GP Resources

A new community of practice has been launched to strengthen research capacity in community-based nursing research through activities like peer support, mentorship, promoting research opportunities and supporting personal development opportunities. This UK-wide community has been started by Ben Bowers, community nurse and end-of-life care researcher at University of Cambridge, along with Catherine Evans, Professor of Palliative Care at King's College, London, and all community nurses from Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England invited to join.


For practices with Vision and EMIS

For more information about CPRD please click here. For information about joining CPRD please click here.

Data Opt-Out

For the research community, the national data opt-out has no impact where a patient has consented to participate in a research study, and has agreed for their data to be used in that study. Nor will it affect studies that use anonymised data.

However, for researchers intending to access confidential patient information without consent in England and making an application through the Confidentiality Advisory Group (CAG), the standard condition of CAG’s advice is that the wishes of people who have withheld or withdrawn their consent (i.e. opted out) are respected.

For more information on national data opt-out in research, please see the HRA website.

Delivering research for all: expectations and aspirations for the NHS in England

Delivering research for all is a new project supported by the RCP that is calling for every clinician working in the NHS to become research active. Click here for more information.

Experiences of nurses midwives and allied health professionals

Find out about what people said about issues such as their research activities, working with colleagues, supporting patients and career progression.

General Practice - My Signals

In My Signals, health and social care staff and service users tell the NIHR what research is important to them and why they feel others need to know about it. Join the conversation on Twitter and tell the NIHR which Signals have interested, excited or surprised you, using #MySignals.

GP trainees to get fully-funded personal indemnity

GP trainees will no longer need to purchase additional personal indemnity from April, under agreements secured by the British Medical Association (BMA). Please see full article here.

Guidance on the scope of the Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice (CNSGP)

The new state-backed indemnity scheme for primary care (Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice) is going live on 1 April 2019. The CNSGP scheme is closely aligned to the CNST with respect to research. Please see further information on the NHS resolution website. There are references to research on the last page where it details that implementation of research is covered, but design of research is not.

The HRA have published frequently asked questions about CNSGP on their website.

Hearing from Research Active Practices

Research Active Practices in 2018-2019.pdf

How commissioners use research evidence

This highlight includes studies into the behaviour of individual managers and the way in which commissioning organisations make sense of and use research information when making decisions.

How to work with Industry

These slides created by Dr Anthony Gunstone (Staploe Medical Centre) explain the best way to work with industry to carry out research at your practice.

NHS Engagement Frontline Staff Community

The Frontline Staff Learning Community is now live on NIHR Learn, please click here for more details.

NIHR Clinical Research Network Eastern (Primary Care)

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network (CRN) is the clinical research delivery arm of the NHS. The Network operates nationally across England through the CRN Coordinating Centre and 15 local branches delivering research in the NHS across all disease areas.

NIHR Enhance your research career

A new campaign to encourage more healthcare professionals to get involved in research has launched.

Coinciding with the birthday of James Lind, a pioneer of clinical trials in the 1700s, Your Path in Research showcases a range of ways healthcare professionals can learn more about the research happening around them every day, as well as how they can take their first or next step in a research career with the NIHR.

Find out more, and use #yourpathinresearch in social media

Nine ways research could save the NHS money

In this highlight, the NIHR have carefully selected nine of their NIHR Signals that show how research could help to save the NHS money.

UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research

The Policy Framework is a new UK wide framework for health and social care research, which sets out principles of good practice in the management and conduct of health and social care research, and the responsibilities of the parties involved. Please see more information here.