Reading Resources

Other Reading Resources

Online collection of animated, talking picture books which teach young children the joy of reading.

Username: nimitz Password: books

ABDO is a leading educational publisher of books. Many of the non-fiction books in the Nimitz library are published by ABDO. There are QR codes and link for both the elementary and secondary digital bookshelf.

PreK-6 Account: This account can be accessed by clicking HERE

To log onto ABDO direct for PreK-6, please visit:

Username: ABDO Elementary

Password: 2020

Secondary Account (grades 5-12): This account can be accessed HERE

To log onto ABDO direct for grades 5-12, please visit:

Username: ABDO Secondary

Password: 2020

Fun and educational 3000+ ebooks.

Username: continue

Password: reading

Free gold standard e-books on a online reading platform for elementary and middle school students.

Click on elementary stream (K-4) or middle school stream (4th-6th grades).

Four Databases: Animals, Earth & Science, Social Studies, & Biographies for K-3. It’s very user friendly and great for research projects!

Username: Nimitz Password: read

Companion eBooks are available at the end of each article in PebbleGo Science and Animals

This is the next step in research for students in grades 3-6. This contains a States and American Indian module.

Username: Nimitz Password: read

Animated Educational movies, quizzes, and lessons

Username: nimitzes Password: nimitzes

Online encyclopedia, dictionary, and atlas for K-6

Username: nimitzeshi Password: nimitzeshi

Updated online encyclopedia with articles, biographies, videos, and images

Username: nimitzeshi Password: nimitzeshi