HIPAA and Confidentiality

AFTER 7/1/2024

Please complete all the items that are on your checklist; you may skip any that are not on your checklist.


NKY Health
10 minutes

BEFORE 7/1/2024

DPH HIPAA Employee Orientation (Module 1020107) on TRAIN

HIPAA Slideshow

KY Department of Public Health (DPH)35 minutes

Please complete this module if you meet any of these criteria:

If this is your first time using TRAIN, you will need to create an account. Click here for  more information about TRAIN

There is no need to print the certificate.

HIPAA, HITECH and HIPAA Omnibus Rule Training.pdf

HIPAA, HITECH and HIPAA Omnibus Rule Training

NKY Health10 minutes

Please view this slideshow if you meet any of these criteria:

Staff Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure 

NKY Health1 minute

Please read this agreement no matter what category you fall into.

Please use the link to access the agreement and be sure to read all sections.

Notice of Privacy Practices

NKY Health1 minute

Please read this notice if you meet any of these criteria:

Please use the link to access the notice and be sure to expand and read all sections.

Privacy and Security of Protected Health, Confidential, and Sensitive Information Guidelines

NKY Health3 minutes

Please read these guidelines no matter what category you fall into.

Please use the link to access the guidelines and be sure to expand and read all sections.

HIPAA Policy and Training Acknowledgement Form

NKY Health1 minute

If you will be onsite at NKY Health for 8+ hours TOTAL, after you complete all the modules above, please agree to this acknowledgement.

Please use the link to access the acknowledgement.