Submission to HRA

Research Passport/Letters of access

The research passport algorithm helps researchers to identify the type of research activity that they will be conducting and assess whether they need a letter of access or honorary research contract in place

Please read our guidance on completing and submitting a research passport

For a template research CV, please follow the HRA Guidance on Submission of CV.

Study documentation

    • Detailed guidance on information sheets and consent forms for study participants is available on the HRA website here.

    • Information about HRA consent form can be found here.

Submission to HRA

For detailed step by step guidance on HRA Submission please refer to the Student Projects Flowchart.

REC Approval – This decision tool will help you to determine if your study requires REC approval.

HRA submission will use the IRAS form and associated documents (i.e. one single form for REC and R&D), this will set REC and HRA approvals in motion.

    • We have provided a suite of documents located at the bottom of the page to assist you through the application process. These documents are a really good place to start, please check them out.

Useful links:

Defining Research table here.

HRA Decision Tool to classify research.

Student Research Toolkit uses a simple question and answer format to guide the student through to the outcome for them and the research they wish to carry out.

HRA bite-size eLearning modules to help student researchers get it right first time

    • The HRA has launched three bite-size eLearning modules aimed at students and their academic supervisors.

    • The free modules take around 5 to 10 minutes to complete, and can be accessed directly via the HRA’s recently revised student research webpage.


Open Student Guidance Pack