A banner for Norfolk & Waveney ICB's Research and Innovation team, with NWICB and NWICS logos

EE Hub - Evidence Briefings

Restoring diabetes care in general practice

Evaluating the impact of initiatives designed to improve employee retention in a health setting

Restoring diabetes care EB FINAL.pdf
LM EB impact on retention FINAL.pdf

Digital Literacy Assessment Tools

Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a new Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system in an acute setting

EPR EB1 Digital literacy tools v1 08.12.22.pdf
EPR EB2 Barriers and facilitators v3 21.12.22.pdf

Frameworks for evaluating Electronic Patient Record (EPR) implementation in acute settings

The outcomes of Electronic Patient Record (EPR) implementation in acute settings

EPR EB3 evaluation frameworks v1.3 05.01.23.pdf
EB4 EPR Outcomes v1 19.07.23 (programme board).pdf

Virtual ward

VW Mini evidence briefing v1.1 23.01.23.pdf