
NYU Project Developing Chinese Language Teachers (DCLT) was established in fall 2007 with a grant from the Freeman Foundation. In that first December we held our first roundtable, presented by veteran NYC teacher Dezeng Peng and attended by approximately 20 teachers. At the end of the roundtable, no one wanted to leave, and we took up one teacher's suggestion that we hold monthly events! Since, NYU Project DCLT has mentored schools and teachers; presented at countless conferences along with our teachers, and held more than 100 professional development forums and workshops! In spring 2020, all events were moved online during the pandemic, but our work continued!  We are so grateful for your support and the support of the Freeman Foundation, and hope to see you at our next event.   -Robin Harvey & Frank Lixing Tang

Fall 2007: First DCLT Roundtable

NYU-ECNU Research Symposium, 2013

Fall Forum, 2016

Virtual Forum, April 2020

Project Staff

何柔彬 Robin Harvey, Ph.D.

Clinical Associate Professor, MMS

Director, Project DCLT                                                                


Robin Harvey is Project Director and Principal Investigator for NYU Project DCLT. She is a Clinical Associate Professor of World Language Education, TESOL, and Bilingual Education in the Multilingual/Multicultural Studies Program of New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development. She is formerly Co-Director of NYU Steinhardt’s new MA TESOL program at NYU Shanghai.

Harvey is the former program director of NYU’s StarTalk Immersion Training Program for Teachers of Chinese (1-6). She has taught English to elementary school children in Taiwan and is a former middle school Mandarin teacher. In 2004 she founded Greenwich Village Chinese, an afterschool and summer Chinese language program for students from toddler to 8th grade. Harvey is co-author (with Pauline Huang) of Rhythms and Tones: Inventive Songs & Chants for Learning Chinese (Chinasprout, 2010), and Rhythms and Tones 2 (Chinasprout, 2012). Her research focuses on language and literacy development in early childhood and childhood Chinese bilingual and immersion settings, inquiry-based pedagogy and language learning, and pedagogical approaches to teaching across global contexts.

唐力行 Frank Lixing Tang, Ph.D.

Co-Director, Project DCLT

Multilingual Multicultural Studies                                                          


Frank L. Tang, Project Co-Director, established Project DCLT in fall 2007. He is the former program leader of Multilingual Multicultural Studies at NYU and professor of foreign language education at New York University.

Dr. Tang has been actively involved in promoting the growth of Chinese teaching in the U.S. He has been actively involved in Asia Society's Chinese Language Initiative. Dr. Tang is also a founding member of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York, and the Shuangwen Dual Language School of English and Chinese, and an advisory board member of the Dual Language High School of East Asian Studies. He developed the NYU certification track program in foreign language education (Chinese) in 199, the first of its kind on the east coast.

Dr. Tang earned his bachelor's degree from Shanghai Teachers College in 1968 and his MA from Shanghai Teachers University in 1981. In 1989 he received his PhD in TESOL at New York University. Dr. Tang has worked extensively with New York City public schools as a teacher, staff developer, and in various administrative capacities, and maintains his strong affiliation with the NYC Department of Education.

Dr. Tang actively pursues his research interests, which include second/foreign language teaching methodology, language-learning strategies, second language reading, and cross-cultural studies.

郭恺雯 Kaiwen (Caren) Guo

Project Assistant, Project DCLT                                                  


Caren is an undergraduate freshman at NYU Steinhardt majoring Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education. She has been DCLT's project assistant since Fall 2022. 

Thank you to all the graduate and undergraduate students who have worked with us and supported Project DCLT for the past 16 years !

Jianen (Jimmy) Xiao

Li Shu

Huichen (Chloe) Yu

Yimeng Jiang

He (Diana) Luo

Xue Zhao

Haumin Lum

Jiaying Zhang

Jessica Tan

Tianyi (Ty) Ying

Yawei Zhang

Che (Sophie) Huang

Harshul Balani

Joy Zhu

Xinyan (Helen) Song

Kaiwen (Caren) Guo