Invited talk
1. 2024/8/25 Neuromodulation for Pain, invited by 2024 3rd Taiwan Society for Neuroscience TSfN Congress. [Link] [PDF] [Link]
2. 2024/8/24 Modulation of Hippocampal Cells and Connections: Implication for Anxiety - From Cell, Circuit to Behavior, invited by 2024 3rd Taiwan Society for Neuroscience TSfN Congress. [Link] [PDF] [Link]
3. 2024/6/28 Using opto-/ chemo-genetic actuators to interrogate brain circuits and control avoidance behavior 利用光/化學遺傳學工具解析腦迴路與控制迴避行為, invited by 2024 39th Biology Retreat. [Link] [Link]
4. 2024/6/26 學門召集人 Round Table Discussion, invited by 2024 39th Biology Retreat. [Link] [Link]
5. 2024/05/03 利用光/化學遺傳學工具解析腦迴路與控制行為 , invited by College of Life Sciences, National Chung Hsing University. [Link] [Link]
6. 2024/04/25 Hippocampus Research – From Cells and Circuits to Behavior 海馬體研究 - 從細胞和迴路到行為, invited by Department of Medical Research, Taipei Veterans General Hospital. [Link] [Youtube]
7. 2024/04/08 A Neural Circuit Gates Negative Emotion & Nociception in Chronic Pain 杏仁核迴路機制調控疼痛與負面情緒之研究, invited by MACKAY Medical college. [Link]
1. 2023/09/27 Modulating Hippocampal Neurons and Connections: Implications for Anxiety,GRC Distinguished Seminar, invited by the 中央研究院基因體研究中心. [Link]
2. 2023/05/28 – 2023/06/2 Invited talk (talk title: Hypothalamic glutamate/GABA co-transmission modulates hippocampal circuits and supports long-term potentiation) in Spring Hippocampus Research Conference in Verona, Italy.
3. 2023/04/07 Hippocampal Mossy Cell Circuitry and Function, 現代生物醫學講座,invited by the Department of Neurosciences and Brain Disease Center, China Medical University.
4. 2023/03/23 利用光/化學遺傳學工具解析腦迴路與控制行為,invited by MACKAY Medical college. [Link]
5. 2023/03/07 利用光遺傳/化學遺傳學工具解析腦迴路與控制行為, 學術專題講座,invited by the Department of Life Sciences, National Cheng Kung University. [Link] [PDF]
2021/05/07 神經科學的未來 聯結體與行為的關連 (The future of neuroscience - the relationship between connectome and behavior) :博、碩士班之綜合討論(Grand Round):Invited by 中山醫學大學 醫學研究所.
2021/10/01 110年度生命科學新進教師學者研習營研究計畫書撰寫策略 (研究計畫類)
2021/08/06 110 年度生理醫學研習會暨科技部研究成果發表會 (研究計畫申請經驗分享 )
1. 2020/12/30 Neural mechanisms underlying emotion and cognition: Invited by Seminar in Academia Sinica: The Neuroscience Program of Academia Sinica (NPAS).
2. 2020/12/05 Detecting and Manipulating Anxiety-related Cells in the Brain: Invited by BioPro Workshop: Discovering Brain Science and BioMedincine with Innovative Technologies.
3. 2020/10/30 Reversal of Pain and Affective Comorbidities by Rebalancing Mutual Inhibitory Amygdala Circuits: Invited by 2020 The Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Autumn Camp.
4. 2020/09/27 Inter-dentate Gyrus Inhibition Supports Contextual Memory: Invited by The 1st Asia-Pacific Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience (2020 AP-CCN) Conference: Taiwanese Society for Computational Neuroscience. [Link] [PDF] [Youtube]
5. 2020/09/21 健康與疾病之情感與認知腦機制:台大神經生物與認知科學中心15周年慶:腦科學週 腦力啟航系列活動:Invited by 台灣大學神經認知與科學研究中心. [Link] [PDF]
1. 2019/09/19 An Amygdala Neural Ensemble Mediates Both Sensory and Negative Affective Components of Chronic Pain: Invited by The 11th NYMU-HU Bilateral Symposium, 2019. [Link]
2. 2019/08/29 Co-transmission of glutamate and GABA by supramammillary nucleus neurons facilitates hippocampal LTP: Invited by Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS, Russia.
