Physical Education

Dear students and family members,

The physical education team at our school is working with resources from to help you stay physically active and healthy while our schools are closed. In order to meet physical education goals during this time students must be physically active for 60 minutes each day. Use this physical activity log to record your activity time.

Remember, activity time doesn’t have to happen all at once. You can add up your total activity throughout the day to equal 60 minutes. Students, at the end of each day ask a family member to sign next to the day’s total activity. Then, return the finished log to your physical education teacher when school is back in session.

If our schools are closed for more than 2 weeks, visit to download and print another activity log. Your physical education teachers would also like you to visit the file links for your grade level on the OPEN webpage. From there you’ll be able to download and print physical education resources that are fun and can be done at home.

Thank you for your cooperation. Stay active and stay well.

Sincerely, Your Physical Education Staff

By staying active and completing this physical activity log you’re meeting the following SHAPE America National Physical Education Grade-level Outcomes:

Grades K-5 (Physical Activity Knowledge)

Standard 3 [E1.K,2,3a,5] Identifies active play opportunities outside physical education class (K); Describes physical activities for participation outside physical education class (e.g., before and after school, at home, at the park, with friends, with the family) (2); Charts participation in physical activities outside physical education class (3a); Charts and analyzes physical activity outside physical education class for fitness benefits of activities (5).

Grades 6-8 (Engages in Physical Activity)

Standard 3 [M2.6-8] Participates in self-selected physical activity outside of physical education class (6); Participates in a physical activity twice a week outside of physical education class (7); Participates in physical activity three times a week outside of physical education class (8).

Grades 9-12 (Engages in Physical Activity)

Standard 3 [H6.L1] Participates several times a week in a self-selected lifetime activity, dance, or fitness activity outside of the school day (L1).