A banner for Norfolk & Waveney ICB's Research and Innovation team, with NWICB and NWICS logos

Quality Improvement Hub

NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB supports system-wide quality improvement (QI) activities. We support the system to co-ordinate QI training opportunities and share best practice across partners. We also provide a quality improvement support function for colleagues in primary care.

We co-ordinate the system-wide Quality Faculty which is an opportunity for colleagues to share their quality improvement projects with QI professionals from all our system partners.

We recognise the quality improvement activities are usually the starting point for clinicians and managers in their research and innovation journey. By co-locating the QI function alongside the evidence and evaluation and research development teams, this provides an opportunity for a 'one-stop-shop' where we can signpost colleagues to the appropriate support. 

Jenny Lane

Head of Quality Improvement