3. 2019/07/15 IN-N-OUT of Dentate Inhibitory Circuits: Invited by Dr. Ching-Lung Hsu, Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Ashburn, Virginia, USA. [Link]
4. 2019/06/20 In search of the memory engram: Invited by Research Center for Applied Sciences (RCAS), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
5. 2019/04/23 Hippocampal dentate gyrus - from circuits to behaviors: invited by Mackay Medical College, Taiwan.
6. 2019/04/16 Deconstructing Psychophysiology of Chronic Pain: Invited by Dr. Hannah Monyer, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany.
7. 2019/03/31 Are there pain engrams? (有疼痛記憶痕跡嗎?): 2019 年春季北區頭痛研討會: invited by Taiwan Headache Society and Taiwan Neurological Society, Taipei, Taiwan. [Link]
1. 2018/11/22 IN-N-OUT of Dentate GABAergic Interneurons: invited by College of Life Science, National Tsing Hua University. [Link]
2. 2018/11/21 A tunable hippocampal affective circuitry: from single neurons to behavior: Symposium on Systems Neuroscience: invited by Institute of Systems Neuroscience, NTHU, Taiwan.
3. 2018/10/24 Hippocampal dentate gyrus - from circuits to behaviors: invited by School of Medicine, National Taiwan University.
4. 2018/09/19 A tunable hippocampal long circuitry for anxiety: invited by 10th Bilateral Meeting 2018 between Heidelberg University and National Yang-Ming University (Taiwan) in Heidelberg.
5. 2018/09/17 Circuit specificity in the inhibitory architecture of the dentate gyrus: DANDRITE lecture: invited by DANDRITE, Dept. Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Denmark. [Link]
6. 2018/09/10 Connectivity and function of a longitudinal hippocampal circuitry: The 29th Ion Channel Meeting: invited by CIRB, CNRS UMR, Collège de France.
7. 2018/08/24 如何調控腦中太極來控制心智行為? : 基礎研究與生技製藥的對話: Invited by 永信李天德醫藥科技獎得獎人聯誼會.
8. 2018/06/08 Investigating hippocampal dorsoventral connections: implication for mood disorders (海馬迴長軸之聯結性與功能與焦慮症之關聯): invited by Chung Shan Medical University.
9. 2018/05/22 IN-N-OUT of the Inhibitory Circuit Architecture of the Hippocampus: Invited by School of Veterinary Medicine National Taiwan University. [Link]
10. 2018/05/11 Deconstructing Psychophysiology of Chronic Pain: Invited by China Medical University, Taiwan.
11. 2018/05/09 探討海馬迴長軸之聯結性與非記憶性功能: 對焦慮與憂鬱症之關聯: Invited by 振興醫療財團法人振興醫院.
12. 2018/04/12 Deconstructing Psychophysiology of Chronic Pain: Invited by Institute of Cellular and Systems Medicine, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan.
13. 2018/02/20 Circuit specificity in the inhibitory architecture of the dentate gyru: invited by Neuroscience Institute of Alicante, Spain.
14. 2018/02/13 IN-N-OUT of Dentate GABAergic Interneurons: Invited by Hannah Monyer, University of Heidelberg, Germany.
15. 2018/01/19 Deconstructing Psychophysiology of Chronic Pain: Invited by Department of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan.
1. 2017/12/21 Deconstructing Psychophysiology of Chronic Pain: Innsbruck Neuroscience Research Network: Invited by University of Innsbruck, Austria. [Link]
2. 2017/11/23 Deconstructing Psychophysiology of Chronic Pain: Invited by Institute of Biomedical Sciences, China Medical University, Taiwan.
