Research Delivery Workforce Update
June 2022
Welcome to our Update page, where we share regional & national updates related to training & research delivery workforce matters.
The North West Research Workforce Team work across Greater Manchester and North West Coast LCRNs, ensuring that there is a cohesive workforce, learning & development offer to our Partner Organisations and the wider workforce. Note that our L&D offering is research specific and is designed to supplement the non-research L&D offering of your employing organisation, not replace it.
Please email us at if you have any queries or feedback.
*Please ensure you scroll to the bottom so you don't miss anything*
Research-Specific Training Programmes
Please note that NIHR GCP is currently provided as part of the national suite of online learning only. RDTE is back in the classroom in limited locations and Informed Consent and PI courses are being offered virtually.
To ensure your team are exposed to all that is offered - please ensure you (and any learners you have responsibility for) are familiar with NIHR Learn, (some highlighted below), especially the range of courses available for new starters - to be in a position to request any available training according to any training plans you may have.
Are you getting the most from NIHR Learn?
Our Learning Technologist, Martin Occleston, demonstrates in this recorded session a whole host of useful resources on NIHR Learn that you might not be aware of, and some top tips on how to navigate your way around the system. You can watch the NIHR Learn - Lunchtime Learn Video if you'd like to get a better understanding for yourself.
Our recent NIHR Learn Annual Report has been released, with our highest ever number of learners completing their GCP e-learning.
Virtual & Classroom Events
are listed within the NIHR Learn "Locally Delivered Learning" tab (centre of home page) as one NW-wide identity - CRNs North West (GM & NWC).
As a reminder, here are weblinks to current suggested plans for Research Delivery Teams Learning Plan and Principal Investigators Learning Plan, plus we have a poster of our summarised COVID-19 research training advice & guidance
Support in planning research novice development
If you're planning to support a research novice into your research delivery team, please consider utilising the suggested learning pathway. This is the model used by NW WF Team to create an offer that matches the likely contents of current competency frameworks and is then scheduled to ensure your learner is best placed to consolidate their peer/workplace learning within face to face events.
We plan for incremental learning, using 'spaced repetition', bearing in mind competency frameworks & induction phase timelines and we also use a workforce learning model known as the 70/20/10 rule, with 70% being on the job learning, 20% being peer support and 10% formal learning events. This is described here & other aspects of this work is described across the pages in the Our Approach to....... webpages.
A recent addition to NIHR Learn - Clinical Research in Practice Settings - could be useful in helping new starters settle in if it's used prior to being asked to complete GCP.
There are also several related sections below.
Research Delivery Team Essentials (RDTE)* & Informed Consent (relates only to the Research Delivery workforce)
We offer a Research Delivery Team (RDT) specific learning pathway to our Partners - scheduled by the line manager, in alignment with how it is offered.
Most of the pathway can be accessed directly via NIHR Learn. This is not something the learner should be navigating in isolation - it is expected that the line manager will drive the learning plan and development of research novices, in a timely manner with staff performance & retention in mind.
RDTE is designed to underline the first 3-4 months of development & plan for the next few months ahead - and is a course that necessitates line manager nomination. Course outline.
"Informed Consent" is an additional course to the consent component of RDTE, specifically for those who will seek consent - so should be undertaken after RDTE. It forms part of the Consent Training Pathway. Course outline.
Nominations for Training
We need to be able to schedule these training courses according to demand. Please send us a request via this google form for GM teams and this google form for NWC teams to let us know you have a new starter in post who needs to access RDTE and possibly also Informed Consent.
We will then send them a welcome message and will make contact when a place for Essentials becomes available.
Events & Training, Learning & Development Opportunities
- Research Delivery Team Essentials and Informed Consent
We are planning at least 2 cohorts of RDTE between now and end of Sept and Informed Consent sessions to follow these.
Please see above for process to apply for places.
- Principal Investigator Training - July & September
Offered as part of a PI pathway, we have the following sessions coming up. Please make sure you read the course descriptions before booking to ensure you have the relevant experience required for the sessions. Do email if you are unable to get onto a session so we can prioritise our own workforce.
Becoming a PI (9th September - for those aspiring to become a PI))
PI Essentials (18th July - pre-requisites - NIHR GCP & about to deliver first study or up to first year of taking on the role)
PgCert in Clinical Research Delivery - Sept
Applications are now open for the first cohort. This includes several NIHR funded places. It is an online course being offered by University of Exeter and University of Newcastle. Please click on the university links to find our more about the courses and how to apply. Promotional flyer.
"Applicants may be experienced healthcare professionals from a registered healthcare discipline, such as medicine, nursing, midwifery, allied health professions, pharmacists and healthcare scientists, or those who have worked in a relevant role for at least two years (e.g. clinical trials manager, clinical research practitioners, university postdoctoral researcher)."
CRN North West Coast Launch 'Your Career Path in Research' Resource
This new resource has been developed to support health & care staff explore support available to them throughout their career, from first steps in research onwards.
