
Setup Schedule: [Link].

Lab Duty: [Link].

Borrowing List: [Link].

Lien Lab Chemical List: [Link].

Lien Lab Item List: [Link].


Buddy System:

Men learn while they teach!

The Buddy System is designed to break in new students and give them a helping hand and make sure they find their way around and settle in more quickly. All new students are assigned a buddy group. The old-timers help the new students by answering questions and showing them around. Together the group can enjoy all the lab activities that takes place at the start of the semester.


Lab Meeting:

All lab members will discuss lab business every Friday (4:30-5:00 PM). Lab members are encouraged to report their technical problems or common interests in the meeting. It provides a great opportunity for information exchange and for everyone to contribute their thoughts and ideas.



Students will give brief (<10 min; 2-3 slides) progress reports on their own work every Friday (5:00-5:50 PM) and the free, unhampered discussion that follows. Presenters will be assigned in advance by the lab Head. It is customary that the students of very slow progress on their project will frequently present their work. [Meeting Link]


Journal Club:

The Journal Club is held on Friday (5:50-7:00 PM) weekly. Lab members take it in turns to present a recent, cutting-edge research paper and the PI will lead discussions. English is the language of presentation. Journal Club provides an environment for students to hone their presentation skills and scientific interests. The Journal Club is a wonderful opportunity for lab members to regularly present newly published papers to lab members. [Meeting Link]


Dinner Seminar:

The Dinner Seminar is held on second Tuesday (5:00-7:00 PM) monthly. Lab members take it in turns to present a recent, cutting-edge research paper. English is the language of presentation. Dinner Seminar provides an environment for students to hone their presentation skills and scientific interests. The Dinner Seminar is a wonderful opportunity for lab members to regularly present newly published papers to lab members. [Meeting Link]


One-on-One Meeting:

One-on-one meetings are held between a team leader and team member. Students will have time to show their data to the PI and discuss the direction of their own work.


Poster Sessions:

Students in the Lien Lab are required to attend the annual biomedical meeting (held between February and March) in National Defense University or poster exhibition and competition (held June) in YM University before obtaining their Master or PhD degrees.


Annual Report:

All lab members will give detailed progress reports annually before the end of year. After the stressful reports, all students will join the annual party to celebrate the end of the year.


Farewell Party:

We will have farewell party occasionally for the lab members who are leaving the lab.


Mid-Autumn Festival Party:

We hold a BBQ party around the Mid-Autumn Festival annually.


Potluck Party:

We make a potluck party in December annually. Everyone participating brought a dish for all to share.


Wanderung (Lab Hiking Trips):

We have outdoor activity such as hiking trips in early spring.