3. 2017/11/20 Deconstructing Pyschophysiology of Chronic Pain: Taiwan EMBO Partnership Symposium: Invited by EMBO and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan.
4. 2017/11/18 Deconstruction of psychophysiology of chronic pain: Frontiers in Translational Medicine 2017: Invited by Institute for Translational Research in Biomedicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan. [Link]
5. 2017/09/26 IN-N-OUT of Dentate GABAergic Interneurons: Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Neuroscience: Invited by University of Szeged, Hungary. [Link]
6. 2017/09/20 Differences in synaptic dynamics between somatic and dendritic inhibition in the hippocampus: FENS Regional Meeting: Invited by University of Pécs', Hungary. [Link]
7. 2017/09/11 Background K+ conductance mediates rapid EPSP attenuation in oligodendrocyte precursor cells: 28th Ion Channel Meeting / 6th workshop SFICT: Invited by Collège de France. [Link]
8. 2017/09/05 How innovative neurotechnologies have advanced our understanding of brain and mind: ACADEMIC SUMMER - SAILING SEASON 2017: Invited by The Berlin & Brandenburg Branch of the German Humboldt Club and the Academic Sailing Club of Berlin. [Link]
9. 2017/06/22 IN-N-OUT of dentate GABAergic interneurons: Neuroscience Colloquium Summer semester 2017: Invited by Charite University Hospital Berlin. [Link]
10. 2017/06/19 IN-N-OUT of dentate GABAergic interneurons: The seminar of Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (IPMC): Invited by Sophia Antipolis, France.
11. 2017/05/19 Resolving the neural circuits of comorbid chronic pain and anxiety: The 2nd International Taiwanese Congress of Neurology and Annual Meeting of Taiwan Neurological Society: Invited by Taiwan Neurological Society.
12. 2017/05/17 腦與神經性疾病: 生醫科學研究─臨床與基礎的對話: Invited by 國立陽明大學新世代跨領域科學人才培育計畫.
13. 2017/01/25 Perturbation of Amygdala Neuron Excitability Diminishes Pain- and Anxiety-Related Behaviors: The NeuroCure Lunchtime Seminar in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Invited by Charite University Hospital Berlin.
1. 2016/12/14 Resolving the neural circuits of comorbid chronic pain and anxiety: Invited by 振興醫療財團法人振興醫院.
2. 2016/10/15 淺談老年失智: 預防與照顧 健康講座: Invited by 德南臺灣廠商聯誼會.
3. 2016/09/16 Chemogenetic perturbation of central amygdala neuron excitability reduces pain- and anxiety-like behaviors: Invited by 中央研究院 Brain Circuits and Diseases Symposium.
4. 2016/06/15 Chemogenetic perturbation of central amygdala neuron excitability reduces pain- and anxiety-like behaviors: Invited by 第三屆國立陽明大學-廈門大學 雙邊研討會.
5. 2016/04/23 淺談老年失智: 預防與照顧: Invited by 萊茵台北中文學校.
6. 2016/04/19 Dentate Gyrus GABAergic Circuits: IN-N-OUT Synapses: Invited by Université de Liège.
7. 2016/02/20 淺談老年失智: 預防與照顧: Invited by 漢堡中華會館.
8. 2016/01/28 CNS Inhibition : Interneuron IN-N-OUT: Invited by 長庚大學.
1. 2015/12/07 Inhibitory control of memory circuits: Invited by EMBO/Neural Development Conference.
2. 2015/12/02 Dentate Gyrus GABAergic Circuits: IN-N-OUT Synapses: Invited by NeuroCure, Charite.
3. 2015/11/30 淺談老年失智: 預防與照顧: Invited by 駐德國柏林大使館.
4. 2015/11/19 Pathway-specific recruitment of dentate gyrus interneurons: Invited by 10th Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society with International Participation and the Taiwan-Czech Neuroscience Symposium.
