ONLY for NKY Health Employees

Welcome!  Please be aware that this site is only one of three employment-related sites available to NKY Health Employees.  There are two other sites that you will use regularly. You will hop to and from the other two sites while you are navigating through this Orientation Site.  Throughout your career at NKY Health, all three will be at your fingertips for important information. The other two sites are:

HR Site for Employees:  Contains information about benefits, compensation, job vacancies, benefits. 

Workplace Safety Site:  Contains valuable safety information, including Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for every chemical product that NKY Health provides for work use, even including something as simple as white-out.  Be sure to read the SDS for any chemical product before you use it to ensure that you know how to use it safely. 

Please have the paper color-coded checklist you received from HR
in front of you before you proceed.

The sections below should match the section headings on your checklist. Please expand each section below to find each item on the checklist. 

Prior to Your First Day (30 minutes)

Prior to your first day at NKY Health, you should have done all of the following with Human Resources (HR) or a designee:

Please either initial and date these items on your checklist now or notify Human Resources (HR) immediately if you have skipped any of these items.

As you complete each of the remaining items on the color-coded checklist, please initial and date it. When you have completed all items, please sign it and give it to your supervisor.

Starting On Your First Day and Continuing

If you haven't already done so, please either initial and date the items you completed prior to your first day on your checklist now or notify Human Resources (HR) immediately if you have skipped any of these items.

Please complete each of the remaining items on the color-coded checklist. Please try to complete the yellow items on your first day; the blue items within within seven (7) days; and the magenta items within thirty (30) days. As you complete each item, please initial and date it. When you have completed all items, please sign the checklist and give it to your supervisor.

Benefits by Employee Category (1 Hour)

Please use the links below to access information about the major fringe benefits that NKY Health provides. 

Each link will take you to a page on a different site.  When you get to that page, please read all the information about the benefit and complete any forms required for enrollment/election.  When you're ready to leave that page and come back to this page, please either close the tab for the page or use the red "Orientation" bar at the bottom of the page.

Items with an asterisk (*) on this page are items you must submit to HR.  Some forms are automated, meaning that you complete and submit them from the page.  Other forms are fillable, meaning that they are designed to be downloaded and completed electronically and then printed, signed, and scanned to HR. Click here for specific instructions about how to submit items to HR. Your supervisor will show you how to use the scanner at your site.

ALL EMPLOYEES:  (if NKY Health will pay you by having you submit a timecard through our payroll system)

ALL FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME MERIT SYSTEM EMPLOYEES:  (if you received an offer letter from HR instead of a contract from someone else)

FULL TIME MERIT SYSTEM EMPLOYEES:  (if you received an offer letter from HR and are scheduled to work 40+ hours/week)

Please browse the HR Site for Employees for information about additional benefits that NKY Health offers.

ADP's Workforce Now (WFN) (1 Hour)

Register and verify/set up personal data in ADP's WFN.

NKY Health uses Advanced Data Processing's (ADP's) Workforce Now (WFN) to serve as the:

NKY Health has already entered some data for you. Please review it for accuracy, correct anything that is inaccurate, and enter the remainder of the information, including demographics. Please be sure the information about you is always current and accurate. 

To get started, please check your email for a message from ADP containing your Personal Registration Code (PRC).  Once you receive the PRC, go to the ADP Portal  and set up your account as instructed in the ADP WFN Setting Up & Maintaining Your Info reference.  Please be sure to set up all items requested.

Please email if you need assistance.

NKY Health Information (2 Hours + 45 Minutes)

Please be aware that this site is only one of three employment-related sites available to NKY Health Employees.  There are two other sites that you will use regularly. During your orientation you will hop to and from them.  Throughout your career at NKY Health, they will be at your fingertips for important information. They are:

HR Site for Employees:  Contains information about benefits, compensation, job vacancies, benefits. 

Workplace Safety Site:  Contains valuable safety information, including Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for every chemical product that NKY Health provides for work use, even including something as simple as white-out.  Be sure to read the SDS for any chemical product before you use it to ensure that you know how to use it safely. 

Notices (15 Minutes)

DAY 30: Please use the scrollbars in the box to view the entire notices below.

Notice #1: Employee Rights Under the Family and Medical Leave Act

Employee Rights Under the FMLA - English 4-2016.pdf

Notice #3: KY Law Requires Equal Employment Opportunity

KY Law Requires Equal Employment Opportunity 6-27-2019.pdf

Worksite Tasks for Employees (90 Minutes)

For Your Reference 

These are just a few lists to help keep you organized. You won't find them on your checklist.

List of Items to Complete, Print and Scan to Human Resources (HR)

You will notice that some Items on your color-coded checklist are marked with a red HR.  Unless otherwise instructed by HR, these items must be completed, printed, signed and scanned to your email then forwarded to HR within designated time frames as you complete them.  (NOTE: Be sure to include all pages of each document and scan each document as a separate .PDF file.)

You will find these forms embedded on the pages you will access to learn more about your benefits. 

For your convenience they are listed here:

On Your First Day

You will need to complete these items, download them, print them, sign them then scan them as .PDFs.:

Within 30 Days

Within 35 Days

List of Items to Print and Give to Your Supervisor

Items marked with a red "S" on your color-coded checklist must be printed and given you to your supervisor when you are all finished with the checklist. You will find these forms embedded on the pages you will access as you complete your orientation.   

These items are:

Annual Required Training and Acknowledgements (New Employees Should Skip this Section)