabulous videos.

Rock that Movie 2019 theme was "When the past meets the future". Here are the Grand Prizes winner.

To watch more videos from 2019 Rock that movie, please click the following button.

From Hudsonway Immersion School

From North Shore Middle School 

rock that movie night 1.mp4

Bronze Prize《破茧》

From Francis Lewis High School

Rock that Movie 2018 theme was Do the Right Thing: Making the world a better place for all of us 

To watch more videos from 2018 Rock that movie, please click the following button.

Gold Prize: Circle

From New Utrecht High School

Right thing.mp4

Silver Prize: Do the right thing (2/3)” 

From The Bronx High School of Science

 From TC Williams High School 

Rock that Movie 2017 theme was Our friendly wish for the world is...

To watch more videos from 2017 Rock that movie, please click the following button.

Rock that Movie 2016 theme was A day in the life: a documentary

To watch more videos from 2016 Rock that movie, please click the following button.