5. 2015/11/17 Pathway-specific recruitment of dentate gyrus interneurons: Invited by Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Science.
6. 2015/11/02 Dentate gyrus GABAergic circuits: In-N-Out synapses: Invited by The Royal Society of Edinburgh /Ministry of Science and Technology Neuroscience Workshop.
7. 2015/08/16 - 2015/08/21 Pathway-Specific Recruitment of Dentate Gyrus Interneurons: Invited by Gordon Research Conference.
1. 2014/11/20 Dynamic Inhibitory Control of the Gateway of the Hippocampus: Invited by NIA/seminar.
2. 2014/10/23 Role of panic disorder-associated gene ACCN2 in synaptic function and fear memory: Invited by 國立中山大學 生科系.
3. 2014/10/19 Shunting Inhibition controls the gateway of the hippocampus: Invited by 中德學術交流協會/The 2nd East Asia German Alumni Symposia in Life Science.
4. 2014/10/08 Dynamic Inhibitory Control of the Gateway of the Hippocampus: Invited by 中央研究院 細胞與個體生物學研究所.
5. 2014/09/20 - 2014/09/21 恐慌症相關基因的突觸功能與恐懼記憶的研究: Invited by 2014台灣生物精神醫學會年會.
6. 2014/0707 - 2014/07/08 Shunting Inhibitions Control the Gateway of the Hippocampus: Invited by 2014 國家衛生研究院 生物醫學學術研討會暨何曼德院士紀念研討會.
7. 2014/06/12 - 2014/06/14 Shunting Inhibition Controls the Gateway of the Hippocampus: Invited by 2014香港大學 生理學研討會暨香港神經科學學會與香港生物物理學學會聯席科學會議.
8. 2014/04/30 Application of Passive Cable Theory in Neuroscience: Invited by 國立臺灣大學 理論科學研究中心.
9. 2014/04/23 Organizing Principles for GABAergic Synapses in Memory Microcircuits: Invited by 中華民國細胞及分子生物學學會/第十屆海峽兩岸細胞生物學學術研討會.
10. 2014/04/21 - 2014/04/25 Organizing Principles for GABAergic Synapses in Memory Microcircuits: Invited by 第十屆海峽兩岸細胞生物學學術研討會.
1. 2013/11/28 How Neurotransmitter GABA Controls the Gateway of the Hippocampus?: Invited by 國立成功大學 生命科學系.
2. 2013/11/02 Controlling the Brain with Light: Invited by 2013台灣立體定位功能性神經外科及放射手術學會.
3. 2013/09/10 How Shunting Inhibition Controls the Gateway of the Hippocampus?: Invited by 國立臺灣大學 醫學院腦與心智科學研究所.
4. 2013/07/11 Shunting Inhibition Controls the Gateway of the Hippocampus: Invited by Department of Pharmacology, UC Davis, USA.
1. 2012/12/06 Role of ASIC in Alzheimer's Disease: Friend or Foe?: Invited by 台灣波蘭神經科學研討會: 神經老化.
2. 2012/11/20 The role of acid-sensing ion channel in synaptic function, learning and memory: Invited by 國立陽明大學 藥理學科暨藥理學研究所.
3. 2012/11/01 The two faces of GABA in the adult brain: Invited by 中国科学院 神经科学研究所.
4. 2012/10/25 Distinct dynamic switch of GABA release in fast-spiking and non-fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons in the hippocampus: Invited by KOJACH Symposium 2012 in Pusan/Korean Physiological Society.
5. 2012/09/12 Role of acid-sensing ion channel in synaptic function, learning and memory: Invited by Institute of science and technology, Austria.
6. 2012/07/27 - 2013/09/27 Acid-Sensing Ion Channels in The Hippocampus: Invited by Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Heidelberg University.
7. 2012/06/15 The two faces of GABA in the adult brain: Invited by 中國醫藥大學 神經科學與認知科學研究所.