To keep updated with the opportunities available, bookmark Your Career Path in Research
Applications now open for Early Career Researcher Programme
Cohort 3 of the North West CRN Early Career Researcher Development Pathway (ECRDP) Programme for Nurses, Midwives, Allied Heath Professionals* will begin in October 2022.
As with Cohorts 1&2, CRN North West Coast & Greater Manchester will partner NHS R&D North West in providing the programme.
The following resources illustrate some of the key information, including both CRN strategic aims & priorities.
*please check the application information for the full list of professional groups.
New Learning Resources
NEW! NIHR Learn Insights: Reflective Practice
NIHR Learn Insights is a CPD resource with new instalments every two months and the most recent edition looks at the importance of a Reflective Practice (RP) as part of our development.
In the current edition, we discuss how to build RP into your working, explore case studies, share some templates and provide top tips.
NIHR Learn Insights
Did you know that NIHR Learn Insights is mobile friendly?
Grab a cuppa and take a moment.
Additional Workforce, Learning & Development News & Info
Junior Doctor Research Census
Junior doctors are being asked to share their experiences of clinical research in a new census being carried out in our region.
The project is being led by Dr Sam Hey (pictured), an Internal Medical Trainee at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, in collaboration with CRN GM.
Feedback will be used to develop projects and tools to facilitate junior and postgraduate doctor involvement in clinical research and support them in becoming the future Principal Investigators of the region.
The census is available online and the deadline is midnight on June 26. Please share with your contacts across the GM network.
NIHR Tomorrow's Leaders Programme 2022
This is specifically aimed at developing collaborations between early career researchers in surgery, oncology, radiology, pathology and palliative care, however anyone who has an interest in cancer research is welcome. The last event of this programme is a f2f workshop in London on 12th July. Registration Details.
NIHR ARC NWC Research Internships 2022
The internships are open to individuals employed within member organisations who have an established interest in research, implementation and evaluation, and are looking to begin the next stage of their research career.
Carry out a research project (we have additional funding for projects related to mental health.)
Complete a Rapid Conversion Evidence Summary project (RaCES).
Prepare an NIHR Research Fellowship application – including Pre-Doctoral Doctoral Fellowship, Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship, Development and Skills Enhancement Award, or Advanced Fellowship.
Applications due by 11th July. More information on their website
Clinical Research Practitioners
Please find the May newsletter which has just been sent out to CRPs on the Directory and Register. This includes
Request for articles for an 'I Support CRP Registration' campaign
Details of the next CRP Drop in Session - Mon 27th June 15:00 – 16:00
National & Regional Workforce Planning Resources
If you are interested in workforce planning; additional workforce; volunteer deployment; skill mix; you may want to view the National & Regional Resources.
Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs)
FutureLearn Courses: note that you can join these at any time although if you want to do it with a 'cohort' of learners these have regular start dates.
With all FutureLearn MOOCs, remember that your do not have to purchase a certificate as you can 'screenshot' your completion page.
What is Health Research? (NIHR/University of Leeds)
For NHS staff, patients and public and is a good first step and overview. Explore the world of health research and the role volunteers play in transforming treatments and improving health care. You can sign up here.
Improving Healthcare through Clinical Research (NIHR/University of Leeds)
In this free online course, find out how medical treatments are discovered, tested and evaluated to improve healthcare for all. This is more technical that the 'What is Health Research?' course. As GCP face to face is not available widely at present, this could be well placed to ensure continuity of formal learning for those who are new to research.
Introduction to Randomised Controlled Trials - University of Birmingham (available now)
Discover the importance of trials in evidence-based medicine and learn about the trial lifecycle from conception to publication. To find out more - weblink here.
Digital Tools for Efficient Clinical Trials (NIHR/University of Southampton)
This course aims to give researchers and trial teams an overview of how digital tools can support the recruitment and retention of trial participants, whilst also considering their possible limitations. The course is open to anyone with an interest in clinical research.
Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
The Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre (ATTC) network have developed a new e-learning programme in collaboration with e-learning for Healthcare. Please share with your networks/communities as appropriate.
The website includes recordings of previous events too.
20th June: NIHR senior investigator awards information for nurses and midwives Very few nurses and midwives have submitted applications or been successful when they have. Get advice and support both for the 2022 and future competitions.
This useful resource includes reports, blogs and events as well as opportunities for PhDs, Fellowships and job opportuinities.
In case you missed it...
Primary Care
There is a Research and Quality Improvement Learning Community for Primary Care on NIHR Learn, as well as a new module which is made up of a series of videos entitled Getting into Research: Primary Care, taken from a conversation between CRN GM and the GP Excellence programme.
Associate PI
The Associate PI scheme recently launched a new website which contains all of the details you need to know about the programme, including what to expect, how to apply, and where to reach out for further information.
Did you know you can follow us on Twitter?
We have a North-West Workforce Learning and Development Twitter account where we share some of the great work going on across our region.
Follow us, tag us when you have something you'd like us to shout about and you never know what opportunities and contacts you might come across along the way!