Other Grants Including Fellowships

External websites

Research Design Service

The Research Design Service East of England (RDS EoE) helps individuals seeking funding for applied health and social care research. 

The service offers free advice on all aspects of formulating a research proposal including methodology, statistics, health economics and support for public involvement in research. 

Public Health Funding Hub

Individuals seeking funding can access the Public Health at Cambridge Funding Hub. The funding portal offers a guide of main research funders who offer grants or fellowships to UK researchers in areas relevant to public and population health research. If you require further information or details please contact coordinator@publichealth.cam.ac.uk.

Grant flowchart from other sectors

It is strongly advised that researchers engage with Dr Philippa Brice, Head of R&D, at an early stage at the time of registration of intention to submit. This will facilitate the process and ensure there are no unexpected surprises. Don't forget the NIHR RDS advice service can support you in your submission.

N.B. Researchers are advised to liaise with Nicola Ward or Paloma Amigo on service support costs before grant submission.