8. 2012/02/23 國衛院計畫申請經驗分享說明會: Invited by 國立陽明大學 研發處計畫業務組.
1. 2011/08/10 GABA is Depolarizing in Granule Cells of the Adolescent and Adult Dentate Gyrus: Invited by UST-UCSD I-RICE Symposium.
2. 2011/07/15 Acid-Sensing Ion Channel in the Hippocampus: Invited by 國立陽明大學 德國海德堡大學 雙方合作人員交流計畫.
3. 2011/06/01 How Single Small Glass Pipettes Revolutionize Our Understanding of The Brain?: Invited by 台北榮民總醫院 外科部.
4. 2011/05/24 Acid-Sensing Ion Channels in The Hippocampus: Any Role in Synaptic Transmission?: Invited by 國立中央大學 生命科學系.
5. 2011/04/29 Acid-Sensing Ion Channels in The Hippocampus: Any Role in Synaptic Transmission?: Invited by 國立清華大學 生命科學院系統神經科學研究所.
1. 2010/12/02 Acid-Sensing Ion Channels in The Hippocampus: From Genes To Function: Invited by 第四屆海峽兩岸神經科學研討會.
2. 2010/10/09 Acid-Sensing Ion Channels (ASICs) in The Hippocampus: From Genes To Function: Invited by 中華民國基礎神經科學學會.
3. 2010/05/28 Acid-Sensing Ion Channel in The Hippocampus: Invited by 中國醫藥大學.
4. 2010/03/24 Cell Type-Specific Expression of Acid-Sensing Ion Channels in Hippocampal Interneurons: Invited by 中央研究院.
5. 2010/03/19 Acid-Sensing Ion Channels in The Central Nervous System and Their Potential Niche in Neurological Diseases: Invited by 國防醫學院.
1. 2009/12/23 Cell Type-Specific pH Sensing & Calcium Homeostasis of Hippocampal Neurons: Invited by 國立臺灣大學 醫學院.
2. 2009/06/10 Correlating Function and Gene Expression of Individual Hippocampal Neurons: Invited by 中山醫學大學.
3. 2009/04/13 pH Sensing and Calcium Signaling in Hippocampal GABAergic Interneurons: Invited by 台北榮民總醫院 神經內科.
1. 2008/12/26 pH Sensing Ion Channels in The Hippocampus: Invited by 長庚大學.
2. 2008/11/13 Differential pH sensing between neurons and astrocytes of rat hippocampus: Invited by 國防醫學院.
1. 2007/12/06 Fast Channels for Fast Signaling Generation in Hippocampal Interneurons: Invited by 1st International Conference of Viral Membrane Proteins, 國立陽明大學.
2. 2007/11/22 Molecular Mechanisms of High-Frequency Action Potential Generation in Hippocampal Interneurons: Invited by 國立清華大學 生科系.
3. 2007/08/22 - 2007/08/24 Visual stimuli induce long-term plasticity in a developing visual system: Invited by 第23屆生物夏令營研討會.
4. 2007/06/05 Molecular Mechanisms of High-Frequency Action Potential Generation in Hippocampal Interneurons: Invited by 國立中央大學 認知神經科學研究所.
5. 2007/04/19 Queer Channels in Hippocampal Basket Cells: h-Current Without Sag: Invited by 第六屆海峽兩岸細胞生物學學術研討會.
6. 2007/04/16 Queer channels in hippocampal basket cells: h-current without sag: Invited by 中央研究院.
7. 2007/02/02 Molecular mechansims of high-frequency action potential generation in hippocampal GABAergic interneruons: Invited by 中華民國細胞及分子生物學學會/第15屆細胞及分子新知研討會.
1. 2006/12/12 Application of patch clamp technique in neuroscience: Invited by 國立成功大學 生命科學系.
2. 2006/12/08 Molecular Mechanism of Fast-Spiking Pattern in GABAergic Intereurons: Invited by 國立臺灣大學 動物學研究所.