
Personal Development

Training and Personal Development for Researchers

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training

HRA Training

The HRA is finalising the development of 6 eLearning modules aimed at anyone involved in developing associated research and applying for Approval of studies in the UK. Many of the modules were originally developed by NIHR CRN, but have been updated and developed by the HRA.

The modules include:

  • Schedule of Events

  • Medical Devices

  • Researching Human Tissue

  • Research Involving Exposure to Ionising Radiation

  • Research Involving Participants Lacking Mental Capacity

  • Confidentiality and Information Governance Considerations in Research

The majority of these modules were originally developed by NIHR CRN, but have now been substantially updated and developed by the HRA. The content is applicable to all 4 Nations of the UK*. Each module is designed with a number of pathways to allow users to select a role which reflects their own professional interests, based on:

  • Researcher

  • R&D Manager

  • Industry

  • REC Reviewer

  • Assessor

The modules are available on the HRA’s Learning Management System

For further information, please contact the HRA Training Team

IRAS training

  • For IRAS training via the Clinical Research Network:Eastern, please contact CRN:Eastern Communication Manager Nicola West Tel: 01223 257262

Medical Research Council (MRC) - Learning Management System

More training/workshops

For more training and workshops, please visit RD forum website

NIHR Clinical Research Network Learn

  • Click here to get started.

NIHR Academy webinars February and March 2021 - open to staff

The Development and Support series of webinars came about to support NIHR Academy members during COVID-19, but are open to anyone affiliated to the NIHR to attend.

They aim to help develop and support people in their careers through training.

Find the series here.

NIHR Academy launches new leadership development resources

The NIHR Academy has launched a range of leadership webinars, workshops and formal programmes to support leadership and management development. The resources will be of interest to colleagues wishing to reflect on and develop their leadership approaches and skills.

Research skills courses

  • Details can be found here.


HRA bite-size eLearning modules to help student researchers get it right first time

  • The HRA has launched three bite-size eLearning modules aimed at students and their academic supervisors.

  • The free modules take around 5 to 10 minutes to complete, and can be accessed directly via the HRA’s recently revised student research webpage.